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Business: International

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Includes methods of transportation, Laws governing production, sale quota and exports. 78yr 5pgs 7fn 7s $44.75
Saudi Arabia: Oil And Institutional Development
Examines social and economic contributions of. 78yr 6pgs 2fn 6s $53.70
The American Investment In England
A review and discussion. 79yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Air Cargo Movement In Modern Traffic Management
Investigates transporting of mail, baggage, and passengers in the jet revolution, role of commercial freighters in international traffic, manufacturing and industry, customs clearance, noting major commercial lines. 79yr 17pgs 18fn 8s $152.15
Problems Of The Tea Industry In The U.S.
Includes pricing, production, competition from foreign countries, and other problems the industry currently faces. 79yr 5pgs 3fn 4s $44.75
Protection Of The U.S. Textile Industry
Notes importing, domestic resources and expenditures as they endanger U.S. textile production. 79yr 6pgs 11fn 7s $53.70
West German Marketing
Examines the German economy since WW II, business policies effecting the changing market, the escalation of resource prices and current marketing procedures. 79yr 15pgs 12fn 7s $134.25
The U.S. Capital Movement Overseas
Examines the practices of importing and exporting, tariffs, fixed and fluctuating currency, and supply and demand of essential products as they effect inflationary trends. 79yr 13pgs 7fn 5s $116.35
Labor And Unions In Chile And Argentina
Examines the union movement in both countries, struggles between unions and governments, between socialists and communists. 79yr 15pgs 12fn 6s $134.25
IBM Exports To Iran And The Middle East
Examines IBM's influence on an industrializing government system as is found in Middle Eastern countries today. 79yr 10pgs 7fn 7s $89.50
The Effects Of Multinational Expansion On The Home Labor Force
Examines economic and labor ramifications entailed in the development of subsidiary branches of industry away from home. 80yr 20pgs 20fn 11s $179.00
Industrial Recreation In Japan And The U.S.
An extensive study as to the application of recreation by businesses and employers for an objective of company loyalty and production. Analysis of current utilization of recreation existing in Japan and the U.S. with a 25 year future projection and outline. 74yr 47pgs 40fn 30s $420.65
The Levi-Strauss Company
Discusses this large manufacturer of western clothing items, expanding production facilities to include foreign countries. 79yr 5pgs 6fn 4s $44.75
The Dangers Of Multinational Corporations
A short essay on the disguised goals of multinational corporations. 79yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Price Discrimination
An analysis of the practice of discriminatory pricing, primarily by large corporations, the effect on business development, governmental regulations, international trade in a four part study. 80yr 20pgs 17fn 10s $179.00
International Trade and Developing Nations
The prospects of multinational trade in developing African and Asian countries and their relationship with industrialized nations. 80yr 15pgs 22fn 11s $134.25
United States Multinational Corporations
Deals with multinational corporations in Europe and how they are established and why, as well as various advantages and disadvantages. 80yr 6pgs 0fn 5s $53.70
Effects of International Trade on American Labor
Examines the growth of multinational corporations and its effects on the labor front in this country. 80yr 15pgs 8fn 22s $134.25
Structures of International Finance and Trade
Breton Woods Conference and its ramifications. 80yr 7pgs 17fn 5s $62.65
Evaluation of Foreign Markets
Using coffee as example a brief discussion of foreign markets. 80yr 8pgs 2fn 9s $71.60
Global Ideological Conflicts Regional Warfare, Political Instability and the Multinational Corporation
Quick brief of area. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Changing Scope of International Business 1970-1979
Mulltinationals and foreign expansion. 80yr 9pgs 16fn 4s $80.55
Mitsui & Co., of Japan
Tracing Mitsui's growth from banking and investment to huge diversified conglomerate of international scope. 82yr 15pgs 11fn 16s $134.25
Coffee Industry Regulations and Guidelines
Types of coffee would define international marketing regulations an standards. 80yr 12pgs 9fn 3s $107.40
Unlawful payments in Latino
Distinction between bribery and extortion and applications to both in the law. 79yr 6pgs 8fn 4s $53.70
Automotive Exports Inc
Case study of dynamics of foreign dealerships. 81yr 6pgs 7fn 5s $53.70
Current Problems of the American Steel Industry
