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Education: Financing & Funding

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Black Students and Federal Aid
An innovative approach to seeking financial support from the federal government for black students. 77yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Urban Education and the Legislatures
Notes bills for educational financing, comparing Penna to New Jersey. 78yr 8pgs 11fn 5s $71.60
Why City Schools are Going Bankrupt
A short paper explaining why urban schools are in financial trouble. Offers solutions. 80yr 2pgs 2fn 2s $17.90
Full State Assumption and District Power Equalization
Discusses the effect these two programs have on school board control and tax reforms needed to finance them. 80yr 5pgs 8fn 3s $44.75
Government Participation in School Funding
Centralization or decentralization of responsibility for education. 81yr 5pgs 1fn 4s $44.75
Determining Compensation of School Personnel
Methods of measuring teacher competence, improving pay scales. 81yr 5pgs 0fn 4s $44.75
Tuition Tax Credits (Political Issues in Education)
Observes different sides on tis issue, one maintaining that tuition tax credits will be conducive to the destruction of schools and city services, the other saying tax credits are needed to maintain and expand private school opportunities for low and mid. 82yr 12pgs 12fn 11s $107.40
Educational Budget Management
Analyzes different bid systems utilized by the government as the system of government purchasing including the sealed-bid system, competitive bidding and the methods employed by the states in educational purchasing. 83yr 7pgs 5fn 0s $62.65
The Perils of the Tuition Tax
Examines an article about Albert Shanker, Head of the New York City Board of Education, and his views on tuition tax credits. 85yr 15pgs 0fn 0s $134.25
Cost Effectiveness and Efficiency in Teaching
Looks at education in the United States today as being characterized by growing in cost while declining in quality. 90yr 6pgs Afn 0s $53.70
Personnel Compensation for School Administrators
Explores the general question of administrative compensation in the public school systems, including in this definition principals, superintendents, and other special staff and personnel involved in overseeing school district operations in an adminstrati. 91yr 16pgs Afn 12s $143.20
School Choice Vouchers and Public Policy
Examines this issue, including in the discussion of key factors involved in school choice vouchers as to the matter from the perspective of public policy and its administration. 93yr 10pgs 21fn 0s $89.50
Should Federal Funds be given to Adult ESL Students in Private or Parochial Schools
Investigates the question of whether or not federal funds should be given to one specific program offered by private and or parochial schools, specifically the English as a Second Language program for Adult Leartners, from a public policy perspective and. 94yr 12pgs Afn 4s $107.40
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