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Education: General

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Death at an early age
by Kozol. 78yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Imitation as the Forerunner of the Symbolic Function and Characteristics of Preoperational Thought
Discusses imitation and symbolic function, internalization, egocentrism, stasis and dynamism, reversibility and transductive reasoning. 78yr 6pgs 4fn 3s $53.70
How Children Fail
by J. Holt, a critical review. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Instructional Systems of Education
The types of and timing of reinforcement necessary in an instructional educational system with literature review. 78yr 12pgs 48fn 21s $107.40
Peer Group Relations, Self Confidence, and Its Relation to Academic Performance in the American School System
Includes proposal with APA format, review of literature, procedure, questionnaire and appendix. 78yr 16pgs Afn 16s $143.20
A Study of Conversational Sequencing
Overview of linguistics involved in interpersonal relations. 78yr 12pgs 5fn 13s $107.40
"Professionalism" and the Future of Urban Education
The struggle for control of the educational process and how it affects teachers' desire for professionalism. 80yr 3pgs 6fn 5s $26.85
The Philosophy of Humanism as Related to Education
Compares Humanism to modern educational theory. 78yr 8pgs 3fn 7s $71.60
Creating a Year Round School
Examines the Feasibility of creating a twelve month school in Missouri, including plans. 78yr 34pgs 16fn 41s $304.30
The Year Long Middle School
Examines Feasibility, advantages and disadvantages. 78yr 19pgs 5fn 11s $170.05
The Confluent Unit in Education
Examines the cognitive aspects of education in relation to the effective aspects. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Educational Goals
How they affect social change and trends and values, role of the teacher and implications on youth. 79yr 10pgs 18fn 5s $89.50
A Comparison of Two Educational Theories
Compares the ideas of Thoreau and Henry Adams. 79yr 10pgs 15fn 4s $89.50
Theories of Learning
Discusses stimuli-response-reinforcement vs. contiguity and association. 79yr 6pgs 6fn 5s $53.70
Two part paper on educational theory, technique, and method, and a discussion of various methods of measuring academic achievement. 79yr 13pgs 0fn 0s $116.35
Educational Psychology
Examines numerous learning theories, particularly Piaget and Tolman. 79yr 21pgs 13fn 8s $187.95
Society and Education
Discusses school's social system and the ever growing transient nature of the nuclear family. 79yr 5pgs 9fn 2s $44.75
Conditions Of Learning
Discusses mechanics behind different levels of learning from the simple to the abstract as seen by Robert M. Gagne. 78yr 20pgs 31fn 1s $179.00
Graded Vs. Non-Graded Schools
Discusses the pros and cons of each, noting an experimental school system of the non-graded school. 78yr 13pgs 9fn 7s $116.35
Theories of Learning
Examines Skinner's behavioristic approach and teaching methods as seen by E.R. Hilgard and G. Bower. 78yr 5pgs 4fn 1s $44.75
Educational Concepts and Socialization
Compares the education of Russia, Sioux Indians, and Western society noting the social differences that result thru education. 78yr 5pgs 8fn 2s $44.75
Relationship Between Parental Attitude and Truancy
Reviews recent literature, draws parallels and outlines a testable hypothesis. 78yr 21pgs 8fn 7s $187.95
Piaget, Conservation and Cognitive Development
A summary of the characteristics which differentiate the Piagetian stages of cognitive thinking. 78yr 3pgs 3fn 1s $26.85
Discipline in the Educational System
Discusses misbehavior and discipline in the conventional and open classroom sense. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Relationship of Health to Academic Achievement
APA format, including abstract. 79yr 16pgs 0fn 5s $143.20
The Montessori School
Outlines the theories and practices of the Montessori School with background on the founder Maria Montessori. 79yr 13pgs 12fn 4s $116.35
The SMSG Math Education Program
Presents math programs geared towards understanding rather than rote learning and memorization. 79yr 7pgs 14fn 4s $62.65
Some Positions on Decentralization
Discusses the possibilities of decentralization of school administration process. 79yr 10pgs 18fn 7s $89.50
Education and the Common Man
During the periods of pre-Civil War, pre-Industrial American society, discusses educational opportunities. 79yr 11pgs 0fn 13s $98.45
Learning Disabilities: Theories and Conclusions
Gives brief history of intelligence theory, discussing Binet's testing methods and theory, IQ theory, and the relationship between motor ability and intelligence. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 2s $53.70
The Hearing Impaired Child: In a Regular Classroom
Discusses teachers and parents role in helping the hearing impaired adjust emotionally and socially to the class. 79yr 9pgs 2fn 10s $80.55
Educational Preparation of Industrial Designers in the US and Europe
Takes the view that European schools offer more practical and specialized education in this field than do American industrial design schools. 79yr 7pgs 7fn 8s $62.65
Project Head Start
Traces the government funded effort to equip preschoolers from low income families with experiences similar to that of middle and upper income children with the hope of better educational adjustment and academic achievement (1964-1971). 79yr 8pgs 8fn 5s $71.60
Methods of Forecasting the Number of Children to Enter a Public School
Describes computing statistical information that the school systems can use here. 79yr 5pgs 5fn 5s $44.75
The History of Educational Administration
From a historical perspective, traces administration practices from Ancient Greece to the present, noting role of Church, government, and bureaucracies. 79yr 12pgs 16fn 7s $107.40
