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Economics: International

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Local Sub-Sahara Trade in Pre-Colonial Africa
Notes the nature of Africa's market, language, purpose. 78yr 11pgs 10fn 8s $98.45
The Economy of Italy
Examines conditions, incomes and related material. 78yr 5pgs 5fn 14s $44.75
Nigeria's Agricultural Economy
Examines agricultural commerce and marketing. 79yr 4pgs 0fn 3s $35.80
The Myth of the Free Market
Examines economic, and racial repression on third world people. 78yr 10pgs Afn 0s $89.50
Economic Development in the Hausa Village of Tudo
Problems overcome in economic development; how customs, tradition and culture play a role. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Nigerian Oil Dollar in Today's Economy
Discusses Nigera's emergence from colonialism to a major oil producer and resultant economic effects. 78yr 19pgs 17fn 10s $170.05
Underdeveloped Countries of the Third World and the Oil Crisis
Examines the crushing impact of OPEC and increased oil prices on financially burdened countries. 79yr 10pgs 5fn 10s $89.50
Norwegian Fisheries
Discusses these as a critical part of Norwegian economy, with historical overview and exporting allowances to the present. 79yr 8pgs 17fn 7s $71.60
Economic Structure and Planning in France
French developments from 1947 to present from the domestic and international standpoints. 79yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
Polish Foreign Trade
Examines the development of Polish trading capabilities and present and future forecasts and prospects. 79yr 12pgs 11fn 6s $107.40
Multinational Corporations and Economic Development in Latin America
An analysis into the role of US based corporations, with an investigation into the employment of cheap labor and exploitation of natural resources. 79yr 20pgs 38fn 18s $179.00
Development of the U.S. Balance of Payments for the Year 1973-1974.
An analysis of word trade deficits and capital outflow primarily from international petroleum trade. 78yr 6pgs 8fn 3s $53.70
International Aspects of the Energy Crisis
Discusses the development of OPEC, and the "Petro-dollar" and effects on international politics and finance. 79yr 14pgs 7fn 5s $125.30
Economic Growth in Europe
An overall look at European economic growth, and how things like capitalism, communism, war, unionism and the Industrial Revolution impacted it. Emphasizes Britain, France, Germany and Russia. 80yr 10pgs 0fn 12s $89.50
The Effect of Oil Production on the Economic Development of Nigeria
A tracing of the recent economic history of Nigeria and the part that oil and related industries play i- Nigerian economy, with charts, graphs , etc. 78yr 70pgs 57fn 43s $626.50
Russian Wheat Sales and U.S. Economy
Examines the controversial wheat deals between US and Russia since 1972, with assessment of history, implications and political ramifications. 79yr 19pgs 36fn 21s $170.05
The Creation of a World Bank
Looks at the creation of the post WW II World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and other developments aimed at reconstruction and world economic stabilization. 78yr 4pgs 4fn 2s $35.80
Effects on Imports on the American Labor Markets
Discusses the impact of the current state of imbalance between imports and exports resulting in unemployment, high prices and inferior quality of merchandise. 78yr 7pgs 3fn 3s $62.65
Why do you Need a Separate Theoretical Framework to Explain Domestic V. Foreign Direct Investment?
