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Education: Disabilities & Special Ed.

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Case Studies in Guidance and Counseling
Five case studies in counseling- a schizophrenic, a pre- psychotic boy, a pregnant woman, a possible paranoiac, and a marriage that was never consummated. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Language Training for the Mentally Retarded
Discusses teachers role in helping the retarded student cope with problems of forgetting, poor motor skills, and hearing impairment which frequently cause speech problems. 79yr 9pgs 26fn 11s $80.55
Teaching Reading to Deaf Children
Discusses the deaf child's problems in learning to read due to little understanding of the link between words and communication. 79yr 10pgs 0fn 6s $89.50
Speech Teaching and Deaf Children
Discusses various levels of deafness, and the need for special training and teaching methods employed. 79yr 10pgs Afn 14s $89.50
Teaching Strategies for Emotionally Disturbed Children
Discusses the need for appropriate classroom control and appropriate motivational techniques. 79yr 7pgs 8fn 10s $62.65
Slow Learner in the Classroom by Kephard
Discusses the integrated nature of perceptual and motor learning, suggesting improvement of any single system proves others as well. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 3s $53.70
Academic Achievement and Disabled Children
Discusses physical disabilities and the role teacher and school system play in creating a positive atmosphere. 79yr 7pgs 10fn 10s $62.65
Effects of Parental Pressure on the Language of Impaired Child
Discusses speech problems entailed as a result of parental pressure or rejection rather than thru genetic or biologic problems. 79yr 7pgs 8fn 5s $62.65
A Case Study of a Non-Reader
A profile of a 12-year old non-reader. Includes the program implemented to improve reading skills and the results. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 2s $44.75
Perceptual Disorders and Language
Notes Audio and visual problems, and effects on language (quotes three books). 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Educational Strategies
Outlines educational lesson plans for a deaf child. 79yr 19pgs 8fn 8s $170.05
A comparison of Reading Skills of Students From High and Low Income Families
Reviews previous literature and research, draws conclusion. 79yr 6pgs 5fn 5s $53.70
The Handicapped
An overview of congenital, acquired and traumatic, populations of each, job opportunities, and rehabilitation programs. 79yr 10pgs 11fn 6s $89.50
Teaching Language Arts to the Deaf
An outlined curriculum for teaching language arts to deaf and hearing impaired children. Teaching sounds, sensory training, recall, and vocabulary. 80yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Mental Retardation
Discusses the dilemma a family with a retarded child must face in securing adequate education and community acceptance. 79yr 5pgs 7fn 5s $44.75
by Axline. A summary of an autistic child in play therapy. 79yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Curriculum for Teaching the Mentally Retarded
Notes the goals to help the student work to capacity. 79yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Child Abuse and Mental Retardation : A Problem of Cause and Effect
Analyzes an article in the Journal of Mental Deficiency on this topic. 78yr 6pgs 7fn 5s $53.70
Causes of Mental Retardation
Examines a variety of mental deficiencies at various levels of severity in three sections: heredity, prenatal, and post-natal causes. 79yr 6pgs 6fn 6s $53.70
The Deaf and Learning Reading
Focuses on the fallacy of the deaf-mute, the deaf's ability to speak, with ideas and progress to be expected from this group. 79yr 8pgs 6fn 6s $71.60
The Need for Identification of Potential Learning Disabilities at the pre-school and Kindergarten Levels: Significance of Adequate Language Development.