The Role of the United Federation of Teachers in the Formation of Decentralization Policy
Thru related literature review, available from newspapers and special coverage, traces the position of the Teachers Federation on Decentralization Policy. 79yr 23pgs 19fn 23s $205.85
Expanding the Purpose of Public Education
Suggests that the transfer of personal values and moral codes become a part of regular classroom situations and that education become a life long endeavor. 79yr 6pgs 5fn 3s $53.70
Art Education
Focuses on the value of art education in self expression that the schools are currently coming to realize, including a four page questionnaire available to gather data on art education within the schools and views on its importance. 79yr 7pgs 1fn 12s $62.65
Instructional Techniques
Notes three major areas of instructional techniques: verbal teacher pupil, classroom organizational and the use of groups, and audio visual aides including film and TV. 79yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
The Librarian's Status
Examines the result of a shift of librarian status from that of faculty member to that of civil service worker, problems that followed, loss of benefits and privileges, uses at Glassboro College, New Jersey as an example. 79yr 13pgs 0fn 0s $116.35
The Ancient Art of Teaching
Emphasizes the role of empirical knowledge in teaching, stating that it is what a teacher is best equipped to offer, allowing the student to draw individual conclusions and inferences. 79yr 5pgs 3fn 9s $44.75
Educational Reform
by Eliot. A review and discussion. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Towards A well Rounded Education
A discussion of the factors in the learning process that a teacher should consider: vision, hearing, motor skills, as well as cognitive processes. 79yr 5pgs 7fn 7s $44.75
Traditional Education in Penna
Encourages a shift from traditional to individualistic techniques. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 4s $44.75
Tenure and Job Stability
An analysis of the theories of VonZwoll on public education. 79yr 11pgs 7fn 8s $98.45
Utopian Education and Utopian Literature
Implies that ideal education is the basis for ideal society. Explores utopian literature to conclude that it's aim is application rather than fantasy. 78yr 10pgs 3fn 5s $89.50
Sexism in Children's Literature
Examines children's literature as often supporting prejudices and sometimes particularly harmful if they learn about stereotyped roles and characteristics of the sexes. 78yr 7pgs 11fn 6s $62.65
The Role of the Superintendent of Schools in Public Relations
Focuses on the superintendent as an administrator, his relationship to the school board, and the teaching staff, and the students and community. 79yr 10pgs 0fn 6s $89.50
Mathematical Learning Theories
Examines mathematical theory through Bruner's concept of a highly dynamic portrait of the mind, the Piaget's concept of the child developing from an internal and external view. 79yr 5pgs 4fn 1s $44.75
The Effects of Eating Breakfast on the Physical Performance of the School age Child.
Examines thru a study conducted to investigate the effects of eating breakfast or not eating breakfast on the performance of 8th grade students, includes definition of terms, method, results, review of literature, charts, and conclusion on findings. 79yr 16pgs 25fn 22s $143.20
"Thorough and Efficient Education" In New Jersey
A study of what makes education culturally relevant for certain ethnic groups, the providing of special services for children in unusual circumstance, and a re-evaluation of laws and perspectives which are manifested in traditional education in New Jerse. 79yr 10pgs 5fn 10s $89.50
Cognitive and Effective Approaches to Education
Contrasts the effective approach that essentially is a form of stimulation giving rise to the child's emotional development, noting reason and reinforcement of ideas and facts. 79yr 9pgs 3fn 3s $80.55
Urban Education in America
Compare Tyack's The One Best System to Ravitch's The Great School Wars on decentralization and community control. 79yr 6pgs 5fn 2s $53.70
A Perspective on Tomorrow's Education
Based on the theories of Barth, examines the basis for "open education", theoretical background, and current practices in the US and England. 79yr 12pgs 17fn 7s $107.40
Theories of Learning
Thru the approaches of place and response learning, examines the views of Hull, Skinner, Watson and Tolman. 79yr 10pgs 4fn 3s $89.50
Contrastive and Error Analysis in Teaching English as a Second Language
Examines two teaching methods, advantages and limitations and methodology. 79yr 20pgs 0fn 6s $179.00
The NYC Teachers Strike of 1968
Examines the principle issues, community control and decentralization, teachers, motivations, professionalism, confounding social and political variables that influenced the strike. 79yr 8pgs 5fn 5s $71.60
The Soft Revolution
by Postman and Weingartner. A Review and analysis in open classroom philosophy. 79yr 5pgs 4fn 3s $44.75
The Nature and Function of Reinforcement in Learning
Identifies the factors and structures of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, SRS patterns and experimental findings. 79yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Adventures in Wonderland
by Lewis Carroll. Discusses this work as relevant reading material for the child in today's school. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Optimal Cognitive Conditions for Good Thinking
Through the ideas of G. Henry, the theories of teaching and learning are discussed in terms of relevance and synthesizing materials into "good thinking". 79yr 10pgs 1fn 5s $89.50
The Development of the Free School Movement as a Social Movement in the U.S.