Declining market share, union demands, and foreign competition contribute to shaky industry. 81yr 8pgs 13fn 5s $71.60
Agricultural Machinery : The Development of International Competition, Manufacture and Trade
An examination of the accelerated external agriculturally oriented merchandise trade of the U.S. in the post W.W.II period. 84yr 10pgs 23fn 26s $89.50
An Analysis of the Mexican Pulp and Paper Industry's relationship to Foreign Technology and Transnational companies
Observes and analyzes this peculiar but not atypical relationship with foreign technology. 83yr 25pgs 42fn 16s $223.75
International Business : Introduction and Essentials by Donald Ball and Wendell McCullough
A review and analysis. 83yr 8pgs 6fn 0s $71.60
The Dilemma of the Automobile Makers 1967-1982
A discussion of the eroding dominance of the big three due to foreign competition,mainly Japanese, high internal costs, and the volatility of the international scene. 85yr 12pgs 24fn 11s $107.40
The development of competition between the U.S. and principal foreign banking institutions
A discussion on world banking noting that it is more volatile and complex than ever. 84yr 12pgs 6fn 3s $107.40
Assessing the comparative advantage of doing business in India
Includes demographic and cultural considerations, business climate, strategy design, and comparative advantages of doing business in India. 84yr 15pgs 11fn 7s $134.25
Future projections of the Banking Industry
An analysis of the international monetary and banking system as being impossible to predict due to the influence of political and economic developments. 84yr 11pgs 6fn 3s $98.45
Internationalization of Accounting : Accounting techniques and procedures in a typical Japanese Corporation
An analysis of the Japanese trading company, Mitsubishi. 85yr 10pgs 9fn 10s $89.50
The Petrodollar Flow, considered from domestic and international perspectives
A current assessment as to OPEC's control over price and production of oil. 86yr 13pgs 19fn 17s $116.35
The ABC Air-conditioning Company
An analysis of the ABC company and its venture into exporting two lines of air conditioners to Saudi Arabia. 82yr 18pgs 10fn 9s $161.10
A comparison of Japanese and American Corporate financial policies
An analysis of performance due, in part, to a radically different kind of economic structure. 82yr 9pgs 16fn 8s $80.55
IBM's Japanese Marketing Difficulties
An observation of the difficulties IBM is experiencing in establishing a sales base and setting up operations in Japan. 83yr 6pgs 14fn 2s $53.70
The Marketing of Japanese Products in the United States
Discusses evolution, key marketing issues, practical applications, analysis and future prospects. 86yr 13pgs 12fn 20s $116.35
Marketing in Hong Kong
An historical overview, diversification of products and marketing practices in Japan. 82yr 8pgs 3fn 5s $71.60
International Business : Introduction and Essentials ; a review
A review and analysis of this text by Ball and McCulloch which deals with business practices in the international marketplace, the nature of international business, the international monetary system, the foreign environment, etc. 84yr 10pgs 6fn 0s $89.50
Regulations Governing Foreign Business Practices
a discussion upon the different methods a multinational corporation may legally do business according to U.S. and Foreign law. 86yr 15pgs 9fn 13s $134.25
A comparative analysis of the business management systems in Ghana and Nigeria
A discussion on the different forms of business organization acceptable in Ghana and Nigeria. 81yr 7pgs 8fn 9s $62.65
A comparison of the managerial systems and strategies of the Chrysler and Toyota Corporations
A comparison of American managerial practices as seen at Chrysler Corporation and the Japanese counterpart at Toyota Corporation. 86yr 12pgs 30fn 0s $107.40
Multinational Management of Research and Development Activities Abroad
An investigation into how much more likely foreign research and development laboratories are to be established through direct placement rather than evolution. Also considerations of the role of a parent firms market-orientation to the establishment of R&D abroad is examined. Includes literature review, methodology, findings, and summary. 87yr 23pgs 33fn 29s $205.85
Management Techniques and Productivity in India
An examination of the shortage of managerial resources in India today, thus hindering India's industrialization. 83yr 10pgs 11fn 9s $89.50
A Comparison of Managerial Styles in Business : Australia/New Zealand and Switzerland
Discusses legal and technical aspects. 85yr 7pgs 5fn 12s $62.65
A Case Study of General Foods International Division
Multinational objectives and subsidiaries, includes strategies both short and long term. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Japanese Computer Technology
