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Ecology: Laws and Regulations

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State Development of Flood Fringe Areas
Explains how due to urban development, increased flooding occurs and depicts the states role in regulating land use to lessen flooding and damage in specified areas. 78yr 6pgs 7fn 4s $53.70
Analysis of the Clean Air Act of 1973
Examines the awarding of grants to state and local agencies to assist in developing and maintaining pollution control programs and federal action to abate interstate air pollution, noting other intervention on the part of the government. 79yr 10pgs 29fn 11s $89.50
National Fire Prevention and Control Administration: Would the National Symbol Approve?
Discusses the aims and effectiveness of the newly established NFPCA as compared to the goals established by the National Symbol of fire prevention. 79yr 20pgs 10fn 10s $179.00
The Economics of Pollution
Looks at the process of making pollution a national concern, expenditures in prevention vs. correction of pollution and polluted areas, and the responsibility of government and industry in this light. 76yr 11pgs 4fn 5s $98.45
Politics and Macroeconomics in the Energy Crisis
The implications of the energy crisis for politicians and the economy. 80yr 8pgs 5fn 11s $71.60
The Changing Role of State and Local Governments Regarding Energy, Environment and Pollution
Studies the involvement of these governments in the ecological problems facing society for the last ten years, Includes exhibits. 81yr 11pgs 4fn 9s $98.45
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
A comprehensive examination of the TVA, emphasizing organization and structure, goals and missions, resources, operations and services of the TVA., and the constituents of this natural resource. 83yr 21pgs 68fn 20s $187.95
Pollution Control : A Study in Federal Involvement
An historical to present discussion of the various forms of pollution and governmental legislation to present,concluding bright prospectives for a clean atmosphere, and environment in the future. 78yr 15pgs 25fn 10s $134.25
An Environmental Management Plan for Elkhorn Slough
A management plan for the protection of this estuary located in Monterey County, California to coordinate the activities of the various state agencies and private interests in the interests of proserving this ecosystem. 88yr 30pgs Afn 13s $268.50
International Organizations and Marine Pollution : The Current Relationship
includes introduction,large marine ecosystems, international agreements/prevention of marine pollution, the London convention on Dumping and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. 90yr 20pgs 21fn 9s $179.00
Environmentalists vs. Industrialists
An examination of environmental legislation. looks at legislation dealing with Junk Food Packaging and industries response to it. 91yr 4pgs 18fn 8s $35.80
Hazardous Wastes : Disposal and Regulation
Observes the latest techniques, legislation, and inadequacies in the disposal of hazardous wastes including chemical, industrial and nuclear. 91yr 7pgs 12fn 8s $62.65
Solid Waste management : Public Policy in New York
Examines the public policy issues surrounding the solid waste management disposal issue focusing on the wastewater treatment plant at Schenectady, New York. 92yr 5pgs 6fn 5s $44.75
Conditions of Contemporay Environmetal Poliics
Observes the public concern about pollution. hazardous wastes, and the greenhouse effect upon the environment and the politics of their control, manipulation and preservation. 94yr 12pgs 13fn 9s $107.40
Conditions of Contemporary Environmental Politics
Examines public concern about pollution, hazardous wastes and the greenhouse effect upon the environment and the politics of their control, manipulation and preservation and an observation of the rather slow movement by governments in changing policies. 94yr 12pgs 13fn 9s $107.40
The Earth Summit Agreements : Implications for North-South Relations
Studies the impact of the 1992 United Nations conference on Environment and Development on relations between the wealthy industrial nations of the North and the poor developing countries of the South focusing on the various new proposals of the different countries attending the conference regarding environmental development. 94yr 25pgs Afn 25s $223.75
The Case for Groundwater Pollution Control Efforts
Argues in favor of a national initiative to develop and implement a system that will protect groundwater from the effects of pollutants. 94yr 7pgs Afn 5s $62.65
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