Includes the role of government and tradition as it effects the movement. 79yr 9pgs 9fn 4s $80.55
Music and Its Relation to Teaching
Examines some principle music forms, their place in the classroom, value of the music curriculum and psychological impact, including outline and conclusion. 79yr 10pgs 6fn 5s $89.50
Play Realty and Fantasy
Examines play as a means of experimentation, discovery and unconscious expression of the self and the role of imitation. 79yr 5pgs 1fn 1s $44.75
The Nature and Function of Construct Motivation in Learning
Includes different motivational forms and degrees of differences in the learning environment. 79yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Career Education in Home Economics for Middle Schools
An extensive study in relation to this topic, including statement of the problem, review of related literature, definitions, untested hypothesis and conclusion. 79yr 23pgs 0fn 18s $205.85
Liberal Arts Vs. General Vs. Industrial Education
Compares objectives and the general direction of each with an eye towards historical development. 79yr 6pgs 17fn 3s $53.70
The Teacher You Choose to Be
by W.A. Proefriedt. A book review. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
American Pragmatism and Education
Discusses William James' philosophy of free will and Dewey's ideas of pragmatic thought. 80yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Cuisenaire Rods
Examines the uses of and effectiveness of the mathematical teaching device invented by Cuisenaire in the 1950's. 80yr 5pgs 8fn 3s $44.75
Educational Philosophy
Stresses the value of freedom of experimentation and the absence of authority figures as a key to better learning climate. Explores the basic concept of public education for the masses, it's purpose and effectiveness in terms of practical application. 75yr 5pgs Afn 5s $44.75
Antecedents of Academic Achievement
Recognizes socializing influences, the parents ability to shape behavior and attitude, prior to school experiences with supporting research studies in this area. 80yr 13pgs 20fn 10s $116.35
The Open Classroom
Open education ideals are discussed noting promoting individual initiative, decision-making, responsible behavior with less emphasis on grades and competition. 80yr 6pgs 0fn 5s $53.70
The Present Moment in Education
by Paul Goodman. Notes specialization and lesser value placed on general experiences as hindrances in the learning process. 80yr 5pgs 1fn 0s $44.75
Special Problems in Educating the Gifted
Discusses characteristics and identification thru standardized tests and subjective classification with guidelines for teaching. 80yr 5pgs Afn 5s $44.75
Three Methods of Learning
A comparison of Piaget, Gagne, and Guilford. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Teaching Health: Looking Towards the Future
Notes health education as generally being inadequate considering the public's increased interest in health care and available facilities, Senator Kennedy's support of the Health Education Bill, benefits to the individual and the country. 80yr 11pgs 7fn 5s $98.45
Organizational Theory
As it applies to school administration. Cites concept, source and application of 8 theories. 80yr 5pgs 8fn 0s $44.75
Horizontal and Vertical Learnings
Discusses perceptual, language, recognition and conservation concepts, noting Piaget's structural theory. 80yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Historic Development of Education and Specialization
Examines events leading to specialization in all sectors of education. 80yr 9pgs 4fn 2s $80.55
Video and Instructional Devices
Annotated bibliography of 30 books on this topic. 80yr 10pgs 30fn 0s $89.50
Culture and Thought
Examines the role cultural background plays in cognitive development. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Education and Style
Discusses the inter-related nature of teaching and educational theory. 80yr 4pgs 7fn 5s $35.80
Clinical Supervision
by Goldhammer. Critiques Goldhammer's suggestions regarding the evaluation of teachers and the personality variables which affect the actions of all the individuals involved in the educational and supervisory processes. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Educability of Dominant Groups
by Erickson, Bryan and Walker. A critique of the concern with the concept of a research theme as it is developed and how that process differs from the actual reporting of the research after it has been completed. 80yr 5pgs 8fn 7s $44.75
Teacher In-Service Training Under Thorough And Efficient Legislation and the New Jersey Board of Education
Studies the effectiveness of in-service training. 80yr 12pgs 7fn 10s $107.40
A Research Study into Methods of Reducing School Vandalism
A Proposal. 80yr 6pgs 3fn 3s $53.70
Managing Educational Systems
Discusses management techniques including Delphi Technique and Program evaluation with systematic planning and decision-making. 80yr 5pgs 2fn 1s $44.75
Educational Techniques to be Used In Teaching on the Subjects of:
Katz' Tradition and Crisis and Dubnow's Nationalism and History with regard to the Hasidic movement. 80yr 5pgs 4fn 2s $44.75
"An Experimental Approach to Teaching Oral Language and Reading
by Stemmler. A critical review. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Progressivism in American Education
An overview of progressivism from the 19th to the mid-twentieth centuries. 80yr 11pgs 11fn 18s $98.45
Piaget: Implications on Education
Examines the basic concepts and stages of development pertaining to self-motivation and continual growth. 80yr 10pgs 2fn 9s $89.50
"Schooling Versus Education"
in the Unheavenly City by Banfield. A critical review. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Role of the School Superintendent
Examines this role in public relations and his relationship with the Board of Education, teachers, students, administrators and community. 80yr 10pgs 0fn 6s $89.50