Examines domestic investment as distinct from objectives obtained from foreign trade. 78yr 5pgs 5fn 3s $44.75
Problems of the International Monetary Fund
Discusses the Fund's failure to achieve its goal due to domestic policies of member nations and its inability to cope with the gold dollar standard, and money withdrawal. 79yr 10pgs 5fn 2s $89.50
The Agricultural System of the USSR
Examines the Ineptness and persistent failure of the Soviet system as a result of Soviet reliance on political and applied social theory rather than sound business productivity techniques. 78yr 10pgs 11fn 9s $89.50
Open Market Operations in West Germany
Examines the power of the West German Bank in the past four decades and governmental disregard for the bank's safeguard powers. 81yr 6pgs 6fn 6s $53.70
The Implications of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development of Third World Powers
Examines efforts to resolve economic problems thru the act of Export Credit Insurance and a World Agricultural Fund. 79yr 8pgs 6fn 9s $71.60
An Analysis of British Trading Activity
An analysis of British trading history and current trading activity, focuses on trends and growth. 79yr 5pgs 5fn 0s $44.75
How to Evaluate Foreign Exchange Risks
An analysis of foreign exchange risks problems, with emphasis on translation and conversion processes. 79yr 15pgs 4fn 6s $134.25
Investment Planning in the USSR
Examines the methods of investment planning in the Soviet Union, with note of the differences and similarities to the US. 79yr 15pgs 13fn 20s $134.25
The Marshall Plan
An analysis of the Plan as an outgrowth of WW II, an an appraisal of its effectiveness as a policy of containment. 80yr 9pgs 9fn 5s $80.55
The Role of the Yen in the Foreign Exchange Market
An analysis of Japan's effect on world economy particularly with regard to the foreign exchange market. 79yr 7pgs 8fn 7s $62.65
Role of Cities in the Economic Development of the USSR
How cities evolved out of pre-WWI Russia and became a force in its economic development. The First and Second Five Year economic Plans; migration patterns. 80yr 8pgs 19fn 6s $71.60
Caribbean Economics: A Unified View
An analysis of the economy of the West Indies based on Hawkin's The Changing Face of the Caribbean. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
From Rural to Urban in Kenya's Economy
The actual rate at which Kenya's economy is changing from urban to rural, using UN census data. The change in the composition of urban centers. 80yr 8pgs 5fn 9s $71.60
Green Revolution in India and China
An analysis of the absence of food in India and China and how revolution may be an answer to the cries of starving millions. 79yr 11pgs 16fn 5s $98.45
The Impact Changes in the International Exchange Rate have on the Dollar
Discussion of balance of payments and the oil crisis. 80yr 7pgs 9fn 4s $62.65
The Bank for International Settlements: Past, Present, and Future Functions
Scholarly explanation of this organization. 80yr 24pgs 12fn 6s $214.80
How Effective are Labor Unions Today
Pros and cons--corruption and at the same time effectiveness in getting wage increases and better working conditions. 80yr 20pgs 10fn 10s $179.00
The History And Economics of OPEC
Brief Recounting of OPEC, its shortcomings and successes. The US reactions. 80yr 9pgs 0fn 6s $80.55
The Presence of Multinational Corporations in Island Nations; the Case of Papua New Guinea.
Impact of western ideas on these once happy and remote islands. Plight of developing nations. 80yr 11pgs 17fn 11s $98.45
The Influence of Japanese Yen on the US Dollar and Trading
Japanese trade surplus and its consequences for U.S. and Japan. 81yr 10pgs 5fn 4s $89.50
International Credit and Collection
Particular references to South American nations-Peru, Argentina, Brazil, and their international trade balances. 81yr 8pgs 4fn 5s $71.60
Economy of the Federation of Malaysia
The continued development of the most developed South Pacific nations with attention to land use and transportation. 81yr 16pgs 17fn 12s $143.20
The Dependency Theory
Economic relationships between underdeveloped nations and industrialized nations as economic controllers of satellites. 81yr 18pgs 12fn 6s $161.10
Population Growth and Under-Development
Effects of population growth on low-developed nations with the specific respect to individual needs. 81yr 7pgs 8fn 0s $62.65
Effects of Imperialism on LDC's
Dependency, political instability, inflation, and stagnation in Latin America. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Theory of Dependency: Brazil
Brazil's economic satellite status in relation to the U.S. 81yr 15pgs 10fn 0s $134.25
Economic Development of Cuba
Postwar development of one commodity trade and post Castro agrarian reform. 81yr 16pgs 8fn 7s $143.20
Greece: The Tenth Member of The European Economic Community
Private enterprise, foreign trade policies, stabilization of economy under integration. 81yr 11pgs 5fn 5s $98.45
Political Implications of Wheat Embargo on Soviet Union and Others
