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Education: Cultural & Racial Aspects

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Black Students and Federal Aid
An innovative approach to seeking financial support from the federal government for black students. 77yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
The Sociology of Education
Deals primarily with treatment of minorities in higher education. 78yr 7pgs 17fn 6s $62.65
Education in the Ghetto
a Human Concern. An analysis of this work dealing with problems inherent to education in the ghetto by Kenneth Clark. 78yr 5pgs 1fn 1s $44.75
An Approach to the Teaching of Reading to the Culturally Disadvantaged Student
Refers to a University of Chicago reading program for training state employment counselors, including charts and tables. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 1s $35.80
The Education of Black Folks
by Ballard. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
A Comparison of Two Educators
Katz and Ravitch and their views on poor, racial segregation, Law of 1842 and of 1969 from School Reform: Past and Present and The Great School Wars. 78yr 15pgs 5fn 2s $134.25
Culture Free Testing
Discusses tests devised to measure intelligence and innate ability by eliminating cultural variables. 78yr 3pgs 4fn 5s $26.85
Culture and Poverty
by Charles A. Valentine. Suggests new ways to view the relationship of poverty and culture. 79yr 7pgs 5fn 1s $62.65
Controversial Issues in Education and Busing
Offers pros and cons of busing focusing on the 1974 Boston area. 74yr 8pgs 1fn 5s $71.60
Education Before and During the Reconstruction
Discusses Black educational opportunities that presented themselves before and after the Civil War. 79yr 9pgs 15fn 6s $80.55
Project Head Start
Traces the government funded effort to equip preschoolers from low income families with experiences similar to that of middle and upper income children with the hope of better educational adjustment and academic achievement (1964-1971). 79yr 8pgs 8fn 5s $71.60
The Effects of Racial Awareness on Achievement Motivation: Mental and Sociological Growth in Young Children
Hypothesizes a positive racial awakening over the past 15 years in Black children from 3 years of age that has contributed to increased motivation and achievement level. Includes testing method, research design, results and abstract. 79yr 47pgs 32fn 20s $420.65
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Notes Freire's views on the education of the oppressed, the role of the teacher, need to encourage classroom interaction and expression and to discourage role of teacher as disciplinarian. 79yr 5pgs 2fn 0s $44.75
Position Paper
A personal philosophy on ethnicity and bi-culturalism in education. 79yr 5pgs 6fn 2s $44.75
The Role of the School and the Community in Desegregation
Notes particularly case studies focusing on NYC and St. Louis, plans that succeeded and failed, concluding that the role played by the community is vital to the success of these programs. 79yr 9pgs 15fn 4s $80.55
The Harlem Dropout: An Analysis
Examines why Black and Puerto Rican children drop out of school between 8th and 12th grades in the Harlem community. 79yr 10pgs 6fn 14s $89.50
36 (Thirty Six) Children
by Kohl. A Critique which analyzes a white middle-class grade school teacher's experiences with hopelessly underprivileged children in a black school in Harlem. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Educational Opportunity Programs
States the need for attention to minority education, makes tentative proposal for studying these needs, along with expectations for prolonged and intensified education in these areas. 79yr 12pgs 0fn 0s $107.40
Black Studies Programs for Secondary Schools
Focuses on the emotional acceptance of Whites into Black studies programs, desired segregation and an effort to make Black studies into programs equally respected as White. 79yr 12pgs 12fn 10s $107.40
Discipline in Urban Schools
Causes and results of discipline problems in urban schools and a solution. 79yr 2pgs 2fn 2s $17.90
Why is Discipline a Problem in Todays Schools
Talks about racial integration and its effect on school discipline. 79yr 2pgs 2fn 2s $17.90
Are Blacks Moving Into Administration?
Notes the influences leading to a desire to be heard (1973). 73yr 2pgs 3fn 2s $17.90
The Politics of School Desegregation in the North
An analysis of north and south desegregation, educational and political ramifications, and instances at Boston, Denver and Michigan of outrage at court ordered busing. 80yr 16pgs 24fn 9s $143.20
Cognitive Styles in America
Discusses the need for innovative educational techniques in teaching, particularly for the culturally divergent child. 80yr 20pgs 11fn 10s $179.00
Are Minorities Over-Tested
Suggests such testing in prejudicial and unnecessary. 80yr 2pgs 3fn 2s $17.90
The Hoboken Public School System and Its Singular Ethnic Situation
A cultural and educational analysis of this New Jersey town, run by a machine and with an indigenous ethnic contract. 81yr 14pgs 11fn 4s $125.30
A Focus on Desegregation Policy in the United States
Highlights the history of desegregation in the United States from 1954 to the present. Concludes with an assessment of the impact of desegregation on all facets of education. 81yr 13pgs Afn 7s $116.35
Historiographical Approaches to Education and Acculturation
Examines, historically, the American family unit as the primary cultural transmitter from generation to generation coupled with educational and religious institutions. 79yr 10pgs 14fn 7s $89.50
Minority Education in History : Four Sources
Analyzes and critiques four works related to education and minorities, specifically, Goren's New York Jews and the Quest for Community, Litwack's Been in the Storm So Long, Ravitch's and Goodenow's Educating an Urban People and Rothman's Women's Proper P. 80yr 10pgs 6fn 4s $89.50
Cultural Literacy
Discusses the meaning of cultural literacy or the knowledge that every person should have of shared information pertaining to his or her society in order to prosper in it. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 3s $53.70
Migrant Education
Examines the necessities of schools for the children of migrant laborers such as addressing problems of high drop-out rates, transience, and deficiencies in their educational backgrounds. 90yr 7pgs 8fn 6s $62.65
Ethical Assessment of School Busing Programs
Compares and contrasts the issue of school busing in terms of two ethical theories, utilitarianism and the school of natural rights. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
An Overview of the Multiculturalism Controversy
Focuses on the controversy surrounding multiculturalism on the campus and represents a study in public debate regarding such issues as the conduct of the two sides of the issue, the implicit values of each side,the tactics being used to achieve goals and. 93yr 10pgs 20fn 9s $89.50
A Brief Examination of Multicultural Curriculum Planning
Examines some of the issues that emerge from a demand for multiculturalism and focuses on the need for educational strategies that reflect this approach. 93yr 6pgs 9fn 6s $53.70
Angelou and Pogrebin on Liberal Education
Discusses the ideas of Maya Angelou in her work I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings and Letty Pogrebin's Deborah, Golda and Me as far as their views with respect to the meaning and value of liberal education within the context of their own lives. 94yr 7pgs Afn 3s $62.65
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