Examines the crucial need for early language development and proficiency to explore whether this can reduce in the incidence of later learning disabilities. 79yr 13pgs 16fn 15s $116.35
Problems of Children with Learning Problems
Investigates transference problems within the classroom to non academic spheres based on the philosophy that creative and independence thought ought to be education's goal. 79yr 7pgs 4fn 5s $62.65
Maturation as the Cause of Learning Disabilities: The Role of Remediation
Examines the importance of motivation and its relation to achievement, maturational lag caused by uneven development and remedial techniques. 79yr 13pgs 25fn 21s $116.35
Lesson Plans for Mentally Retarded Children
Defines specific activities for trainable, educable, multiple handicapped and perceptually impaired. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Problems and Issues in the Treatment of the Mentally Retarded
Focuses on problems of older minimally brain dysfuctioned populations. 79yr 10pgs 4fn 6s $89.50
Using Token Reinforcement as a Means of Improving Reading Skills of Emotionally Disturbed Children
Includes statement of problem, hypothesis, review of related literature in preparation of the proposed research design. 79yr 11pgs 0fn 0s $98.45
Teaching Arithmetic to the Mentally Retarded
Examines Kramer's method, allowing visual and tactile confirmation of simple math concepts. 80yr 5pgs Afn 2s $44.75
Social Studies for the Slow Learner
Discusses the teacher's ability to relate social studies to school and life and create the students desire to be a useful citizen. 80yr 5pgs Afn 1s $44.75
Science Curriculum for the Slow Learner
Places emphasis on projects and experimentation as opposed to trying to convey theory or abstractions. 80yr 4pgs Afn 1s $35.80
SRA Materials for Disadvantaged and Slow Learners
Determines suitability and effectiveness of this self-teaching method, often inappropriate for the slow learner. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Two Approaches to Learning Disabilities
Discusses perception, language development and responsiveness in problems in cause oriented and effect oriented perceptions. 80yr 14pgs 0fn 17s $125.30
The Learning Disabled Child
Discusses effective teaching techniques coping with behavioral problems. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Montessori and the Brain-injured Child
Reviews Montessori methods and philosophies modified to meet the needs of the brain injured child thru environmental control and individualization. 80yr 8pgs 39fn 8s $71.60
Normal Children, Slow Learners and the Circle
Analyzes and discusses a series of learning activities dealing with the concept of the "circle" and applicability to normal and slow learners. 81yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
An Examination of Three Styles of Teaching Reading to Learning Disabled and Brain Injured Children
Examines and analyzes the Basal Reader approach, language of experience program, and individualized instruction in teaching slow learners to read. 81yr 9pgs 16fn 7s $80.55
Upwardly Motivated Programs
An attempt to analyze the overall effectiveness of such methods as an escape from poverty for economically and academically disadvantaged youth via higher education. 81yr 12pgs 11fn 3s $107.40
Child Abuse Education
A traditional analysis of teaching remedial methods to deal with this growing national problem, noting trends, procedure and research designs. 81yr 9pgs 0fn 16s $80.55
A History and Evaluation of Project Head Start
An in-depth analysis of this historic and long standing project in NYC with evaluation of basic theories leading to, as well as the project itself. 81yr 66pgs 54fn 31s $590.70
The Relationship of Instruction Sequence and Mental Abilities of Retarded Children
Analyzes the ratio of program content to aptitude on the elementary level. 81yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Meeting the Requisites of the Hyperactive Child
An analysis of what can be one of the greatest handicaps to learning, and the efforts made to ameliorate its effects. 81yr 9pgs 5fn 2s $80.55
Instructional Techniques for Reading Improvement Among Slow Learners
Describes the reading problems of slow learners and what strategies best assist in alleviating these problems. 81yr 7pgs 9fn 7s $62.65
A Comparative Study of Disruptive Behavior
Presents the findings of an experiment utilizing tokens as incentives for acceptable behavior, with disruptive youngsters. Concludes that such a system works. 81yr 9pgs Afn 11s $80.55
Provides background information on mainstreaming and concludes that mainstreaming is a viable means of meeting the educational needs of exceptional children. 81yr 6pgs 6fn 5s $53.70
Tradition v. Innovation/Depth v. Exploration in Art Programs for Disadvantaged Youth
Provides a four-factored experiment in art education. Contains hypotheses, results, conclusions. 81yr 25pgs 8fn 7s $223.75