Dynamics of wheat embargo, support from other Asian, Common Market nations, validity of economic sanctions. 81yr 16pgs 8fn 6s $143.20
Cotton as a Commodity
World production, demand, budget and international regulations. 81yr 11pgs 7fn 11s $98.45
Coffee as a Commodity
World consumption, demand, production, competition with tea. 81yr 11pgs 6fn 8s $98.45
Imperialism and Underdevelopment
"La dependencia" land distribution, nationalization of industry, growth of Third World nations. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 3s $62.65
Panama: Tax and Regulation Free Haven for Financial Institutions
Laws, free trade, foreign exchange, banking systems, guaranteeing of confidence, growth of banking industry and local investment in free zone. 81yr 20pgs 14fn 8s $179.00
Economic Development in The People's Republic of China and Yugoslavia
Transitions from agrarian to industrial economies in two post-war Communist states. 81yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Private Financing Companies in Foreign Trade
Foreign credit, American exporting, export financing, financing companies. 81yr 9pgs 20fn 6s $80.55
Impact of Coffee in the Relations Between Brazil and the United States
Underpricing American producers with lesser quality product, lower production costs, contribution of Brazilian coffee prices to inflation, functions of International coffee Agreement. 81yr 13pgs 22fn 12s $116.35
Brazil: Import Documents, Economy, The Cruzeiro, and the SDR
Regulations for import permits, inspection documents, devaluation of the cruzeiro, indexing the SDR. 81yr 14pgs 21fn 10s $125.30
Joint Ventures in Developing Countries
Advantages and disadvantages of equity with respect to underdeveloped nations. 81yr 6pgs 13fn 5s $53.70
Economics of the Caribbean
Dynamics and progress of regional economic integration in Caribbean nations. 81yr 7pgs 3fn 5s $62.65
Japan, China, and the Modern World Economy
by Frances Moulder. The industrialization of Japan compared to China's primarily agrarian economy. 81yr 11pgs 16fn 9s $98.45
An Economic Analysis of Iran and Saudi Arabia
Examines the vast increase of profits due to oil revenues from the 50's-80's, and the result upon their respective economies. Also includes a discussion of the rural economies. Finally with conclusions and prospects for the future. 80yr 30pgs 22fn 19s $268.50
International Trade Problems and Investment Positions in the 1970's
Notes and assesses demands by developing countries for an open international economy of free trade. 87yr 10pgs 6fn 19s $89.50
The Effect of Foreign Competition on the United States Economy
An observation of the recent phenomena of foreign nations investing their tremendous profits back into the domestic economy of the United States. 82yr 12pgs 12fn 8s $107.40
An Examination of the Nigerian Economy
An observation of the Nigerian economy as providing a significant and rapidly expanding market in consumer and capital goods for foreign investors. 82yr 32pgs 41fn 7s $286.40
The Trilateral Commission
A committee, composed of highly influential members in industry, labor, politics, education, and media from the industrialized countries of the world whose objectives are to establish an economic world order. 82yr 12pgs 14fn 7s $107.40
An Overview of American Unionism Today
An analysis of collective bargaining as it is today, including historical analysis, comparison to European and Asian systems,union processes, negotiation patterns, etc. 82yr 20pgs 38fn 10s $179.00
Global Reach : The Power of the Multinational Corporations by Richard J. Barnet and Ronald E. Muller
A review and analysis the fundamental argument of the book; that profit maximization on a world wide scale endangers social and political stability. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
The Labour (Labor) Party and its Policies Toward the European Economic Community
The effect of Great Britains entry into the European Common Market, opposition by other members and ramifications (Labor). 83yr 11pgs 9fn 19s $98.45
Open Veins of Latin America by Eduardo Galeano
Discusses this book which observes the economic exploitation of Latin American countries. 80yr 7pgs 10fn 0s $62.65
Trade and Technology in Soviet-Western Relations by Philip Hansen
A book review which examines the growth of international economic trends and actualities through technological transfer between the U.S., industrialized European countries and the Soviet Union and its satellites. 82yr 16pgs 15fn 4s $143.20
Fixed vs. Floating Exchange Rates
An observation of the call for fixed foreign exchange rates as opposed to the proponents of floating exchange rate system which would restore discipline to the world monetary system. 83yr 25pgs 33fn 0s $223.75
Economic Situations in the German Federal Republic
An examination of the fiscal policy of West Germany, noting the problem of cognition and ambiguity in their economic theory. 81yr 16pgs 14fn 8s $143.20
The International Financial Condition : On the Road to Depression?