Intentional vs. Observational Learning
Compares teaching techniques, focusing on learning patterns of Black children. 80yr 8pgs 12fn 10s $71.60
36 (Thirty Six) Children
by Kohl. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Concept of Authority in Education
Discusses the philosophical differences between Peters and Vandenberg regarding this concept. 80yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
The Book Summaries
Deals with topics related to social change, responsibility, teaching, failure, group behavior, conformity, and planning effective change. 80yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Twentieth Century Considerations in American Education
Includes role of parents, instructional aids and teaching devices and political involvement. 80yr 5pgs 7fn 6s $44.75
Distributive Education Programs in New York State
Discusses Gradoni's contention of vocational education and criticism of philosophies now too dated to be relevant to educational practices. 80yr 7pgs Afn 5s $62.65
Performance Contracting
A discussion of problems involved and the reasons for the failure of performance contracting experiments. 80yr 11pgs 9fn 6s $98.45
Effects of Educational Goals of the School System
Explores the students reaction to social trends and educational values, the relevance of modern curriculum, teacher and parental responsibilities. 80yr 8pgs 18fn 5s $71.60
Education as a Process
Notes the views of McClellan blending practical and ideal educational theories. 80yr 4pgs 2fn 1s $35.80
A Critical Examination of Four Positions on the Adoption of educational Change
Analyzes and criticizes the focal point of change agent in the educational decision process regarding innovative methods, citing Carlson, Miles and Brickell. 80yr 7pgs 8fn 8s $62.65
The Role of the Public Relations Person in the Realm of Educational Accountability in the State of New Jersey
An in-depth study of the issue of educational accountability as regards the role of public relations in New Jersey. 80yr 23pgs 28fn 14s $205.85
The Role of the Teacher in America
Examines the teacher's professional role, as responsible for setting behavior patterns, instilling knowledge and helping the individual to relate. 81yr 8pgs 15fn 5s $71.60
Democracy, Morale and Communication: A Review of an Educational Leadership Model
A broad analysis of the effects of these 3 attributes on the educational scene of the past century. 81yr 10pgs 20fn 12s $89.50
Modular, Flexible, Cyclical Programming: Some Considerations
Examines these methods of cybernetic theory as an effort to better educate students and use their classes more efficiently in a variety of related ways of scheduling. 81yr 12pgs 14fn 14s $107.40
Observed Behavior in the Classroom
Examines the various aspects of behavior by both teacher and student within a classroom situation. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
History of American Education
A series of questions centering on the reformers, black education, ethnic education, immigration, and past and recent boycotts of the educational system during the past century and a half. 81yr 20pgs 11fn 9s $179.00
The Effects of Social Climate In the Classroom
Examines the various aspects of the school's social climate, centering on such aspects as peer-groups, child-family relationships, teaching methodology and pertinent psychological material. 81yr 24pgs Afn 20s $214.80
Values Clarification: Strategies for Learning
An analysis of this method of instruction, with emphasis on student freedom, choice and autonomy. 81yr 10pgs 3fn 10s $89.50
Model Music Education Program For 1st & 2nd Graders
Analysis and critique of current methods of teaching music, with a stress on an interdisciplinary approach. 81yr 8pgs 9fn 6s $71.60
Literacy in Public Schools
An historical and current look at the literacy rate in America and what efforts have been made to reduce illiteracy in the nation, noting effectiveness and backsliding. 81yr 7pgs 8fn 8s $62.65
Cognition and Learning in Public Schools
Examines the ways of dealing with the integration of ways of knowing among school children, especially those of different cultures. 81yr 7pgs 6fn 10s $62.65
A General Systems Model of the Garfield, NJ Public School System
An analysis of the methods used in the current educational process of this typical New Jersey community. 81yr 15pgs 8fn 4s $134.25
The Teacher in the Urban Community
by Leonard Covello. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Open Classroom
Analysis of this attempt by educators to deal effectively with the limitations of the traditional classrooms, noting program development, curriculum changes and the new challenges offered by the open classroom concept. 81yr 30pgs Afn 18s $268.50
Theories of Education in the Republic
Examines Plato's educational theories as explicated in his most famous work, and their current significance and standing among scholars. 81yr 8pgs 4fn 11s $71.60
The NY State Regents Examination Program
Examines how the New York State Regents Exam program related to the Social Studies Curriculum, and whether or not they play an important role. 81yr 11pgs 10fn 11s $98.45
Perspective on Psychology and Psychoanalysis
The influence of Jung, Freud and Adler on modern concepts of education and literature. 81yr 5pgs 0fn 12s $44.75
Origins of the Urban School
Examines the rise of urban education in America based on Public Education in Massachusetts by Marvin Lazerson. 81yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Lonely Crowd
by Riesman. A study of this view of modern alienation with stress on how it can help the potential teacher to recognize the pitfalls of modern education. 81yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Kephart and Frostig: Analysis and Appraisal
Contrasts the theories and findings of these two eminent educational psychologists concerning the education of exceptional children. 81yr 9pgs 7fn 18s $80.55