Accomplishment and Contributions of Dr. Feingold's Diet Within the Realm of Special Education
Discusses diet and its effects on the hyperkinetic child. Concludes that proper diet can assist in the learning development of the hyperactive child. 81yr 9pgs 4fn 6s $80.55
Developing Guidelines for Handicapped
A survey of policies regarding the education of the handicapped in twenty-eight federal, state and local agencies. Concludes with a statement on the diversity of services offered. 81yr 33pgs 0fn 39s $295.35
Teaching Reading on Various Levels
Organizing a reading classroom for pupils of varying abilities, including handicapped. 81yr 8pgs 10fn 7s $71.60
Hyperactive Children
Description of hyperkinetic children, responses to other children, adults, school behavior, behavior modification, parental influences, teaching remedies, classroom management. 81yr 6pgs 7fn 5s $53.70
Mainstreaming Handicapped Children into the Classroom
The social mandate for mainstreaming, administrative procedures, impact on school systems. 81yr 8pgs 8fn 6s $71.60
Traditional vs. Progressive Education
Teaching to the norm, differing rates of learning, communication, handicapped and gifted students, equality of opportunity. 81yr 8pgs 13fn 8s $71.60
Early Intervention for the Handicapped Child
Issues and methods including outreach programs and Montessori. 81yr 8pgs 8fn 7s $71.60
Case Studies of Reading Levels Below Average
Language, listening, and reading abilities assessments, recommendations. 81yr 15pgs 0fn 0s $134.25
Emotionally Handicapped Children: Psychological Implications of Food, An Educational Curriculum
Using food preparation to assist socialization. A curriculum for the teaching of emotionally handicapped children using food preparation as a model. 81yr 13pgs 10fn 8s $116.35
Interview in Special Education
Discussions of mainstreaming, curricula materials, parental roles. 81yr 13pgs 0fn 0s $116.35
A Study of the Attitudes of N.Y.C. Inner City Students in Intermediate and Junior High School Towards Science Education
A thesis on this subject including introduction, review of literature methodology, results and conclusions. 82yr 24pgs 32fn 46s $214.80
Mainstreaming : Evolution From Conceptual Right to Practical Program
A research design that focuses on the problems in teaching the handicapped ranging from curricula concerns to methodological ones pertaining to the advisability of grouping mainstreamed special education students according to their handicap. 82yr 11pgs Afn 6s $98.45
A Behavior Modification Program for Emotionally Disturbed Junior High School Students : A Mini-Thesis
Statement of the problem, review of literature,methodology, data analysis and anticipated outcome on the subject of disruptive children in the classroom. 83yr 10pgs 8fn 6s $89.50
An Assessment of Differences in Motivation to Read Among Slow Learners/ Learning Disabled and Regular Third Grade Students
Study recounts the writers mini-experiment in helping to motivate the "slow learner" or LD child in the regular class setting to learn to read. The basis is on motivation and not achievement. 82yr 18pgs Afn 7s $161.10
Social and Legislative Reforms and Mainstreaming of the Handicapped
Analyzes the effects of social and legal legislative activity and reforms on behalf of the retarded. 80yr 12pgs 10fn 9s $107.40
The Deaf Mentally Retarded : Patterns & Problems
Observes the severe learning disabilities children experience when suffering from not only retardation, but hearing difficulty as well. 78yr 7pgs 7fn 13s $62.65
Mainstreaming Handicapped Youngsters in Regular Classes
Includes, introduction, pros and cons, conclusions and recommendations. 83yr 7pgs Afn 6s $62.65
The Effects of Labeling on Learning-Disabled Children
A thorough analysis on the diagnostic label of learning-disabled for retarded children and the relationship this has on professional personnel and children's perceptions of their non-labeled peers. 82yr 26pgs Afn 51s $232.70
Educating Young Handicapped Children
Includes incidence of mental retardation,definition, identification procedures, approaches for remediation,programs, adequacy of aid to the handicapped. 82yr 11pgs 17fn 8s $98.45
Services for the Mentally Retarded
Includes introduction, diagnostic services,counseling for the parent,education,employment, workshops,housing, health/hospital care-recreation,conclusion. 85yr 11pgs 12fn 14s $98.45
Comparisons of Parent and Teacher Attitudes Toward Mainstreaming
Focuses on the issue of setting for children who do not learn easily within the regular classroom situation. 82yr 8pgs Afn 11s $71.60
Supplemental Instruction and the Mainstreamed Student : A Literature Review
Introduction to mainstreaming, history of the problem,the special education class in the regular school, etc. 84yr 20pgs 23fn 13s $179.00
Teachers of the Deaf
A description of various studies that have emerged in the past several years describing the role and responsibilities of the teacher of the deaf. 86yr 7pgs Afn 10s $62.65
