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Ecology: Pollution

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Transportation and Air Pollution in New York City and Its Suburbs
A proposal in environmental engineering to derive a system of analysis in forecasting pollution levels in transportation and vehicles. 78yr 9pgs 4fn 9s $80.55
Noise Pollution
Examines the extent of noise pollution in our society and examines whose right it is to determine what sounds are to be considered noises, and the imposition on anothers right to a noise free environment. 79yr 5pgs 3fn 5s $44.75
Water Supply and Purification
Examines the dangers of unsafe water use and recommends feasible purification techniques. 78yr 7pgs 4fn 7s $62.65
The Concorde Supersonic Jet
Examines the advantages of technological advance and the drawbacks of altering the natural life cycle or eco-balance. 78yr 5pgs 5fn 9s $44.75
Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Involvement in Noise Pollution:
An Economic Feasibility Study. 79yr 13pgs 33fn 0s $116.35
The Water Problem in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Views water resources and availability in Saudi Arabia, the role of climate, geological variables and topography. 79yr 10pgs 17fn 8s $89.50
Anti-Pollution Legislation and the Steel Industry
An examination of the polluting effects of the production of steel resulting in massive amounts of sulphur dioxide being sent into the atmosphere and the resultant legislation limiting this, the steel industry's response and anti-pollution measures that have been taken. 80yr 21pgs 73fn 11s $187.95
The Effects of Industrial Water Pollution
An examination of the extent to which water pollution has been caused by business and the nature of business' responsibility in regard to water pollution. 80yr 10pgs 11fn 6s $89.50
Utilization of Thermal Effluents in Aquaculture Systems
An analysis of the various methods of defouling the air as an effort to control pollution. 80yr 14pgs 26fn 18s $125.30
Plutonium in the Environment
An analysis of this ecological problem with emphasis on contamination and other hazards. 80yr 17pgs 11fn 7s $152.15
Plutonium in the Environment
Discusses the use of this element in nuclear reactors and its relevance for contamination questions and air pollution. 80yr 10pgs 14fn 19s $89.50
Nuclear Reactors as a Basis of Pollution
An in-depth discussion of the pros and cons of this problem and prospects for the future. 80yr 20pgs 22fn 22s $179.00
Alternatives to the Internal Combustion Engine
Examines the problem of automotive air pollution and viable alternatives to transportation such as steam cars, etc. 79yr 7pgs 6fn 9s $62.65
Environmental Consideration in Salem, N.J.
Examines the industrial pollution in this New Jersey town and the efforts being made to combat it. A study of the effects of industrial and other forms of pollution which effect the environment and quality of life upon the inhabitants of this community. 80yr 9pgs 11fn 7s $80.55
Alternatives to Gasoline for Transportation
An examination of chemical and solar possibilities as replacements. 79yr 8pgs 4fn 6s $71.60
Noise Pollution in Subways
Levels of noise, contributing factors to noise, and effects on subway riders. 81yr 11pgs 17fn 9s $98.45
Man's Use and Abuse of the Sea Environment
An examination of the sea as a source of nourishment and recreation and man's abuse of this treasure through oil spills and nuclear waste. 87yr 9pgs 14fn 6s $80.55
The Dumping of Toxic Wastes at Love Canal
An examination of the terrible environmental tragedy at Niagara Falls, N.Y., from the indiscriminate toxic chemical dumpings into this area, specifically at Love Canal. 84yr 11pgs 14fn 0s $98.45
Intrusion of Sea Water in South Florida
Explores the intrusion of sea water in South Florida waters contaminating fresh water, reasons for this intrusion and solutions to this problem. Contains graphs and charts. 83yr 9pgs 4fn 4s $80.55
International Organizations and Marine Pollution : The Current Relationship
includes introduction,large marine ecosystems, international agreements/prevention of marine pollution, the London convention on Dumping and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. 90yr 20pgs 21fn 9s $179.00
Industrial Hazardous Wastes : International movements
of them, Problems and Solutions. Examines the relief found in Third World countries by industrialized nations in disposing of hazardous wastes by offering cash payments to accept those wastes for essentially unregulated disposal. 90yr 11pgs 12fn 11s $98.45
Cleanup of Exxon Oil Spill
Observes that from an environmentalists's point of view, the cleanup of the Exxon oil spill was handled with mixed results at best. 90yr 4pgs 6fn 0s $35.80
The Fragility of the Ecosystem
Observes efforts on a number of fronts to control the way in which we use our planet and dispose of a variety of toxic and non-toxic waste materials and products. 93yr 4pgs Afn 7s $35.80
The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill : Effects on the Environment
Observes the environmental damage caused by the spill on the ecosystems in the immediate locale of Prince William Sound in Alaska and ocean currents, aquatic life, migration of animals affecting distant parts of the globe. 93yr 12pgs Afn 11s $107.40
An Overview of the Problem of Hazardous Household Waste
Examines the problem of the disposal of hoesehold waste, particularly wastes that are toxic and describes contemporary efforts to reduce the problem and to educate consumers so that better disposal and use practices can be facilitated. 93yr 12pgs 0fn 7s $107.40
The Case for groundwater Pollution Control Efforts
Argues in favor of a national iniatitive to develop and implement a system that protects groundwater resources for drinking, bathing, and irrigation water. 94yr 5pgs Afn 5s $44.75
Lead Contamination in Soil Surrounding Lead Smelters
Examines the literature regarding the manner in which lead released from secondary smelters is deposited in soil and then ingested by both humans and animals. Includes method of transport, lead levels in soil and efforts being made to effect a reduction in lead emissions by smelters and other industrial operations. 94yr 12pgs Afn 12s $107.40
The Case for Water Pollution Control : The Impact on Marine Life
Describes the effects of water pollution on marine life, particulaly those forms of marine life which are harvested for human consumption. 94yr 5pgs Afn 7s $44.75
The Case for Water Pollution Control : The Impact on Marine Life
Describes the effects of water pollution on marine life, particularly those forms of marine life which are harvested for human consumption taking the position that government needs to more directly and more forcefully involve itself in the process of water pollution which is damaging to marine life. 94yr 7pgs Afn 7s $62.65
The Case for Groundwater Pollution Control Efforts
Argues in favor of a national initiative to develop and implement a system that will protect groundwater from the effects of pollutants. 94yr 7pgs Afn 5s $62.65
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