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Economics: Macro Economics

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Inflation and Budgetary Controls
Attempts to combat the spiral of a growing budget and inflation. Why we have such a high inflation rate and what can be done about it. 80yr 6pgs 3fn 3s $53.70
National Labor Policy and Union Activity in Agriculture
Discusses dispute between U.S. Farm Workers and the Teamsters, legislative background, analysis of events. 78yr 15pgs 62fn 19s $134.25
Nixon's Economic Policy as Compared to the French Economic Policy in 1971
78yr 7pgs 5fn 9s $62.65
Economic Structure and Planning in France
French developments from 1947 to present from the domestic and international standpoints. 79yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Why W.I.N. Lost
Examines the recent Work Incentive Program and its subsequent failure. 78yr 5pgs 7fn 4s $44.75
Tax Structures of Hawaii and New Jersey
An outline of each state's system of government; methods of taxation (especially property) and planning. 78yr 5pgs 8fn 4s $44.75
Development of the Federal Reserve Banking System
Discusses development, function, and purpose of this system which gives central control to the banking system of America. 79yr 11pgs 7fn 6s $98.45
Development of the U.S. Balance of Payments for the Year 1973-1974.
An analysis of word trade deficits and capital outflow primarily from international petroleum trade. 78yr 6pgs 8fn 3s $53.70
The Role of the US Government in our Economy
An examination of government involvement in the economic life of the nation, with specific attention to the Eisenhower Administration to present. 78yr 7pgs 5fn 4s $62.65
Money and Credit Supply
Deals with government expenditures in relation to living costs, 1961-74. 79yr 8pgs 6fn 10s $71.60
Federal Revenue Sharing
Examines the concept of placing funds, thru Federal Grants, back to state and local governments for project allocation. 78yr 10pgs 0fn 5s $89.50
The Cyclical US Money Supply Between the Years 1923-41
Discusses the movement of money through consumers and government spending, and banks, giving rise to US Depression and subsequent economic programs. 78yr 8pgs 10fn 7s $71.60
The Creation of a World Bank
Looks at the creation of the post WW II World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and other developments aimed at reconstruction and world economic stabilization. 78yr 4pgs 4fn 2s $35.80
Problems of the International Monetary Fund
Discusses the Fund's failure to achieve its goal due to domestic policies of member nations and its inability to cope with the gold dollar standard, and money withdrawal. 79yr 10pgs 5fn 2s $89.50
The Federal Governments Fiscal and Monetary Policy Between 1945 and 1950
A study of governmental economic policy of this period as a result of the nature, motivation, and effects of legislation and political conflict that resulted from the incessant inflationary pressures of the period. 81yr 14pgs 11fn 11s $125.30
Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
by D. Ricardo. Notes Ricardo's economic reform without feasible recommendations. 81yr 10pgs 1fn 0s $89.50
The Federal Reserve System
Examines the Functions, purposes and importance of this system in the US. 79yr 12pgs 18fn 6s $107.40
Macroeconomic Analysis: An Exposition
A theoretical analysis of macroeconomic theory using the IS-LM model, meaning the goods and money market respectively. Includes graphs and charts. 79yr 8pgs 0fn 5s $71.60
The Development of the Federal Reserve System
Looks at the Historical need for and development of this system and a discussion of its various functions. 79yr 9pgs 5fn 4s $80.55
The Major Domestic Macroeconomic Problems of the Present Day
Examines the major economic problems, including the inflation - unemployment relationship and the growing gap of capital formation and investment requirements. 79yr 5pgs 8fn 6s $44.75
The Dependency Theory
Economic relationships between underdeveloped nations and industrialized nations as economic controllers of satellites. 81yr 18pgs 12fn 6s $161.10
Perception, Opportunity, and Profit: Studies in the Theory of Entrepreneurship
by Israel M. Kirzner. Macroeconomics of entrepreneurship and disequilibrium. 81yr 13pgs 0fn 0s $116.35
The Federal Reserve System: Member Bank Exodus
Reserve reductions, competitive disadvantages, and other dynamics of membership vs. nonmembership in Federal System. 81yr 8pgs 12fn 7s $71.60
Composition, value, and uses in world market. 81yr 6pgs 7fn 7s $53.70
The Great Depression and The Stock Market
Impact on the stock market and general economy of Depression. 81yr 11pgs 5fn 3s $98.45
Evaluation of Current Economic Activities
Contributing factors to recession and income determination theory. 81yr 8pgs 5fn 12s $71.60
Productivity and Income Distribution
The relationship of falling productivity rates to inflation, increased energy costs as contributing factor and solutions. 81yr 8pgs 12fn 9s $71.60