Innovations in Art Curricula
A complete experiment presented on the use of an innovative art curriculum with disadvantaged junior high school youngsters. Utilizes several standardized art perception tests. 81yr 25pgs 8fn 7s $223.75
Education as a Public Enterprise: Costs and Benefits
Provides contrasting views on whether or not educational rewards are justified by the cost of education today. 81yr 5pgs 4fn 5s $44.75
Issues Related to the Development of a Teaching Strategy
Discusses both the theoretical (Philosophy) and practical (curriculum materials) consideration in the development of a teaching style and strategy. Notes the significance of publishing houses in curriculum development. 81yr 10pgs 15fn 9s $89.50
Pragmatism and Progressivism in Education
Examines the differences between traditional and innovative educational theorists. 81yr 7pgs 8fn 7s $62.65
School Boards in New York City
Traces the development of community control of the schools in New York. 81yr 8pgs 8fn 5s $71.60
Francis Parker's and John Dewey's Views Related to Education
Compares and contrasts the educational philosophies of Parker and Dewey and applies them to contemporary educational practices. 81yr 14pgs 16fn 11s $125.30
Social Foundations of Education
Discusses the social factors related to public education and how public education evolved. 81yr 12pgs 0fn 0s $107.40
Investigations in the Social Sciences
A review of thirteen articles dealing with research methods in the social sciences. 81yr 7pgs 12fn 12s $62.65
Parental Involvement in Special Education Guidance Techniques
Discusses the positive roles parents can play in the education of their exceptional children. 81yr 6pgs 7fn 6s $53.70
The Creative Teaching of Listening
Describes the importance of developing listening skills in students. Discusses the benefits of positive listening in learning development. 81yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
A Report on the Creative Teaching of Listening
by James A. Smith. A book review summarizing the benefits of developing positive listening skills in students. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Teaching Non-Violence: Theoretical and Practical Considerations
Expectations of children as contributing factors to behavior, teaching strategies, activities conducive to nonviolent behavior patterns. 81yr 7pgs 6fn 6s $62.65
Educational Philosophy Applied
Teacher student communication or lack of it, decision making, stimulating learning, evaluation, curriculum materials. 81yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Traditional vs. Progressive Education
Teaching to the norm, differing rates of learning, communication, handicapped and gifted students, equality of opportunity. 81yr 8pgs 13fn 8s $71.60
The 1963 Vocational Education Amendments
History of legislation, purposes, direction towards minority groups, possible improvements. 81yr 7pgs 11fn 7s $62.65
Issues and Behaviors in Educational Supervision
Procedures, in-service model, school site, group dynamics, behaviors. 81yr 15pgs Afn 2s $134.25
Leadership Crisis in a Vocational School
Poor planning due to failure to identify trend of student demand. 81yr 8pgs 7fn 6s $71.60
Traditional Teaching vs. Open Classroom Learning
Proposal for study testing disadvantages, advantages, or combination of methods. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 5s $62.65
Discipline in American and English Schools
Cultural attitudes affecting school discipline. 81yr 9pgs Afn 9s $80.55
Education and Values
School autonomy vs. community interests. 81yr 7pgs 18fn 5s $62.65
Dynamics of Teaching
Professional vs. personal goals discussed by group of junior high teachers. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Reading Challenges in Bookkeeping Accounting Instructional Programs
Vocabulary usage, diagnosing and correcting reading difficulties. 81yr 9pgs 1fn 9s $80.55
A Study of Self Concept Improvement Through Counseling Among Unemployed, Disadvantaged High School Dropouts
A Dissertation Prospectus including introduction, statement of the problem,terms,significance of the study, limitations, review of the literature, methodology, etc. 81yr 12pgs 9fn 7s $107.40
Birth Order, Needs Achievement and Motivation : A Research Design
A research design that hypothesizes that although birth order might be a factor in some cases in terms of needs achievement and motivation among children, the current evidence seems to hold that other factors are generally more significant. 80yr 13pgs Afn 9s $116.35
John Dewey's Educational Philosophy
An examination of John Dewey's theories on education noting that human nature is not fixed but is constantly changing as a result of experience. 83yr 5pgs 7fn 4s $44.75
Math Anxiety
Examines the phenomena of math anxiety, or fear of mathematics coupled with the conviction that one is born with no ability in the subject. 82yr 10pgs Afn 15s $89.50
Mathematics Teachings
Points out the deficiencies in current mathematics teaching through a review of literature on the subject. 75yr 10pgs 15fn 8s $89.50
A Consumer Education Lesson for the Youngsters
An educational lesson plan for children in consumer skills, specifically, comparative shopping. 83yr 10pgs 5fn 5s $89.50
A Liberal Education Based on the Disciplines
Observes that a knowledge of all educational fields, or disciplines, produces the phenomenon of knowing, considering every discipline yields a different kind of knowledge. 78yr 16pgs 16fn 0s $143.20
The New York City Board of Education : A Study in Bureaucratic Organization
Analyzes the New York City Board of Education as an organizational model of bureaucracy. 80yr 7pgs 6fn 5s $62.65
The Great School Legend : A Revisionist Interpretation of American Public Education by Colin Greer
