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Education: Reading & Literacy

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Benefits of Literacy Programs Worldwide
An overview/evaluation of literacy programs that in the US and some "Third World" countries. Looks at campaigns in Bolivia, Chile, China, Mexico, India, Cuba, Tanzania, Russia. The role of the governments, UNESCO, and the teachers in these campaigns. 79yr 21pgs 16fn 14s $187.95
Reading, How to
By Kohl, a discussion and critique of a book which challenges the teacher within a failing system to make it work for the students. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
An Approach to the Teaching of Reading to the Culturally Disadvantaged Student
Refers to a University of Chicago reading program for training state employment counselors, including charts and tables. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 1s $35.80
A Discussion of the Remedial Reading Tests for Slow Readers Entering the Fourth Grade
Includes tests and supports or modifies one in which the best results can be attained with the best implementation procedures. 78yr 7pgs 7fn 4s $62.65
Basal Reader Approach for Elementary Learning
Discusses its relative success in recent years. Cites studies by J. Chall and C. Gates. 78yr 5pgs 7fn 1s $44.75
Individualized Reading Programs
Advocates individual rather than group reading instruction. 78yr 5pgs 6fn 7s $44.75
Should Reading be Taught at the Kindergarten Level?
States hypothesis, reviews literature and offers experimental design. 79yr 14pgs 13fn 13s $125.30
When Should Reading Instruction Begin?
Advocates pre-school instruction, discussing parent's role, and the effects on the child. 79yr 8pgs 2fn 6s $71.60
A comparison of Reading Skills of Students From High and Low Income Families
Reviews previous literature and research, draws conclusion. 79yr 6pgs 5fn 5s $53.70
Teaching Reading
A discussion of the pros and cons of programmed reading methods and the basal method, noting leading authorities in each field. 79yr 13pgs 19fn 13s $116.35
Should Reading be Taught at the Pre School Level
APA format, hypothesizes that pre-school reading instruction increases the child's academic interest and comprehension, gives a research design to be tested. 79yr 13pgs 8fn 12s $116.35
Reading : An Exploration into the matter of Word Recognition
An examination of word recognition's place among the other essential aspects of reading. 78yr 5pgs 8fn 5s $44.75
Teaching Comprehension in Reading and the Theories of Hayakawa
Examines the teaching process essential for the student to understand beyond mere word meaning to understand and interpret and comprehend full meaning. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Role of Language in Reading
Discusses the relationship of language to reading and the acquisition of literacy to the acquisition of language spoken. 79yr 7pgs Afn 6s $62.65
Five Exemplary Reading Programs
Includes abstract, variables and research findings for five different reading approaches. 80yr 14pgs 5fn 7s $125.30
The Gates Mac Ginite Reading Tests:
Survey D. An essay on the seeming validity and intervening variables in the standardized test and its practical application. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
"An Experimental Approach to Teaching Oral Language and Reading
by Stemmler. A critical review. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The SWRL Beginning Reading Program
Examines this program for kindergarten pupils that stresses word recognition, comprehension of content and phonetics. 80yr 10pgs 4fn 3s $89.50
Perspective in Reading
Aspects of reading instruction on the secondary level are analyzed, with stress on content and change. 81yr 7pgs 7fn 11s $62.65
Analysis of the Metropolitan Achievement Test. Reading Tests
Analyzes the MAT: Reading in terms of time, standardization, reliability and scoring. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Self-Concept in Reading
Describes the emotional development of the child as seen through his reading habits. Concludes that reading can be utilized as a positive stimulus to healthy self-concept development. 81yr 9pgs 0fn 7s $80.55
Teaching Reading on Various Levels
Organizing a reading classroom for pupils of varying abilities, including handicapped. 81yr 8pgs 10fn 7s $71.60
Language Experience Approach to Reading
Stages of approach, structure of classroom, building on previous learning, negative consequences safeguards. 81yr 17pgs 9fn 8s $152.15
Television Viewing and Reading
Effects of limited or extensive TV on reading ability. 81yr 11pgs 19fn 12s $98.45
Television and Reading
Impact of TV on reading ability, effective children's programs. 81yr 16pgs 11fn 11s $143.20
Case Studies of Reading Levels Below Average
Language, listening, and reading abilities assessments, recommendations. 81yr 15pgs 0fn 0s $134.25
Reading Challenges in Bookkeeping Accounting Instructional Programs
Vocabulary usage, diagnosing and correcting reading difficulties. 81yr 9pgs 1fn 9s $80.55
Oral Language and Reading
Where oral language skills help reading and where the absence of spoken language skills inhibits learning to read. 80yr 8pgs 7fn 7s $71.60
Oral Language and Reading Relationships in the Learning to Read Process
Looks at spoken language as a critical dynamic in learning to read. 80yr 8pgs 9fn 10s $71.60
The Effect of Teacher Expectations on Student Reading Test Performance : A Research Design
A research design on this topic which includes statement of the problem, definitions, review of literature, hypothesis, procedure, measurement techniques,analysis of data, etc., which seeks to evaluate teachers expectations. 86yr 27pgs 26fn 18s $241.65
Structural Analysis in Developmental and Remedial Reading
Deals with the emphasis for instruction of both developmental and remedial readers, discussing specific reading skills and a curriculum for junior high age children. 85yr 9pgs 8fn 5s $80.55
Motivating Children in Reading
Explores different theorists views on different methods to motivate children to read. 78yr 7pgs 10fn 10s $62.65
Reading, Grammar and Feedback in the ESL Program
Critiques different articles concerning this subject. 81yr 11pgs 0fn 0s $98.45
A Token Economy System to Improve Reading Achievement : A Design
Determines whether or not the token economy or operant conditioning can be a more effective strategy for helping students develop reading skills than more traditional methods or strategies. Includes introduction, methodology, implications and conclusion. 86yr 7pgs Afn 6s $62.65
The Fundmentals of Learning and Teaching Grammar and Composition
Examines the evolution and methods of teaching the reading and writing of the English language. 88yr 10pgs 14fn 8s $89.50
The Entire Alphabetically Phonetic Reading Approach :
A new solution to Reading Problems. An attempt to discover if the methods of teaching reading have an effect on the learners of reading. 90yr 30pgs Afn 22s $268.50
Examines the characteristics of the poor reader and the good reader. Optimal learning environments, the study of phonology, theorists. 90yr 7pgs 7fn 13s $62.65
The Directed Reading Activity : Early Spanish Culture
A reading activity selected in Spanish culture at the seventh-grade level with the objective of preparing students for beginning foreign language instruction. 91yr 8pgs Afn 6s $71.60
Teaching Students Reading : Kindergarten Through Third Grade
Focuses on developing a positive attitude for students in these early grades in teaching readin skills that will be enjoyable, as well as necessary and useful. 91yr 8pgs Afn 9s $71.60
The Effects of Cooperative Learning to Improve Achievement in Reading and Mathematics
reviews literature on cooperative learning as a learning technique,various cooperative learning models, the effects of cooperative learning and cooperative learning as an improvement of reading and mathematical achievements. 91yr 20pgs Afn 9s $179.00
A Discussion of Emergent Literacy
Discusses the concept and methods in emergent literacy where teaching capitalizes upon children's natural abilities, proclivities and skills. 94yr 7pgs 16fn 0s $62.65
An Evaluation of the Whole Language Approach to Reading and Writing Instruction
an extensive review of the literature to determine the viability of the advocacy stance which urges that reading and writing be taught simultaneously, in context, and holistically and to determine the effects of teaching these skills in this manner. 94yr 8pgs Afn 42s $71.60
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