Inflation: Number One Economic Problem
Definitions of inflation, causality, curbs, effects on income distribution. 81yr 7pgs 15fn 6s $62.65
Case Study of the Depression
Effects of experiences the Depression on work habits, opportunities and buying and financing planning in one family. 81yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Gross National Product: Trends and Projections
Investments, money aggregates, inflationary trends. 81yr 7pgs 18fn 12s $62.65
Economic Theories of Inflation and Unemployment
Conservative, liberal, and radical models, effects on income. 81yr 9pgs 16fn 5s $80.55
Monetary Theory and Policy, Money and Capital Markets
An examination of the increasingly complex money market field with the economic/financial system as a whole concluding that it requires a well considered and substantiative degree of federally based control. 87yr 21pgs 33fn 17s $187.95
How the Federal Reserve Controls the Money Supply
An analysis of the Federal Reserve System, historically to present, in its role as the Federal Government's fiscal agent. 79yr 7pgs 8fn 2s $62.65
A Design For A Future National Government
An observation of the economic and social systems and values that we adhere to in the U.S. and a design for a new government system realizing economic growth, and the resultant public policies must, in the future, serve social and environmental needs in order to create a more livable world. 83yr 20pgs 30fn 22s $179.00
Stagflation and its Effects on the Consumer
An analysis of stagflation, or inflation accompanied by economic stagnation and unemployment instead of economic growth. 83yr 11pgs 12fn 11s $98.45
A Business Analysis of the Reagan Administration
An examination of supply side economics exemplifying the Reagan policy on spending. 82yr 6pgs 7fn 7s $53.70
Analyzes mathematical definitions in macroeconomics observing combinations of income equilibrium, interest rates on money supply, and other factors. 82yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
An Analysis of the Gramm - Rudman Plan and its effects on the Domestic Economy
An analysis of this federal deficit plan in an attempt to eliminate the deficit. 86yr 9pgs 9fn 10s $80.55
The Economic Inefficiency of the Federal Food Stamp Program 1964 - Present
Purpose is to provide the reader with an economic analysis of the Food Stamp Program, including the presentation of economic statistics relevant to the problems of the Food Stamp Program. 82yr 11pgs 6fn 7s $98.45
The Fluctuating Economy : Its Influence on Inflation and Employment
Observes unemployment, high inflation, contemporary economic trends , full employment, etc. as questions that address fundamental theories of macroeconomic theory. 81yr 10pgs 12fn 0s $89.50
An Essay on the State of the American Economy
Observes such factors as unemployment and chronic joblessness,inflationary trends, the deficit, etc. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Minimum Wage : A Prohibitive Variable In Youth Unemployment
Argues that the underlying variable in a high rate of youth unemployment is the minimum wage law. 84yr 7pgs 10fn 6s $62.65
Inflation, Output and Unemployment Explained through the Phillips Curve
An examination of factors relating to inflation and unemployment explain through the use of inverse relationships observed in the standard Phillips Curve. 81yr 11pgs 10fn 10s $98.45
An Exploration of the Advantages and Disadvantages of fixed exchange rates, fluctuating exchange rates and the Gold Standard
Analyzes each and proposes a series of recommendations as far as implementing the most sensible system. 83yr 10pgs 5fn 9s $89.50
Economics and the Energy Crisis
An examination of the devaluation of the dollar in the early 1970's, the Bretton Woods Agreement which originally designed an essentially fixed exchange rate and the effect of the Arab oil embargo on the U.S. dollar. 79yr 28pgs 24fn 15s $250.60
Free To Choose
by Milton Friedman An analysis of this work forewarning that the present course of Big Government and Big Business is to redirect the American economy around the problems of our time without any fundamental steps to correct them. 85yr 11pgs 9fn 0s $98.45
The Zero-Sum Society by Lester C. Thurow
An indictment on the government's role in American economic development,primarily its adversary approach to programs, and a call for change. 82yr 10pgs 29fn 0s $89.50
How the Federal Reserve Controls the Money Supply
A history of banking and monetary policy in the United States leading ultimately to the Federal Reserve Act. 78yr 7pgs 8fn 2s $62.65
An overview as to the economic thinking and policies of President Reagan, including philosophic background, the personnel and the policies and contemporary economic and political analyses of the policies and staff. 83yr 40pgs 42fn 24s $358.00
The Zero-Sum Society by Lester Thurow
