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Education: Primary

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Musical Training and Academic Achievement in Elementary School Children
How music is taught to beginning students; testing to determine whether music training has an effect on overall academic performance. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 5s $44.75
Teaching History to Elementary Students
The value of teaching history; how it promotes citizenship and helps in learning subjects that have a historical basis. 79yr 4pgs 5fn 3s $35.80
Teaching Geometry in Elementary School
Comparing, contrasting and evaluating various recommendations for teaching Geometry in grade school. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 5s $44.75
Play Therapy and One Little Boy
by Axline. Examines the non-directive theories of play therapy thru successful application to an emotionally disturbed child. 78yr 7pgs 0fn 2s $62.65
Piaget's Pre-Operational Stage
Examines thru observation, the egocentricity v. non-egocentricity phenomena in elementary school children. 79yr 18pgs 17fn 14s $161.10
Infant Observation: 3 1/2 to 5 months
Observation of behavior at home and a hospital stay. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
A Science Learning Program for 3rd Grade
Offers a plan for teaching a lesson on the solar system. 79yr 10pgs 0fn 6s $89.50
Teaching Comprehension in Reading and the Theories of Hayakawa
Examines the teaching process essential for the student to understand beyond mere word meaning to understand and interpret and comprehend full meaning. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Nursery School Education and Its Effect on the Child's Future
Examines the two primary approaches to nursery school, the laissez,-faire and the authoritarian. 79yr 4pgs 2fn 5s $35.80
Play Realty and Fantasy
Examines play as a means of experimentation, discovery and unconscious expression of the self and the role of imitation. 79yr 5pgs 1fn 1s $44.75
Grade School Testing Program
Proposes a program for culture free aptitude testing including instruction, guidance, administration and research of testing. 79yr 8pgs 0fn 4s $71.60
Language in the Elementary School
Based on HEW studies indicating radical decrease in reading scores since 1965 and suggestions for upgrading the teaching process. 79yr 5pgs 6fn 4s $44.75
Principles and Practices of Elementary Education
Based on the views of Katz, focuses on urban education and bureaucratic intervention. 80yr 5pgs 2fn 4s $44.75
The Relationship Between Perceptual Motor Experience in a Kindergarten Program and Reading Readiness Ability
Compares and assesses the relationship between these two, including review of literature, hypothesis, definitions, procedures, measurement techniques, design, and analysis of data. Includes abstract and appendix. 80yr 50pgs 0fn 14s $447.50
Children's Books and Sex Education
Proposes feasible ways of presenting information related to reproduction and sex. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Sesame Street
Discusses childhood viewing patterns, implications of imitation, entertainment vs. education and future trends of media education. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Elementary School Drop-Out Prevention
Examines teacher, administrator and student as they contribute to the school operation, innovative curriculum development, avoidance of learning problems and sound emotional growth as variables effecting the students' educational development and choice a. 80yr 24pgs Afn 14s $214.80
Aiding Childrens' Development Through Creative Movement
An analysis of the role non-verbal communication plays in enhancing pre-school and K-3 development in areas of musical and dramatic or pantomime, depicting the teacher's role in producing a stimulating environment. 80yr 16pgs 18fn 13s $143.20
Effectiveness of Bilingual Elementary Education Programs (A Proposal)
Examines the effect of bilingual education programs on elementary students to determine quality and types of programs most effective in establishing communication. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 20s $44.75
Teaching Art in Secondary
Discusses the psychological benefits derived and motivational techniques the teacher can employ in art education. 80yr 7pgs 9fn 8s $62.65
Bilingual Education and Self-Concept in Elementary Students
Focuses on the relationship between concept with hypothesis, literature review, method and results of test data as related to the Spanish Speaking population. Includes tables of results. 80yr 20pgs Afn 7s $179.00
Hansel and Gretel
Perceived thru Piagetian theories. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 2s $44.75
The Power of Play
As it furthers creativity and advances learning and as a basis for ego satisfaction. Notes spontaneity and insight rather than logical problem solving techniques as creative learning. 80yr 20pgs 20fn 12s $179.00
Violence of Children in Elementary School Years
Considers behavioral and environmental violence and the influence which serve to promote aggressive behavior. 80yr 9pgs 16fn 8s $80.55
Learning Disabilities in Elementary School Children
Examines the Autistic child and his specific difficulties with suggestions for diagnosis and curriculum planning. 80yr 5pgs 6fn 2s $44.75
Kindergarten Social Studies
Discusses bases and methods of instruction to be found in the school's immediate area. 81yr 12pgs 3fn 6s $107.40
A teaching Guide for 3rd (Third) Grade Science Classes
A useful sketch including the various scientific aspects necessary for completing the 3rd grader's science requirement. 81yr 10pgs 11fn 0s $89.50
An Elementary Social Studies Unit: "Communication Through Travel."