Includes introduction to present situation, developing countries increased foreign debt, developed nations consumerism and dependence upon trade, present situation, effect of U.S. economy upon global economics. 81yr 11pgs 21fn 10s $98.45
The Consequences for the World Economy of the Collapse of OPEC
A projection of the worldwide consequences of the collapse of the Arab oil cartel, economically. 84yr 7pgs 6fn 6s $62.65
The Rise of OPEC
An observation of the history of the independent organization for Arab oil countries and subsequent developments to its present position in dictating oil prices. 80yr 12pgs 7fn 0s $107.40
An Exploration of the Advantages and Disadvantages of fixed exchange rates, fluctuating exchange rates and the Gold Standard
Analyzes each and proposes a series of recommendations as far as implementing the most sensible system. 83yr 10pgs 5fn 9s $89.50
An Explanation of the Foreign Exchange Markets
Includes international trades reliance on speculative thoughts/actions on geopolitical situations and the strength of monetary values. 80yr 12pgs 7fn 4s $107.40
Assessing the Comparative Advantage of doing business in India
Demographic considerations, cultural considerations, the business climate, strategy design,and comparative advantages of doing business in India. 84yr 15pgs 11fn 7s $134.25
Economics and the Energy Crisis
An examination of the devaluation of the dollar in the early 1970's, the Bretton Woods Agreement which originally designed an essentially fixed exchange rate and the effect of the Arab oil embargo on the U.S. dollar. 79yr 28pgs 24fn 15s $250.60
British Trade Patterns
An analysis of the decline of British economy, with various examples, includes graphs and tables. 84yr 6pgs 0fn 4s $53.70
Japanese Multinational Corporations in the LDC's the United States, Europe, Canada, by Industry
An examination of Japanese global economic expansion by investment in industrial sectors of the world to further expand its export base. 81yr 10pgs 10fn 11s $89.50
Latin American Debt-Servicing Difficulties
History of Latin American international loans, present debt and identity of lenders, reasons for borrowing, banking policies and international loans, present repayment schedule, implications for other LDC's, role of multinationals, future trends. 85yr 20pgs 25fn 17s $179.00
U.S./Japanese Trade : A Federal Budget Dilemma
A thorough examination of the American trade deficit particularly with Japan, the decline of the American dollar, foreign investment in the U.S., federal budget dilemmas, and prediction, projections, and proposed solutions. 87yr 30pgs 35fn 30s $268.50
The Mexican Economy, Currency, and the Tourist
An analysis of the devaluation of the Mexican Peso, and its near collapse, inflation and the relative economic health of Mexican tourism. 84yr 8pgs 9fn 0s $71.60
The Mexican Economy, Currency, and the Tourist
An analysis of the devaluation of the Mexican Peso, and its near collapse, inflation and the relative economic health of Mexican tourism. 81yr 8pgs 9fn 0s $71.60
International Trade and Capital Movements
An analysis of free trade working to increase the income of the factor intensively utilized by the export industry, while at the same time serving to decrease the income of the factor utilized with relative intensity by the import-competing industry. 84yr 15pgs 13fn 10s $134.25
International Trade and Capital Movements
An analysis of free trade working to increase the income of the factor intensively utilized by the export industry, while at the same time serving to decrease the income of the factor utilized with relative intensity by the import-competing industry. 81yr 15pgs 13fn 10s $134.25
Recent Developments in Tourism for the Caribbean Islands
A demonstration that the rate of development in the Caribbean Islands will appreciably raise the standard of living for the inhabitants, particularly from the tourism industry. 84yr 7pgs 8fn 12s $62.65
Recent Developments in Tourism for the Caribbean Islands
A demonstration that the rate of development in the Caribbean Islands will appreciably raise the standard of living for the inhabitants, particularly from the tourism industry. 81yr 7pgs 8fn 12s $62.65
American Investment in England of the 1920's-1940's
An historical analysis of the relations between the U.S. and England prior to this period, the nature and circumstances of capital investment by the U.S. in England during this period, and other related factors. 78yr 16pgs 12fn 6s $143.20
An Overview of the Eurodollar Market
Explanation and origins of the Eurodollar market; its functions and activities; how it affects international trade and lending,. 86yr 7pgs 5fn 8s $62.65
International Capital and Exchange
An examination on international exchange rates, how they are arrived at and the interdependence of different monetary systems. 85yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Capital Formation Development in Norway and Algeria
Discusses Norway and Algeria with regard to their reliance on oil and how this reliance effects relations, trade and tariff situations, protectionism and oil-price changes. 88yr 20pgs Afn 11s $179.00
The Impact of Foreign Banking Competition on U.S. Banking Institutions