How the Kanban system, developed by the Toyota Motor Company came about, its role in American business; the SYNCHRO and MRP systems and their effect on American business. 82yr 8pgs 3fn 3s $71.60
The Marketing of Computer Devices in Africa
A discussion of developing the need for the facilitation of computer-oriented systems to third world nations. 83yr 7pgs 5fn 9s $62.65
KANBAN (Just-In-Time production)
A discussion on this Japanese developed advanced production-managing system for repetitive manufacturing. 82yr 8pgs 0fn 4s $71.60
The Multinational Corporation
Examines the development, since the 1950's to present, of this large complex organization and its objectives. Also includes profitability of product/marketing operations in Europe. 84yr 8pgs 17fn 8s $71.60
The Marketing of a Disposable Diaper Product in Italy
An analysis of a marketing dilemma in a tradition based society such as Italy, where the understood notion is for the mother to mold into the typical mother/housewife role. 87yr 10pgs 6fn 8s $89.50
A Marketing Survey of Contemporary Egypt
A demographic survey of population characteristics of Egypt, including, Economic statistics and activity,technology, distribution system,consumer marketing, and media. 87yr 15pgs 20fn 14s $134.25
Marketing of the Early Pregnancy Test in Contemporary Egypt's Domestic and Commercial Environment
Discusses and analyzes the marketing of this product, in consideration of sociological aspects, in contemporary Egypt. 87yr 21pgs 15fn 17s $187.95
IBM's Japanese Marketing Difficulties
Observes IBM's difficulties in establishing an oriental base because of the close knit culture and suspiciousness of foreigners in Japan. 84yr 6pgs 13fn 2s $53.70
Topics in Tariff Economics
Between U.S., Canada, Brazil, regarding pulp and other usable fuel commodities. Includes tables from various countries. 78yr 21pgs 0fn 0s $187.95
Brown Boveri Turbomachinery, Inc.
An observation of the recently completed deal with the Indian government to utilize this company, a leading manufacturer of gas and steam turbine engines and generators for industrial use, in diverting one of its major rivers. 83yr 23pgs 0fn 0s $205.85
Management and Worker : The Japanese Solution
Examines the Japanese example of management technique, including close ties between employer and employee, the tradition of encouraging employees to be generalists and not specialists, and the concept of personal duties as opposed to individual rights. 83yr 12pgs 16fn 21s $107.40
The Importation of Italian Shoes
Expresses the renaissance in Italian shoe imports competing with U.S. retailers of domestic shoes. 82yr 7pgs 9fn 0s $62.65
The Future of Multinational Businesses
Important issues analyzed as to the future of the multinational business including, international transmission of resources, relations with foreign cultures, national interest, business strategy, organization structure, etc. 80yr 10pgs 20fn 5s $89.50
The Art of Management : A Detailed Survey of Today's Managerial Methodologies Defined, Compared, Contrasted, Analyzed
A review of literature concerning the success of Japanese companies in competing in the international marketplace as a result of their managerial techniques. Also gives specific Japanese managerial strategies and policies. 85yr 10pgs 12fn 0s $89.50
Management of the Industrial Structure and Resultant Policy Functions as Devised and Evidenced by Contemporary Multinational Corporations
An investigation into the problem of high level multinational management in terms of industrial structure and those organization productivity policies which result as the firm strives to confront successfully the many problems facing it. 87yr 20pgs 32fn 0s $179.00
Management of the Industrial Structure and Resultant Policy Functions as Devised and Evidenced by Contemporary Multinational Corporations
A review of literature concerning the advent of companies adopting globally-oriented product structures and top management decision making in determining strategy and policy for foreign operations. 87yr 30pgs 46fn 0s $268.50
Management of the Industrial Structure and Resultant Policy Functions as Devised and Evidenced by Contemporary Multinational Corporations
A review of literature concerning the marketing research and marketing policies necessary for the development and eventual success of new products in the global market including centralized manufacturing,labor considerations,quality control and managerial selection methods. 87yr 50pgs 35fn 0s $447.50
Management of the Industrial Structure and Resultant Policy Decisions as Devised and Evidenced by Contemporary Multinational Corporations