An exemplary model for the social studies in a secondary school, using the theme of travel as a primary role-concept. 81yr 13pgs 0fn 15s $116.35
The Relationship of Instruction Sequence and Mental Abilities of Retarded Children
Analyzes the ratio of program content to aptitude on the elementary level. 81yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Van Kindergarten Test
An evaluation of this test to analyze the intellectual and academic potential and behavior adjustment of young children. 81yr 7pgs 8fn 6s $62.65
The Use of Oral Reading and Storytelling at the Elementary Level
A book review of Smith's Creative Teaching of Listening summarizing the benefits of developing positive listening skills among students. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Stuttering in the elementary School Years
Diagnosis and treatment modalities in school context. 81yr 6pgs 10fn 5s $53.70
Possible Causes of Failure in elementary School Mathematics
Process oriented vs. concept oriented teaching efficacy, problems of new math, reliance on educational packages, lack of individual instruction vs. lack of student involvement. 81yr 10pgs 14fn 7s $89.50
Analysis of Day Care Programs
Types of day care centers, demands for, description of Brookline, Mass. extended day care program. 81yr 13pgs 13fn 10s $116.35
Drug Information Activities for Fourth Graders
Prevention vs. intervention in the early grades. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
A Program for Story Hour
Introducing five year olds to reading. 81yr 7pgs 4fn 4s $62.65
Preschool Education
Study of reading ability with or without preschool instruction, differences in child maturation and learning abilities. 81yr 13pgs 9fn 13s $116.35
Day Care...A solution or a Problem?
Reviews of various books on day care experiences of children and programs. 81yr 21pgs 3fn 4s $187.95
Nine Sequential Art Activities
Sequential series of lessons for elementary school children to develop technique. 81yr 6pgs 6fn 2s $53.70
Nutrition and Achievement in the Elementary School : A Research Investigation
A research design that hypothesizes that students with positive eating habits will achieve at higher rates than students with poor eating habits as evidenced by a survey of recent grade reports. 81yr 15pgs Afn 12s $134.25
A Comparative Study of Language Usage/Development Among Five Year Olds in Two Play Areas
A research study including the problem, significance, review of related literature, etc., to determine if differences exist in the verbal skills levels of children who pick one play activity over another. 79yr 20pgs Afn 13s $179.00
Perspectives on the Foundations of Education
Analyzes Educating the Worker-Citizen by Joel Spring and Modern Elementary Curriculum by William Ragan. 81yr 7pgs 8fn 4s $62.65
Classification Skills and Activities for Early Childhood Education
Analyzes justification and definition of classification skills, theories relating to its development, activities designed to promote classification-discrimination achievement, results of the activities. 78yr 10pgs 14fn 7s $89.50
Sexism In the Elementary School in the Past Decade
Observes that teachers, traditionally, have paid more attention to males than to females in the classroom setting. 84yr 6pgs 7fn 0s $53.70
Group Guidance in the Elementary School
A major study including introduction, traditional views of counseling services in the elementary school, a rationale for guidance in the elementary school, a group guidance model, support for group guidance programs, curricula, and role of teacher and gu. 80yr 44pgs 51fn 35s $393.80
Day Care..... A Solution or a Problem
Discusses the effects of day care experiences on the school age child vs. the non-day care child. 84yr 7pgs 3fn 0s $62.65
History of Early Childhood Educational Practice
Examines the evolution of teaching practices and active learning throughout history by focusing on the methods of Piaget,Plato,St. Thomas Aquinas,The Franciscans,Comenius, Rosseau, etc. 90yr 10pgs 12fn 8s $89.50
Classical Mythology : An instructional unit
An instructional unit of an elementary level fourth to fifth grade reading level to develop reading comprehension skills and analytical tools for the imaginative art of story telling. 90yr 10pgs Afn 8s $89.50
Teaching Unit : Elementary Biology, Reptiles, and
Amphibians. A manual at the third grade teaching level including an outline of the behavioral objectives, the motivational techniques to be employed, presentation of the subject, and the evaluation of student performance. 90yr 8pgs Afn 8s $71.60
Elementary Mathematics and Educational Reform
A study looking at the challenge to reform education posed by the Nation at Risk report of 1983, from the viewpoint of elementary math teaching. Looks at a cross-section of literature on math teaching. 91yr 10pgs 25fn 11s $89.50
Aids Education in the Elementary Classroom : A Curriculum Guideline
A discussion upon Aids education in the elementary classroom as to educating children from Kindergarten -6th grade concernining the transmission and prevention of this disease. 93yr 4pgs Afn 4s $35.80
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