Traces the growth of American banking from a loosely connected number of small financial institutions with limited power in the 17th and 18th centuries to the foremost financial power in the 20th and the parallel growth of European financial sophistication. 83yr 11pgs 0fn 0s $98.45
Models for the United States and Japanese Economies
An analysis of two hypothetical computer models where numbers have been "plugged" for the U.S. economy and automatically responded with what the Japanese would do. Observes each model with an emphasis on the best policy that would benefit both economies. 88yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Peruvian Regional Economic Development
Examines the economy of Peru noting political instability,problems hampering economic development, products, import/export, land reform, banking, future prospects. 88yr 18pgs 26fn 14s $161.10
Status of Development in Taiwan
Examines factors leading to the current economic success in Taiwan including industrialization and stability in the 1970's, the training of a skilled workforce, multinational assistance, etc. 89yr 6pgs 10fn 7s $53.70
The Economic Situation after 1997 in Hong Kong
Speculates as to the economic impact when Hong Kong goes from the control of Great Britain to that of the People's Republic of China in 1997.Looks at Chinese investment in Hong Kong, effects of the student demonstrations in Tiananmen Square, etc. 89yr 19pgs 31fn 20s $170.05
Economic Developments in Singapore
Looks at the economic developments in Singapore over the past five years. Examines the results of the Second Industrial Revolution, the recovery from the recession of 1985,changes in government policy, The Singapore International Monetary Exchange, etc. 88yr 10pgs 20fn 9s $89.50
Dollar Depreciation Relating to the U.S. Trade Deficit
Examines the U. S. efforts to curtail the trade deficit through depreciating the dollar initiated during the Reagan administration only to experience foreign exporters lowering profit margins and decreasing demand for U. S. exports. 89yr 12pgs 14fn 13s $107.40
Globalization and Securitization in International Financial Markets : Implications for American Business
An examination of international linkage of financial markets with advanced technological methods to allow brokers and investors to act upon specific markets and market centers. 88yr 12pgs 20fn 15s $107.40
U.S. and Greece : Economies Compared
How Greece and the U.S. compare in terms of their monetary and banking systems, respective roles of the Federal Reserve and The European Common Market, government intervention, etc. 88yr 7pgs 0fn 10s $62.65
IMF vs. World Bank
Examines the roles and differences each play on the international finance scene. 88yr 4pgs 0fn 6s $35.80
Trade Restrictions Applying to the Textile Industry Today
Examines the various laws and acts designed to protect the American textile manufacturers by limiting the flow of third world garments to the U.S. market. 88yr 15pgs 26fn 14s $134.25
United States - Korea Trade Relations
The dynamics and ramifications of the relationship between the United States and South Korea relating to the trade deficit between the two countries and U.S pressure on Korea to open up their markets. 88yr 10pgs 17fn 11s $89.50
Value Added Taxation in Europe : European Economic Community
The harmonization of taxes to achieve a closer less complicated reunification of the European Common Market in 1992. 90yr 14pgs 16fn 12s $125.30
The Reunification of Germany :
Economic implication for American Business. Looks at historical background, import/export trade, America's trade deficit, the response of the multinationals, effect of european economic integration 1992. 90yr 20pgs 28fn 17s $179.00
Economics in Indonesia
A survey of the Indonesian Economy from the perspective of the effect of literacy on Economic Development and performance, including a comparison of literacy and economy in several other nations. 90yr 40pgs 52fn 34s $358.00
Taiwan : Opportunity for Foreign Direct Investment
Includes introduction, foreign investment factors, Taiwan's advantages for foreign investors, conclusion. 90yr 11pgs 29fn 11s $98.45
Japan and the United States : Trading Relationship
Presents an analysis as to the need to create a more beneficial trading relationship considering America as primary target,mutual change, and other factors leading to mutual respect. 90yr 20pgs 23fn 19s $179.00
The Argentine Economy : Its History and Current Status
Offers a brief history, economic performance after Peron, economic conditions after 1980, Economy under Alfonsin Regime/Austal Plan,recommendations. 90yr 17pgs 22fn 16s $152.15
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Examines the OPEC policies from 1970-1990 through their common objectives. 90yr 5pgs 7fn 5s $44.75
Foreign Trade of Taiwan
Includes trends in Export/Imports, graphs, and focus of Taiwan's energy directed at assisting local manufacturers to remain internationally competitive. 90yr 12pgs 19fn 10s $107.40
Indonesia and ASEAN
Includes historical background of The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Indonesia's association with the organization and trade figures and asian nationalism within the Asean Alliance. 91yr 10pgs 18fn 6s $89.50
Mexico : The Advantages and Disadvantages of its Participation in the U.S./Canadian Common Market