A review and analysis where gains and losses in the economy are offset by each other. 82yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Introduction to the Bretton Woods Agreement
Analyzes the most significant plans at the Bretton Woods conference, specifically those proposed by John Maynard Keynes, the International Clearing Union, A British plan, and that of Harry Dexter White. 80yr 11pgs 22fn 8s $98.45
Major Macroeconomic problems facing the Reagan Administration
Observes depressed capital spending, double digit unemployment, and budget deficits. 83yr 9pgs 5fn 0s $80.55
The Effect of Interest Rates on the American Economy and the Business World as a Whole
Examines interest rates as a barometer in financial market conditions. 84yr 4pgs 4fn 16s $35.80
John Maynard Keynes Economic Theories
Examines Keynesian economic principles in interpreting public policy depression, unemployment and other issues through his General Theory of Employment, Means to Prosperity and the parallel lines of J.S. Mill's Principles of Political Economy. 81yr 10pgs 19fn 0s $89.50
The Carter Administration and Inflation
A look at factors of inflation such as advance in costs of production, unemployment levels, investment funds available, etc. 82yr 4pgs 7fn 6s $35.80
Macro-Economic Problems of 1988
Looks at capital spending, the trade deficit, business investment, consumer spending, import/export, etc. for the first 6 months of 1988. 88yr 6pgs 6fn 0s $53.70
Economic Forecast for 11/88-5/89
from available economic and business data a prediction of the economy during this period looking at employment, foreign trade balance,deficit, inflation, interset rate, the effect of the Presidential election, etc. 88yr 7pgs 16fn 9s $62.65
Conversations With Economists by Arjo Klamer
a review of this book in which the author initiates and records conversations with prominent economists on the subject of current controversies in macroeconomics. 88yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Dollar Depreciation Relating to the U.S. Trade Deficit
Examines the U. S. efforts to curtail the trade deficit through depreciating the dollar initiated during the Reagan administration only to experience foreign exporters lowering profit margins and decreasing demand for U. S. exports. 89yr 12pgs 14fn 13s $107.40
Considerations of Capitalism
Examine the theories and tenets of capitalism. Looks at historical roots, interest in external expansion, production theory and current stagnation. 88yr 6pgs 9fn 10s $53.70
IMF vs. World Bank
Examines the roles and differences each play on the international finance scene. 88yr 4pgs 0fn 6s $35.80
Capital Formation and Economic Growth
the significant role capital formation has played, historically, in the growth of the American economy. 90yr 7pgs 9fn 5s $62.65
An Analysis of Current Economic Conditions in the United States
Observes that recovery is much slower than anticipated focusing on the current recession by looking at various economic indicators. 91yr 6pgs 12fn 10s $53.70
American Economic Conditions in 1992
Observes a variety of information as to a recovery of the current recession including, over-regulation by government, jobless rates, gross domestic product, housing, Federal Reserve policies, etc. 92yr 11pgs 30fn 22s $98.45
A Comparison of Classical and Keynesian Monetary Theory
Examines two different approaches to monetary theory, that of the so-called "classical" economists such as Adam Smith and David Ricardo, and that proposed by John Maynard Keynes, generally referred to as Keynesian monetary theory. 92yr 7pgs 17fn 6s $62.65
Monetary and Fiscal Policy Compared
Observes monetary policy as being controlled by the Federal Reserve System, instruments of fiscal policy as tax rates and government spending, with stabilization policies designed to moderate fluctuations in the economy. 92yr 4pgs 5fn 4s $35.80
Monetary Policy to Prevent Inflation in the United States Since World War II
Analyzes the two approaches to policymaking for inflation, the mainstream, or classical, perspective which regards inflation as a phenomenon based on excess demand and the neoclassical view which regards it as a bargaining position between employers and trade unions. 93yr 15pgs 25fn 16s $134.25
A History and Analysis of Inflation
Examines the two approaches to inflation that have developed within economic practice and theory. The classical perspective which regards inflation as a phenomenon based on excess demand and the neoclassical which is essentially a bargaining position between employers and trade unions. 93yr 10pgs 18fn 12s $89.50
Robert Reich's The Work of Nations
Observes Reich's argument for a global, internationalist view of economic development, based on the premise that the changing forms of work and changing structures of corporate capitalism no longer fit national boundaries or respect national barriers. 94yr 9pgs Afn 1s $80.55
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