Review and analysis of historically successful educational systems and compares to the present failures. 82yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Existentialism in Education by Van Cleve Morris
Review and analysis of how one can teach correct value choices. 82yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Four Educator's Responses to the 'Back to Basics' Movement in Contemporary American Education
Observes different author's viewpoints as to the pros and cons of returning to a curriculum rooted in basic skills. 81yr 8pgs 10fn 0s $71.60
Education Occupation and Earnings by Sewell and Hauser
A review and analysis which charts the complex process by which an individual's social origins influence his capacitiesand achievements in educational, occupational and economic spheres. 78yr 3pgs 0fn 0s $26.85
Visual Space Perception : Theories and Research
A review of theorists who have conducted research in the varia of visual space perception and a discussion on the experiments in this field. 84yr 11pgs 9fn 6s $98.45
A Statewide Retrieval System for High School Dropouts
Proposes a new policy for the "retrieval' of high school dropouts. 83yr 3pgs 3fn 3s $26.85
Childrearing Practices of the Gifted : A Review of the Literature
An examination of childrearing practices of mothers of the outstanding, or gifted children. Includes historical review and consideration of the impact of the family unit and home environment. 82yr 16pgs 14fn 8s $143.20
The Child and the Curriculum and the School and Society by John Dewey
Observes Dewey's ideas and educational theories in two of his works. 85yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
School Food Service Programs : The Historical Perspective
An overview of the development of school food programs and consideration of these programs as a reflection of the prevailing social and economic climate. 80yr 10pgs 12fn 6s $89.50
The Effect of Effort and Feedback on the Formation of Student Attitudes : A Critical Evaluation
Includes the problem statement, review of the literature,hypothesis,assumptions,etc. a proposal for further research. 85yr 10pgs Afn 0s $89.50
Psychological Foundations of Learning and Teaching
Outlines various chapters of this book. 84yr 20pgs 0fn 0s $179.00
Token Reinforcement, Disruptive Behavior and Learning Efficiency : A Review
Provides an overview of behavior modification theory as a viable "treatment package" to control disruptive behavior and reinforce positive learning. 87yr 8pgs Afn 0s $71.60
Herbert Spencer on Education edited by Andreas Kazamias
A chapter by chapter summary of this text concerning Spencer's views on education. 85yr 11pgs Afn 0s $98.45
A Comparative Examination of Junior Transfer Students and Entering Freshmen : Established vs. Non-Established Social Inclination and the Effect on Educational Achievement
A research design which tests, through a questionnaire and statitical correlation, whether social establishment of freshmen vs. transfer students affects academic performance. 88yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
The Paperback Program
A recent effort by educators and administrators to make reading materials more relevant for students combining modern paperbacks with the classics. 80yr 7pgs 1fn 5s $62.65
How Repetition Influences Creativity
A discussion and analysis on how programmed instruction affects creativity in learning and to what extent creativity is influenced by conformity. 88yr 10pgs 23fn 6s $89.50
Cultural Literacy
Discusses the meaning of cultural literacy or the knowledge that every person should have of shared information pertaining to his or her society in order to prosper in it. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 3s $53.70
Instructional Television Fixed Service
Looks at the history to present of this system throughout the United States within the educational communities which use television as a form of teaching and hands on experience. 88yr 5pgs 3fn 0s $44.75
A Critique of Educational Articles
Critiques International Cooperation : People, Ideas, and Knowledge, The Economic and Political Impact of Study Abroad and The Institutionalization of Overseas Education. 88yr 8pgs 4fn 0s $71.60
Cost Effectiveness and Efficiency in Teaching
Looks at education in the United States today as being characterized by growing in cost while declining in quality. 90yr 6pgs Afn 0s $53.70
The Use of a Student's Native Language as an Educational
Tool in Learning English or Acquiring other Languages : An Examination of the Issues. includes introduction, statement of the problem, review of the Literature, conclusion. 90yr 16pgs Afn 28s $143.20
Lesson Plan : Social Studies, Cirriculum and the
Thanksgiving Season.A curriculum in Social Studies by setting up a typical school week curriculum, the teacher's role, and the Thanksgiving season integrated into the curriculum. 90yr 6pgs 7fn 5s $53.70
Compusory Education
The advantages and disadvantages of offering exemption (GED) to children of 14and 1/2 years who are gainfully employed for a 35 hour week. 90yr 7pgs 6fn 0s $62.65
The Attitudes of Regular High School Students
Toward Visually Impaired Students Mainstreamed into a Regular High School Physical Education Setting. Includes introduction, definitions, research design, hypothesis, related literature,mainstreaming the visually impaired, etc. 90yr 28pgs 32fn 24s $250.60
The Pygmalion Effect
Examines the theory that teachers feelings and attitudes toward their students have a prominent impact on their educational development. 90yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
The Influences of the Content and Organization
of Mathematics Courses on Instruction ogf the Subject in Contemporary Secondary Schools : A Dissertation Proposal. Introduction, review of literature, etc. 90yr 7pgs 10fn 13s $62.65
A Teaching Unit : Teaching the Study of Outer Space
