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Economics: Comparison

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US and Soviet Economics
A comparison of the US and Soviet economies- GNP's, types of economies, planning methods, ownership. 79yr 5pgs 13fn 12s $44.75
Capitalism and Freedom
By Fireman and Monopoly Capital by Baron and Sweeney. A comparison. 78yr 5pgs 8fn 0s $44.75
U.S. vs. Soviet Methods in The Distribution of Goods and Services
A discussion of the capitalistic and communistic economics as practiced today. 78yr 15pgs 11fn 19s $134.25
A Study of Marx: Das Kapital and the Theory of Alienation
Examines Marxian theory of working class alienation within the capitalistic system as seen through the exploitation of the proletariat. 78yr 12pgs 14fn 0s $107.40
A Comparison of Marx and Marshall
A study of Economic philosophies. 79yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Marx's Concept of Alienation
Examines this Marxian concept of behavior of men in relation to each other and the state in a philosophy derived from Hegel. 81yr 8pgs 7fn 4s $71.60
A Critique of Karl Marx Value, Price and Profit Study
Examines the Marxian concept and economic theory rooted in sociological and philosophical viewpoints, often at odds when applied to the real world. 81yr 8pgs 2fn 0s $71.60
The German Ideology
by Marx and Engles. Examines the philosophical thought espoused by the noted social theorist on the quality of human thought and the purpose of philosophical investigation. 81yr 10pgs 12fn 0s $89.50
The Development of Marx's Theory of Revolution of the Proletariat
A discussion and examination of childhood influences and the later influences of the philosophy of Hegel on Marxian theory of class struggle. 81yr 13pgs 37fn 3s $116.35
The Wage Contract: Marx and Hegel
Contrasts and analyzes two views on social and economic contracts, one materialistic, the other theological influencing labor relations and law enforcement. 79yr 5pgs 6fn 5s $44.75
An Analysis of Marx's View on Class Struggles
An examination of the Marxist view of class upheaval and its differences and similarities with the thoughts of great economists with the thoughts of great economists. 79yr 6pgs 13fn 6s $53.70
Capital Vs. Workers
a New look at the age-old struggle of the enslavement of the working class by a capitalist society. 78yr 7pgs 6fn 5s $62.65
Reforming the Eastern European Centrally Planned Economy in the 70's
An attempt to analyze social and economic unrest in the Soviet bloc countries in the area of eastern Europe - Citing Radio Free Europe and other sources. 79yr 37pgs 39fn 14s $331.15
Division of Labor: Marx, Durkheim and Weber
The contrast of theories of labor with regard to these three men, a political theorist, a psychologist and a sociologist. 79yr 20pgs 15fn 9s $179.00
Organizational Mythologies
Examines the myth of modern organizational process, showing their basic effectiveness in realty, with an emphasis on Modern Marxist theory in practice. 80yr 20pgs 13fn 8s $179.00
A Comparison of Theories of Value
Examines the good and bad points of different value theories including those of Karl Marx and Adam Smith. 80yr 19pgs 30fn 9s $170.05
A Comparison of the Economic Philosophies of Kark Marx and Alfred Marshall
Marx's Socialism V. Marshall's Capitalism, the latter somewhat outdated by Keynes. 80yr 18pgs 17fn 10s $161.10
Worker Alienation and Commodity Fetishes
From Marx's "Capital", minor philosophic angle in his dialectic materialism. 80yr 7pgs 5fn 3s $62.65
Poverty and Affluence
Scholary discussion of the problems in this area. Examines historical attempts by various societies to eliminate poverty from ancient times through socialist concepts to capitalism. 79yr 25pgs 20fn 20s $223.75
Marxian Theory
A comparison of Marxian theory of relations between prices and values and classical interpretations of price theory. 81yr 6pgs 6fn 0s $53.70
The Theory of Alienation according to Karl Marx
An examination of Marxian theory , specifically that the workers alienation derives from economic and other dissatisfactions in the job context leading to social alienation. 79yr 7pgs 32fn 2s $62.65
Marx' Stratification Theory Applied to Contemporary Labor Market
Includes Marxian interpretation of the Stratification Theory, analysis of Labor Market Stratification, the Modern Bureaucratic Hierarchy, conclusion. 82yr 15pgs 13fn 8s $134.25
Karl Marx's Dialectical Materialism
An examination of Marxist materialism, Marxist view about money,and Marxist philosophy of the bourgeois. 80yr 18pgs 13fn 4s $161.10
Zola and Marx : Attitudes Regarding Industrial Capitalism
Their respective viewpoints on the industrial revolution. 81yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
Potentials of Conflict : The Industrial Revolution as seen through the eyes of Emile Zola and Karl Marx
Zola's and Marx's ideas on the suffering masses and their place in society. 84yr 7pgs 10fn 0s $62.65
Comparing the Views of Karl Marx, Founder of Communism, and Adam Smith, Founder of Capitalism
Examines Marx's theories on wages and labor,division of labor,capitalist process of production,flaws in capitalism, and historical analysis of Marx's political philosophy with Adam Smith's theories on same. 82yr 30pgs 70fn 15s $268.50
A Comparison of Marxian Theory of Relations Between Prices and Values and the Classical interpretation of Price Theory
Examines these theories in regard to their usefulness for purposes of economic planning. 83yr 6pgs 6fn 0s $53.70
Discussions on Capitalism
Examines the origins of capitalism during the Renaissance and the theoretical threats posed by Marxist ideas. 90yr 9pgs 8fn 4s $80.55
Man as Group Collective Vs. The Individual Merits of Man
A brief overview of the similarities and differences of Adam Smith and Karl Marx. 90yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Capitalism as the Best Economic System : A Position Paper
A position paper which argues that capitalism is inseparably bound with a history of freedom and subjectivity, and therefore constitutes a necessary component of a free society. 92yr 5pgs 6fn 4s $44.75
Marx on Various Issues
Observes Marxian theory on such issues as the Great Depression, New Deal, and Keynesian economic theory and policy. 92yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
A Brief Analysis of Karl Marx's Economic Theory
Examines Marx's reinterpretation of the work of the classical economic theorists, claiming that they had incorrectly viewed prices, wages, money, markets and profits as entities within themselves rather than manifestations of social relationships between people. 93yr 6pgs 12fn 5s $53.70
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