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Economics: Micro Economics

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Paper Title
Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Duesenberry and Friedman on the consumption Function:
A comparative Analysis. 78yr 9pgs 9fn 5s $80.55
Analyzing Tobacco Prices
Examines rising prices, and various causal factors. 78yr 4pgs 0fn 4s $35.80
Cotton Growth and Its Impact on the American Economy
Covers periods 1850-1925. 79yr 6pgs 11fn 9s $53.70
Recent Measures Taken Against the Milk Industry
Examines various measures taken against the American Milk Industry between 1968 and the present (1974). 79yr 16pgs 23fn 6s $143.20
The Use and Importance of Financial Intermediaries
For marketing and redistribution of securities. 79yr 4pgs 2fn 2s $35.80
Legal Attacks of Sexism at Ma Bell
Discusses the suit filed by the Equal Opportunity Commission against Bell Telephone for discriminatory hiring practices (1974). 79yr 6pgs 5fn 6s $53.70
Operations of Commercial Airlines
Examines customer services and operational practices employed by airlines to attract diminishing numbers of passengers. 79yr 15pgs 6fn 7s $134.25
The Semi-Strong and Strong Forms of the Efficient Market Hypothesis
Examines the prevalent theory in stock market analysis which attempts to ensure high rate of return on current or privileged stock information. 79yr 18pgs 13fn 7s $161.10
Corporate Liquidation
Discusses and examines the Internal Revenue Code dealing with corporate bankruptcy and disposition of assets. 79yr 6pgs 7fn 0s $53.70
Industrial Design as a Toll in Industry
As advanced by Ray Loewy, discusses his aesthetic creations of functional design for business and industry. 79yr 6pgs 8fn 3s $53.70
Corporate Planning Strategy
An inquiry into corporate economic objectives through planned movement with particular emphasis on the Anheuser-Busch firm and the beer industry. 79yr 11pgs 8fn 7s $98.45
Economics and the Public Purpose
Examines how prices are set in economic structure. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Airlines and Marketing
Discusses new marketing efforts to include employee pride, convenience and practicality. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Closed-End Investment Companies and the DOW
An analysis of investment companies dealing with the positive and negative aspects of both the management investment companies and the mutual funds. The Study concludes that the closed end investment companies investments have a higher yield than the Dow Jones Industrial Index. 78yr 12pgs 12fn 7s $107.40
Small Group Efficiency
Analyzes an efficiency problem in an organization discussed within the framework of the behavioral sciences, particularly as it concerns the behavior of a small group. 79yr 8pgs 4fn 3s $71.60
The Effects of Technology Upon the Economy
An in-depth look at the effects of progressive technology upon the country's major economic institutions. 80yr 15pgs 14fn 6s $134.25
Consumer Purchases of Nondurable Goods
A statistical breakdown of consumer purchases of nondurables such as food, gasoline, etc. 79yr 11pgs 8fn 7s $98.45
The Energy Crisis and Air Cargo Transport
An assessment of how the energy crisis has affected the air cargo transport industry with emphasis on the fuel cut-back, and prospects for the future. 79yr 15pgs 17fn 10s $134.25
Financial Problems of Pan American Airlines
A looking at the surprisingly unsound economic shape of the world's leading air carrier. 79yr 7pgs 5fn 2s $62.65
The Labor Theory of Value: How Relative Surplus Value May be Increased
How Labor might be exploited to get more for management. 81yr 7pgs 7fn 3s $62.65
The Merger Wave on Wall Street
Comprehensive analysis of brokerage firms mergers 1973-1977. 77yr 47pgs 50fn 14s $420.65
Venture Capital, Entrepreneurs, Risk and Interest Rates
Slow down of risk-taking due to high interest rates. 81yr 6pgs 0fn 6s $53.70
Classical Uniform Rate of Profit and Neoclassical Rate of Profit
Adam Smith's economics transmuted to and adjusted to twentieth-century capitalism. 81yr 11pgs 13fn 4s $98.45
The Communications Industry
An overview of the communications industry in the United States and its future prospects and how it fits in with the total economic picture. Includes all phases such as sales, growth and involvement of the Federal Communications Commission. 80yr 9pgs 22fn 5s $80.55
The Alcohol Industry
Gasohol and other contributions of alcohol as fuel alternative, other contributions to national industrial production. 81yr 9pgs 21fn 8s $80.55
Boeing, Lockheed and McDonnell Douglas
Financial analysis and recommended by, sell, and hold actions for 1969 to 1978 and five-year price projections. 81yr 20pgs 0fn 0s $179.00
Case Study of the Depression
Effects of experiences the Depression on work habits, opportunities and buying and financing planning in one family. 81yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
The Cigarette Industry
Price collusion, oligopolistic tendencies, industry growth patterns. 81yr 7pgs 14fn 5s $62.65
Conglomerates and Mergers
Deep pockets, economic effects, financial strength, acquiring management, concentrations of power. 81yr 4pgs 0fn 6s $35.80
South Street Seaport : A Cost Benefit Analysis
Analyzes this famous New York port including introduction, identification of its problem, statistical data, and cost benefit analysis. 82yr 10pgs 0fn 7s $89.50
Life Insurance as it Relates to Consumption Economics
Analyzes the different aspects of life insurance as an investment, and the various plans offered with their economic advantages and disadvantages. 82yr 12pgs 13fn 6s $107.40
Enforcement, Inc. - Pension Plan
A proposed hypothetical plan indicating all factors to be considered in its implementation including name of plan employer, plan administrator, trustees, address, plan history, plan year, type of plan, eligibility requirements, etc. 82yr 18pgs 25fn 0s $161.10
An Overview of Microeconomics
Defines and analyzes microeconomics as it concerns the smallest units within the economy, because these components determine prices, incomes, and the distribution of goods and services. 90yr 10pgs 6fn 3s $89.50
The Current Credit Crunch in the United States
examines the affect of debt financing, corporate acquisitions, the S & L crisis and other economic factors in the 1980's leading to the current banking tendencies to become more conservative in credit and lending practices. 91yr 6pgs Afn 10s $53.70
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