Looks at the economic advantages and disadvantages to Mexico in joining this free trade zone with the United States and Canada. 91yr 9pgs 16fn 9s $80.55
America's Dependence on Oil : Origins and Current Status
Looks at American independence in regard to petroleum after 1945 but to its gradual and complete dependence on foreign oil, particularly the OPEC organization of petroleum states to present. 91yr 12pgs 17fn 9s $107.40
The Israeli Economy
An overview of the Israeli economy, looking at the ideals of Socialist Zionism, the problems of the modern economy, and recent efforts to restore a free market and foreign investment. 91yr 7pgs 14fn 7s $62.65
Doing Business in Indonesia
Problems and prospects for international business in Indonesia are examined. Trends and regulatory laws in this fast growing economy are noted. 91yr 11pgs 30fn 10s $98.45
America's Deficit Problem : How can it be solved
Looks at different economic possibilities to reduce the deficit from an individual's habits to governmental intervention. 91yr 5pgs 8fn 5s $44.75
The Impact of New Social Movements in the European Community
Observes the lack of progressive movements in European countries in regard to pollution and other ecological concerns regarding industry and business there. 91yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Economic Relationship between the Soviet Union and Third World Countries
Examines the Soviet Unions increasing relutance to aid Third World countries such as India, Cuba, etc. in favor of becoming rather desparate to obtain hard currency for its own dire economic straits. 91yr 7pgs 7fn 4s $62.65
Korea : Problems and Prospects confronting Korea in her trade with the fastest growing nations of the Western Pacific Rim, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand
Argues that Korea must expand its trade with these neighboring nations by targeting specific industries and sectors where Korean business and industry enjoy a significant competitive advantage. 91yr 82pgs Afn 83s $733.90
The Economy and Commercial Policy of Indonesia
Looks at Indonesia's markets, balance of payments, business focus, import/export figures, foreign exchange, foreign investment, banking deregulation and general commercial attitude of its government. 91yr 15pgs 18fn 10s $134.25
Free Market Reforms in Latin America
Examines the patterns of free market reform in Latin American countries, particularly Mexico, Brazil and Argentina by reforming quotas, devaluation and free floating exchange rates, and tighter goernmental fiscal policies among other things as a response to the severe external debt crisis of the early 1980's. 91yr 24pgs 39fn 25s $214.80
Relations Between the European Economic Community and Japan : History, Current Status, and Prospects for 1992 and Beyond
Includes introduction, the history of European Community/Japanese relations since 1950,current status of EC/Japanese commercial relations, and the effect of the reforms of the european economic community in 1992. 91yr 27pgs 36fn 16s $241.65
Indonesia - U.S. Trade
Observes trade as havinvg been primarily developed around petroleum and natural gas production, but with the decentralization recently and the membership in ASEAN, the trend is turning towards telecommunications, wood based products and foreign investment. 91yr 10pgs 12fn 10s $89.50
The market and Currency of the European Community after 1992
Examines the complex master plan for European monetary and political union focusing on a common currency, a centralized banking institution, necessary for implementing a successful, single market within the EC. 91yr 15pgs 15fn 8s $134.25
A World Bank Policy Study : Education in Sub-Saharan Africa : Policies for Adjustment, Revitalization, and Expansion
Examines world bank policies in regard to assisting lesser developed countries in their economic progress. 91yr 16pgs 0fn 0s $143.20
Economic Development in Thailand
Objective is to investigate economic development in Thailand over the past 15 years. Includes political background, population and society, economy, foreign trade, external payment/debt, future development. 92yr 15pgs 45fn 12s $134.25
Cartels and Problems of Economic Stability
Observes the private arrangements which exercise some degreee of control over international trade commonly referred to as international cartels. Includes definitions and methods. 92yr 7pgs 10fn 4s $62.65
Structure and Performance of the Soviet Economy
An historical analysis of the system of central planning from its inception during the late 1920's to present to facilitate accelerated industrialization based on the rapid mobilization of capital, labor and material inputs. 92yr 7pgs 10fn 6s $62.65
International Economic Transformation : A Comparison between Selected CIS and ABMV Nations
Explores the phenomenon of economic transformation in the international management environment. Focuses on the newly sovereign state of the Ukrainian Republic and the Federative Republic of Brazil. 92yr 17pgs 27fn 18s $152.15
European Community - 1992
Examines the progress of EC92 as taking longer to achieve economic integration for a single set of standards for products and other criteria due to the reunification of Germany and the breakdown of the U.S.S.R. 92yr 14pgs 14fn 8s $125.30
Economics of Australia : 1980 through the Present