to Exceptional Children in the Third and Fourth Grades. Includes objectives,activity centers in the classroom such as mathematics, arts and crafts, discovery tables,drama,and in context with the curriculum. 90yr 22pgs 31fn 18s $196.90
A Study on the Absence of Representation of Women Writers in Academia
An examination of the lack of the requirements for and study of women writers in Collegiate American Literature classes and as usually reflecting the dominant male writings. 91yr 6pgs 9fn 8s $53.70
The Journal for the Education of the Gifted, Volume13, No. 3, 1990
A Critique of this article dealing with the methods employed in the empirical research. 91yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
How the Women's Movement has Effected Primary Education in the United States
Examines feminism's effect in the field of education looking at the mental characteristics of primary children and as a fertile ground for integrating feminist ideals, the family, and meaningful change. 91yr 17pgs 40fn 16s $152.15
Leading Themes in Contemporary Programs for Educational Reform
Focuses on the "open classroom" approach and the "Montessori Method" to see how their proposed changes in curriculum and instructional objectives might be adapted to the primary school setting, in particular the fourth grade classroom. 91yr 7pgs 10fn 0s $62.65
Supervision of Instruction and Administration in Education : A Critique of Eight Journal Articles
Critiques various articles on instruction and education that are topical to this day. 91yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Educational Technology : Selection and Cost
A selection of appropriate microcomputer technology for the primary grade classroom, focusing on the "Mac Classic" as the vehicle for computer learning at this level considering ease of application, cost, etc. 91yr 3pgs Afn 5s $26.85
Writing With Power : Techniques for mastering the Writing Process by Peter Elbow
An overview and critique of this general book of instruction for would-be writers interested in improving their creative and critical skills. 91yr 6pgs Afn 0s $53.70
Classroom Journals
The use of journal keeping to teach writing is explored; content area, dialogue journals, and creative writing journals are reviewed as teaching techniques. 91yr 10pgs 17fn 10s $89.50
The Educational Models of Madeline Hunter
Describes educational theories and model of Madeline Hunter, advocate of carefully planned lessons and integrated curriculum. 91yr 4pgs Afn 5s $35.80
AIDS Education in the Public School Curriculum
Examines the legal precedent and current court cases concerning AIDS education, or public school programs aimed at instructing pupils in the prevention of AIDS. Focuses on the timing and content of AIDS curricula, First Amendment issues, Fourteenth Amen. 91yr 24pgs 28fn 13s $214.80
The Effects of Cooperative Learning to Improve Achievement in Reading and Mathematics
reviews literature on cooperative learning as a learning technique,various cooperative learning models, the effects of cooperative learning and cooperative learning as an improvement of reading and mathematical achievements. 91yr 20pgs Afn 9s $179.00
Children and Sex Education : An Overview
A definition of sex education, the political and moral issues, The AIDS impact as having a deep and resonant influence, alternatives, and a clarification of the current status of sex education to American children. 91yr 11pgs 23fn 18s $98.45
Major Curriculum Issues in American Education and Their Impact on the Educational System of Saudi Arabia
Investigates major curriculum issues confronting American education today such as relevancy of course matter, textbook adequacy, teacher competence, effect of curriculum content on the drop-out rate, etc. and their impact on Saudian Arabian education. 92yr 18pgs Afn 0s $161.10
Teaching Proposal Writing
Examines the lists of elements necessary in creating an effective, competent proposal and its defense by observing various sources on the drafting , elements necessary and framework from noted sources. 92yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
Cooperative Learning : Review of Articles
Observes strategies that take advantage of excellent new instructional materials and the efficacy of facilitating individual learning through grouped student activity. 92yr 5pgs Afn 4s $44.75
Educational Administration : The U.S. and Peru
Examines the special training required for principals, superintendents, financial administrators, directors of curriculm and special education comparing these requirements of the U.S. to Peru. 92yr 10pgs Afn 7s $89.50
Discrete Mathematics : Applications for Public Schools
observes discrete mathematics as the most widely used aas nearly all the mathematics taught during the early school years are descended from discrete mathematics. 92yr 6pgs 6fn 6s $53.70
The Ethnic Heritage Studies Program Act of 1971
Examines the opportunities available through this law which assured every American the opportunitywho needs and desires an occupational education the provision of financial assistance. 92yr 15pgs 17fn 10s $134.25
Can the Traditional Body of Knowledge Consitiute a Complete Education
Observes the world of modern education, viewing such disciplines as the fine arts, philosophy, languages, history and theology as humanities and the theoretical sciences, applied sciences, social sciences, and pragramatic studies such as economics. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
An Investigation of Art Therapy, its Methods, Sucess and Requirements
Describes what art therapy is, how it is believed to work with a variety of different populations, its methods, requirements for certification and other related issues. 92yr 22pgs 43fn 24s $196.90
Conversation as a Mediating Activity in Teaching and Learning
Observes that although we still consider conversation an "art" rather than a science, the ability to converse adequately on and intellectual topic of mutual concern is recognized as part of the essential education of a person. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Teacher Expectations and Student's Cognitive Style
