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Education: Child Guidance

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Classroom and Standardized Testing
Compares standardized and teacher-made tests. 78yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Case Studies in Guidance and Counseling
Five case studies in counseling- a schizophrenic, a pre- psychotic boy, a pregnant woman, a possible paranoiac, and a marriage that was never consummated. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Theories of Counseling
Reviews according to Rogers, Freud, Adler, Froom and Jung. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Peer Group Relations, Self Confidence, and Its Relation to Academic Performance in the American School System
Includes proposal with APA format, review of literature, procedure, questionnaire and appendix. 78yr 16pgs Afn 16s $143.20
Nine case Studies in Educational Counseling
Pupils ranging from 16-18 years with family and educational background, initiation to counseling session along with counseling session itself are discussed with a future plan for each. 78yr 18pgs 0fn 0s $161.10
Two Case Histories in Guidance and Counseling
Notes a Slow learner and an intelligent student. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Culture Free Testing
Discusses tests devised to measure intelligence and innate ability by eliminating cultural variables. 78yr 3pgs 4fn 5s $26.85
A Discussion of the Remedial Reading Tests for Slow Readers Entering the Fourth Grade
Includes tests and supports or modifies one in which the best results can be attained with the best implementation procedures. 78yr 7pgs 7fn 4s $62.65
Two part paper on educational theory, technique, and method, and a discussion of various methods of measuring academic achievement. 79yr 13pgs 0fn 0s $116.35
Play Therapy and One Little Boy
by Axline. Examines the non-directive theories of play therapy thru successful application to an emotionally disturbed child. 78yr 7pgs 0fn 2s $62.65
Learning Disabilities: Theories and Conclusions
Gives brief history of intelligence theory, discussing Binet's testing methods and theory, IQ theory, and the relationship between motor ability and intelligence. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 2s $53.70
Grade School Testing Program
Proposes a program for culture free aptitude testing including instruction, guidance, administration and research of testing. 79yr 8pgs 0fn 4s $71.60
Language in the Elementary School
Based on HEW studies indicating radical decrease in reading scores since 1965 and suggestions for upgrading the teaching process. 79yr 5pgs 6fn 4s $44.75
Role of the Guidance Counselor
Examines the role as perceived by school administrators, teachers, students and parents and the need to offer professional counseling to vocationally and college minded students. 79yr 11pgs 24fn 11s $98.45
Special Problems in Educating the Gifted
Discusses characteristics and identification thru standardized tests and subjective classification with guidelines for teaching. 80yr 5pgs Afn 5s $44.75
The Gates Mac Ginite Reading Tests:
Survey D. An essay on the seeming validity and intervening variables in the standardized test and its practical application. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Bilingual Education and Self-Concept in Elementary Students
Focuses on the relationship between concept with hypothesis, literature review, method and results of test data as related to the Spanish Speaking population. Includes tables of results. 80yr 20pgs Afn 7s $179.00
Comparative Discriminating Powers of True False and Multiple Choice Test Items of Equal Content
Contends that true false tests have as great a discriminatory value as multiple choice. 80yr 14pgs Afn 15s $125.30
Correlation of Physical Achievement in 6th Grade Boys and Girls Using the Classroom Teacher vs. The Physical Education Teacher
Correlation of physical achievement in 6th grade boys and girls using the classroom teacher vs. the P.E. teacher. 80yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Are Minorities Over-Tested
Suggests such testing in prejudicial and unnecessary. 80yr 2pgs 3fn 2s $17.90
The Effectiveness of Guidance Programs on the Junior High School Level
Examines in an in-depth analysis, the expectations of JHS students, their educational and vocational choices, and problems and potentialities in extant guidance programs, with tables and questionnaires. 80yr 30pgs 20fn 36s $268.50
Educational Testing
A critique of current testing methods, their past successes and present questionability with prospects for the future. 81yr 12pgs 25fn 31s $107.40
Tests and Testing Vocational Adjustment
An Analysis of the vocational rehabilitation program in the state of Penn. with an assessment of its past and current effectiveness. 81yr 29pgs 14fn 7s $259.55
The Effects of Social Climate In the Classroom
Examines the various aspects of the school's social climate, centering on such aspects as peer-groups, child-family relationships, teaching methodology and pertinent psychological material. 81yr 24pgs Afn 20s $214.80
The NY State Regents Examination Program