An examination of Australian economy as being in a state of flux by considering their GNP, Agriculture and mining operations, manufacturing, trade deficit, inflation and unemployment, etc. 92yr 7pgs 16fn 7s $62.65
A Definition of Development and Underdevelopment
Examines criteria in defining what theories and economies constitute an industrialized society to a Third World underdevlopment position. 92yr 7pgs 7fn 6s $62.65
Mexican Oil Industry
Looks at the origin of Pemex in the early twentieth century, the effect of the North American Free Trade Agreement, and the future of Mexican oil production, consumption and exportation. 92yr 10pgs 11fn 9s $89.50
The Effect of recent Sociopolitical and Economic Changes in the USSR on the Political Economy of the United States
Examines the difficult position of the United States in regard to appropriate political and economic responses due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and its emergence into the Commonwealth of Independent States (C.I.S.) as sovereign entities. 92yr 7pgs 10fn 7s $62.65
Japan's Rise as a World Economic Power
Examines Japan's rise to leadership as a trading nation and world economic power and considers the various problems Japan's new role has created including trade tariffs and regulations, restrictions on foreign investment in Japan,cultural difficultitiesin doing business there, technology transfer, trade monopoly, etc. 93yr 14pgs Afn 18s $125.30
Analysis of The Work of Nations by Robert B. Reich
analyzes this work which address's a wide variety of issues that relate to the overall economic performance of all nations in the world. 93yr 5pgs 9fn 0s $44.75
Report to Economic Commission : Recommendations for Kazakhstan
Analyzes the Republic of Kazakhstan in Russia as being better situated for investment and development loans aimed at generating jobs, earning foreign exchange and fostering privatization, than any of the former Soviet republics. 93yr 7pgs Afn 9s $62.65
Foreign Direct Investment : World Capital Flows' 1986-1991
Examines direct investment flows between the three legs of the global economic triad--Japan, the European Community (EC) and the United States by analyzing investment and trade balances, Nafta, Asean alliances, etc. 93yr 8pgs Afn 13s $71.60
The International Political Economy and Latin America : The Impact of Free Trade, the International Monetary Fund, and Multinational Corporations on the Processe of Industrialization in Mexico and Dominican Republic
Observes the relation of lesser developed nations (LDNs) and their relation to the international political economy in their efforts to achieve some degree of parity with industrial nations who largely set the terms of free trade today. 93yr 9pgs 10fn 5s $80.55
Recent Trends for the value of the dollar in relation to other major currencies such as the yen, the mark and the pound
Explains what factors have caused the trend in the decline of the dollar. 93yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
European Integration : An Application of Comparative Analysis
Compares and contrasts two theories of comparative political analysis with reference to the case of European integration focusing on the conference of the heads of European States in 1991 at Maastricht, Germany. 94yr 10pgs Afn 9s $89.50
European Community Industrial Policy
Includes the function and focus of the industrial Policy in terms of the intricate demands of the multi-state European community, the principles of EC industrial policy including the creation of a single market, unified tax codes, cross border mergers, and joint ventures and the facilitation of Europe's complex external economic relations. 94yr 40pgs Afn 44s $358.00
The Emergence of Capitalism in Early Modern Europe
Observes the emergence of capitalism in early modern Europe as a Multicausal phenomenon made possible by a variety of related social, economic and technological factors and as occuring only through the development of a new system of cumulative financial enterprise that first appeared in the high middle ages. 94yr 10pgs 10fn 4s $89.50
The Canadian Economy in 1920 and 1930
Compares and contrasts these two decades in the Canadian economy during which a global depression of enormous and far reaching proportions took place. 94yr 6pgs Afn 5s $53.70
Aspects of European Unity : European Community (EC)
Observes that EC might work toward a more comprehensive degree of economic and political unification through the completion of European political union, and European monetary union, the implementation of the Social Charter, and a transfer of sovereignty from 12 national governments to the Council of Ministers, etc. 94yr 10pgs 26fn 18s $89.50
Privatization of Enterprise
An examination of privatization of enterprise as the governmental relaxation of of economic controls and the encouragement of the private sector where regulation is minimal. 94yr 13pgs 16fn 9s $116.35
Robert Reich's The Work of Nations
Observes Reich's argument for a global, internationalist view of economic development, based on the premise that the changing forms of work and changing structures of corporate capitalism no longer fit national boundaries or respect national barriers. 94yr 9pgs Afn 1s $80.55
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