Structural Analysis in Developmental and Remedial Reading
Deals with the emphasis for instruction of both developmental and remedial readers, discussing specific reading skills and a curriculum for junior high age children. 85yr 9pgs 8fn 5s $80.55
Sign Language and Mental Retardation
An investigation into how sign language is being implemented in the training of the mentally retarded and the results of this implementation. Addresses severe and profound mental retardation and the use of sign language in developing communication skill. 89yr 37pgs 23fn 23s $331.15
Teaching the Emotionally Handicapped
Looks at intervention strategies, the cirriculum for the disturbed student, special and therapuetic teachers roles, etc. 90yr 7pgs 14fn 9s $62.65
The Consulting Teacher in Special Education
Examines the position of the consulting teacher within special education, the controversy,over the consulting teacher providing specific adjunct skills to the regular classroom teacher, etc. 90yr 16pgs Afn 14s $143.20
Sign Language and Mental Retardation
The purpose of this study is to investigate how sign language is being implemented in the training of the mentally retarded and the results of this implementation. Address severe and profound mental retardation and the use of sign language in developing. 90yr 32pgs 21fn 22s $286.40
Cushla and her Books by Dorothy Butler
A review of this book which presents an objective history of the development of a congenitally-handicapped child whose negative prognosis was overcome by her parent's diligent use of book reading as a therapeutic tool. 90yr 5pgs Afn 0s $44.75
The Attitudes of Regular High School Students Toward
Visually Impaired Students Mainstreamed into a Regular High School Physical Education Setting Includes problem,research design,review of literature, attitudes of the sighted toward the visually impaired, mainstreaming, etc. 90yr 25pgs 31fn 24s $223.75
The Relationship Between Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity
and Learning Disability. Examines this relationship from different journals evaluating the research methods employed and the conclusions drawn from that research. 90yr 10pgs Afn 5s $89.50
Disadvantaged Students in Public Schools
Observes lack of funding for poorer areas, standardized testing, curriculum, expenditures for technology and extra-curricular activities have benn perpetuating problems due to deficiencies. 90yr 13pgs Afn 10s $116.35
Treatment of LD Students Exhiiting Out-of-Seat Behavior in the Classroom
Looks at a variety of treatment programs designed to curb the out-of-seat behavior exhibited by Learning Disabled children. 91yr 4pgs Afn 7s $35.80
Why Blacks and Hispanics do Poorly on the SAT
Expresses the attitude that blacks and hispanics fare less well than whites, not because of the format of the SAT, but rather that the students schools and backgrounds offer and less thoroughly challenge and prepare them compared to their white counterpa. 91yr 7pgs Afn 8s $62.65
Out-of-Seat Behavior in the Classroom : Treatment of Learning Disabled Students Exhibiting such Behavior
Examines the design and implementation of effective treatment strategies for students that exhibit this behavior. 91yr 7pgs Afn 7s $62.65
Recreational Activities For the Eating Disorder Unit
Examines etiology of eating disorders and that on going relationship/therapy between staff members, clinical psychologists and patients is necessary through meaningful recreational and leisure activities. 92yr 7pgs Afn 9s $62.65
Attitudes of Mainstreamed 7th Graders Toward Mentally Retarded Peers
Observes that the integration of mentally handicapped children into regular classrooms has resulted in social rejection and isolation among their non-handicapped peers. 92yr 5pgs Afn 5s $44.75
An Investigation of Art Therapy, its Methods, Sucess and Requirements
Describes what art therapy is, how it is believed to work with a variety of different populations, its methods, requirements for certification and other related issues. 92yr 22pgs 43fn 24s $196.90
The Hyperactive Child in the Classroom by Frank Alabiso and James C. Hansen
A review of this work dealing with the significant problems arising and characteristics of the hyperactive child in the classroom. 93yr 3pgs Afn 0s $26.85
Review of Articles on Mainstreaming
A review of seven articles concernig the mainstreaming of handicapped children, the social problems encountered in the regular classroom, conceptual frameworks,rejection by peers, etc. 93yr 7pgs 7fn 0s $62.65
Savage Inequalities-Children in American Schools byJonathan Kozol
Presents Kozol's assessment of the extent to which American public education has succeeded in addressing the needs of its growing population of minority children. 93yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
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