A literature review focusing on the issue of how tearchers' attitudes and expectations influence student achievement, self esteem, growth, and development. 93yr 14pgs Afn 16s $125.30
Kitsch and Aesthetic Education
Suggests that kitsch emerged similtaneously with the Industrial Reveloution, when it became possible to mass produce "art" objects for the general public. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
The Importance of Aesthetic Education in the School System : Integrating Arts into the Curriculum
Examiines concern in the case of fine arts curriculum in public school programs as somewhat lacking particularly in the fields of creative writing, dance, music, theatre, and visual arts and efforts to recitify this situation. 93yr 10pgs 14fn 7s $89.50
Tracking : Alternatives to Ability Grouping
Observes school counselors steering of students into particular disciplines as a result of their assessment of the students strengths and weaknesses. 93yr 7pgs 24fn 0s $62.65
Regie Routman's Invitations : A Commentary
Observes this work as a practice-oriented presentation of the whole langauage approach to educationthrough exploring the inter-relationship among oral language, reading and writing. 93yr 6pgs 16fn 0s $53.70
Cooperative Learning : A Research Design
Hypothesizes that the construction of cooperative learning groups can facilitate learning and knowledge acqiisition by children of different skill and ability levels. includes intro., review of literature, research design.results, conclusion. 93yr 7pgs Afn 5s $62.65
Art Criticism and Education
Examines art criticism as a component of educational programming. Also defines the field and assesses its importance and methods used to teach students in this area as well as the rationale for teaching art criticism. 93yr 8pgs 15fn 7s $71.60
An Analysis of Bloom's Closing of the American Mind
Examines Bloom's purpose as analyzing the effect of the social and political crises of the twentieth century America upon the educational system itself, political movements on campuses and the state of American scholarship. 93yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Developing Appropriate Special Education teaching Competencies to insure adequate Instruction of African-American students confronted with learning disabilities
Purpose is to determine whether non-minority teachers of African-American SE students should be involved in multicultural programs with special emphasis on the educational needs of these students. 93yr 16pgs Afn 12s $143.20
Desktop Computers in thre Classroom
Examines the value of Computer-Aided Instruction focusing on the importance of CAI in our society from an economic perspective in school learning programs. 94yr 12pgs Afn 12s $107.40
Aids Education in Public Schools
Observes the neccesity in implementing well designed educational programs about Aids, particularly in the secondary school years when most adolescents become sexually active. 94yr 6pgs Afn 4s $53.70
Research Proposal : Uniform Codes in Public Schools
A proposal which describes an approach to studying the question of whether or not uniform dress code in American public school system would be of value in maintaining discipline and equalizing intergroup relationships. Includes statement of needs, revie. 94yr 6pgs Afn 6s $53.70
The Goal and Mission of the American Public Education system
Examines the diversity inherent in American public education as seen through the works : Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska, The Mis-Education of the Negro by Carter Woodson and Jonathan Kozal's Savage Inequalities. 94yr 13pgs 15fn 0s $116.35
Analysis of an Academic Writing Genre
analyzes articles in the field of early childhood education reporting upon the results of empirical studies designed to test specific hypotheses. 94yr 9pgs Afn 2s $80.55
Sex Education Programs in the Schools
Provides an overview of the various public school sex education programs and their results regarding the effectiveness of such programs as a means of assisting adolescents in forming positive, self-protective sexual attitudes and behaviors as they mature. 94yr 16pgs Afn 23s $143.20
Modern debates on Education : Liberal Arts and Social Change
Compares and contrasts modern approaches to the issue of liberal education with those of such classical thinkers as Plato, the men and women of the middle ages, and philosophers who have shaped and informed or understanding of this field. 94yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
The Question of Tenure for Academic Women
Observes tenure as not representing a perfect institutional response to rewarding excellence of performance in academia and suggests that it is biased against women. 94yr 7pgs 14fn 10s $62.65
Technopoly by Neil Postman
Discusses Postman's ideas concerning medical technology and its impact upon health care in America and computer technology and its effect upon an overburdened failing public educational system. 94yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
A Discussion of Health Education in the 1990's
Reviews articles in this field describing the philosophical approach to health educatiopn now in place and the methodologies used to teach the varied subjects that are included in the field of health education. 94yr 7pgs Afn 6s $62.65
A Test of the Idea that a School Dress Code can be Linked to Positive Gains in Student Achievement
A research design with a hypothesis that a school dress code will have a positive correlation with improvements in student achievement levels. Includes problem statement, background mof the problem,research method, assessment and results. 94yr 10pgs Afn 7s $89.50
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