Examines how the New York State Regents Exam program related to the Social Studies Curriculum, and whether or not they play an important role. 81yr 11pgs 10fn 11s $98.45
Van Kindergarten Test
An evaluation of this test to analyze the intellectual and academic potential and behavior adjustment of young children. 81yr 7pgs 8fn 6s $62.65
Analysis of the Metropolitan Achievement Test. Reading Tests
Analyzes the MAT: Reading in terms of time, standardization, reliability and scoring. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
A Comparative Study of Disruptive Behavior
Presents the findings of an experiment utilizing tokens as incentives for acceptable behavior, with disruptive youngsters. Concludes that such a system works. 81yr 9pgs Afn 11s $80.55
Parental Involvement in Special Education Guidance Techniques
Discusses the positive roles parents can play in the education of their exceptional children. 81yr 6pgs 7fn 6s $53.70
Search and Teach Case Study
Testing memory, discrimination, spatial relations, tactile stimuli. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Mental Health of Children
Services, research, manpower, teaching abused children. 81yr 6pgs 16fn 5s $53.70
A Behavior Modification Program for Emotionally Disturbed Junior High School Students : A Mini-Thesis
Statement of the problem, review of literature,methodology, data analysis and anticipated outcome on the subject of disruptive children in the classroom. 83yr 10pgs 8fn 6s $89.50
The Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities Among Early Childhood Youngsters : A Critical Assessment of Five Instruments
Thesis format, including introduction, related literature, methodology, findings and conclusions. 81yr 27pgs 8fn 15s $241.65
Emotionally Disturbed Children in the Normal Classroom
Identification of troubled students, techniques used in modifying classroom of troubled children and humanistic approaches. 82yr 14pgs 21fn 9s $125.30
Techniques in Management of Disruptive Children
An examination of two articles on this subject indicating that teaching the exceptional child involves a great deal of patience, repetition, and a positive "can do" approach. 84yr 24pgs 19fn 5s $214.80
Group Guidance in the Elementary School
A major study including introduction, traditional views of counseling services in the elementary school, a rationale for guidance in the elementary school, a group guidance model, support for group guidance programs, curricula, and role of teacher and gu. 80yr 44pgs 51fn 35s $393.80
The Effect of Teacher Expectations on Student Reading Test Performance : A Research Design
A research design on this topic which includes statement of the problem, definitions, review of literature, hypothesis, procedure, measurement techniques,analysis of data, etc., which seeks to evaluate teachers expectations. 86yr 27pgs 26fn 18s $241.65
The Role of the Guidance Supervisor
Deals with an historical overview, the present scope of the guidance supervisor's role and future projections concerning the direction guidance supervision should be heading in. 80yr 15pgs 10fn 7s $134.25
Junior High School Counseling : A Research Design Measuring Student's Expectations From Counseling
Explores different hypotheses centering around junior high school childrens experiences with guidance counselors and their expectations of what counseling should consist of. Observes also problem areas in guidance and counseling. 78yr 30pgs 20fn 36s $268.50
Troubled Children in the Classroom : Identification and Treatment
Addresses two aspects of the overall problem of the troubled student in the classroom focusing on the normal classroom as opposed to a class for the emotionally handicapped. 85yr 11pgs 12fn 7s $98.45
Token Reinforcement, Disruptive Behavior and Learning Efficiency : A Review
Provides an overview of behavior modification theory as a viable "treatment package" to control disruptive behavior and reinforce positive learning. 87yr 8pgs Afn 0s $71.60
Educational Leadership
reviews different articles in this journal "Educational Leadership", dealing with such topics as how to teach at risk children, preventing high school dropouts,help to overcome abusive behavior, bringing students up to grade level, etc. 90yr 9pgs 5fn 16s $80.55
Tracking : Alternatives to Ability Grouping
Observes school counselors steering of students into particular disciplines as a result of their assessment of the students strengths and weaknesses. 93yr 7pgs 24fn 0s $62.65
An Overview of Issues in Peer Counseling on the College Campus
Describes peer counseling as a method of counseling assistance during times of crisis and as a means of supporting growth and personal development where college students themselves serve as counselors to their peers. 94yr 15pgs Afn 9s $134.25
A Test of the Idea that a School Dress Code can be Linked to Positive Gains in Student Achievement
A research design with a hypothesis that a school dress code will have a positive correlation with improvements in student achievement levels. Includes problem statement, background mof the problem,research method, assessment and results. 94yr 10pgs Afn 7s $89.50
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