A review of literature concerning the necessity of the thinning of the ranks of middle management in multinationationals,the adaptation of Japanese style management techniques and Japanese manufacturing methodologies. 86yr 20pgs 16fn 0s $179.00
Management of the Industrial Structure and Resultant Policy Functions as Devised and Implemented by Contemporary Multinational Operations
A review of literature concerning JIT (just-in-time) Japanese production techniques, transnational product positioning structure,methodology of statistically analyzing product and promotional strategy, the revolutionary changes taking place in manufacturing such as CAD/CAM, robotics, CIMand results toward the optimum positioning that transnational companies must adjust to...Continuing series. 87yr 80pgs 71fn 159s $716.00
The History and Function of Multinationals
Examines the growth of multinationals as coincided with the growing interdependence of countries on each other, the history of their development, their spheres of influence and the laws under which they operate. 88yr 11pgs 7fn 6s $98.45
Application of Legal Aspects to Joint Venture Agreements in an International Context
Looks at the legal aspects and ramifications of international joint ventures from the point of view of an American company seeking to establish a joint venture with a foreign firm. 88yr 27pgs 41fn 26s $241.65
Globalization and Securitization of International Markets
Examines what increasing globalization of international markets means to American business and the fluctuations in the currency/exchange rates. 88yr 10pgs 19fn 11s $89.50
Daag Europe : A Case Study
Formulation of strategy,evaluation of present strategy,internal environment, etc. 88yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
Multinationals : An Overview
Includes definitions of multinational corporations, types, theories behind their expansion, sources behind their bargaining power with the host country, advantages and disadvantages. 88yr 10pgs 16fn 9s $89.50
Profit Maximization in the Forestry Industry
Examines the beginnings of the industry, pressure from environmentalists, types of wood products, current export market, future projections. 88yr 9pgs 15fn 8s $80.55
Marketing Characteristics in France
Analyzes a variety of information on the business and economic structure of France, political climate,GNP, import/export, impact of Europe 1992's economic integration, etc. 89yr 12pgs 20fn 18s $107.40
Apple Macintosh in China
A marketing study on the introduction of Apple Computer products to the international marketing arena, specifically China. Observes the changing business climate in China, obstacles, tariff restrictions, possible solutions. 88yr 10pgs 19fn 10s $89.50
Levi Strauss in Spain
An analysis of the European market for the clothing products of the Levi Strauss company focusing particularly on the marketing difficulties encountered in Spain. 88yr 10pgs 27fn 0s $89.50
Apple Macintosh in China
Examines Apple Computer's marketing operations in China, dialect problems, tariffs, and solutions to China's protectionist policies. 88yr 10pgs 19fn 11s $89.50
Starting a Small Business in Kenya
a thorough overview of the economic opportunities in Kenya, Africa with considerations of the socio-political environment and as a major African investment opportunity. 90yr 15pgs 18fn 9s $134.25
Apartheid and Corporate Ethics
Examines the ethical dilema posed by the racial crisis in South Africa and the conflicting demands on the international business community regarding divestiture. 90yr 4pgs Afn 3s $35.80
Effects of Customs and Duty Regulations on the American Clothing Industry
Examines the import surge in he clothing industry and the resultant legislation aimed at a protectionism of the American clothing/textile industry. 90yr 11pgs 21fn 10s $98.45
The Role of U.S. Banks in International Business
Observes the increasing global influence of U.S. banks due to the 1987 stock market crash, international capital adequacy rules, Europe's unification of markets in 1992, Pacific rim nations desire to open their markets, etc. 90yr 15pgs 20fn 18s $134.25
Issues Analysis and Executive summary on U.S. Policy Considerations for the 1990's
Examines U.S. business and economic policy considerations in the 1990's in light of the German reunification,the S & L crisis, the trade deficit, Asian competition, hostile takeeovers/corporate acquisitions, etc. 90yr 10pgs 16fn 14s $89.50
Japanese and American Management Styles
Observes major Japanese management components, Japanese and American Organization Systems, problems with American management, applicability of Japanese Techniques Techniques to the Americna business system. 90yr 9pgs 13fn 13s $80.55
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