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Ecology: Ecological Balance

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The Army Corps of Engineers and the New Jersey Beaches
Describes their involvement, procedures for communities to petition for work to be done, what has been done in the past and future plans. 78yr 10pgs 0fn 3s $89.50
Describes how we have become a throw-away culture and states that successful recycling requires an attitude and behavior change. 78yr 12pgs 13fn 8s $107.40
The Recycling of Trash
Discusses how, historically, we have attacked the problem of trash in a rather ineffective way and offers recommendations for more effective disposal and ecological concern. 78yr 6pgs 18fn 9s $53.70
The Geology of Lebanon Valley, PA
Deals with copper and iron mines in this area-with maps. 78yr 10pgs 9fn 5s $89.50
Man's Effect on Animal Populations
Historical discussion of abuses of land and North American animals and their currently reduced populations. 78yr 7pgs 12fn 11s $62.65
Ecological Factors Involved In Diminishing Species and Extinction of Certain Animals
How the environment and man's abuse of it is leading certain species toward extinction and people's ignorance of that fact. Suggestions for solving the problem. 78yr 8pgs 10fn 6s $71.60
Ecology and the Everglades
Examines water uses, past and present (1973). 79yr 9pgs 11fn 11s $80.55
Report on the Central and South Florida Projects
Ecological concerns of water usage and supply, floods and drought, wildlife and fauna preservation, focusing on Lake Okeechobee and South Dade County projects. 79yr 6pgs 8fn 3s $53.70
International Aspects of Marine Oil Pollution
Notes, sources, effects, legal and inter-country actions to prevent pollution from occurring. 78yr 29pgs 31fn 22s $259.55
Ecological Balance and Environmental Control
Explores second stage pollution concerns, not to correct problems as much as prevent them thru public concern and legislation. 79yr 13pgs 5fn 7s $116.35
DDT and Its Ecological Impact
Examines DDT from the 1940's when it was considered a miracle cure, the factors leading to political and scientific investigation and finally viewing DDT as a curse as well as a cure. 78yr 13pgs 27fn 11s $116.35
Household Waste
For garbage and refuse, describes methods of recycling, composting, natural and artificial breakdown of materials to maintain ecological balance, including laws governing disposal and recycling procedures. 78yr 20pgs 11fn 9s $179.00
Beach Morphology
A technical study into beach erosion and conservation methods along the New Jersey coast. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 7s $62.65
The Water Problem in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Views water resources and availability in Saudi Arabia, the role of climate, geological variables and topography. 79yr 10pgs 17fn 8s $89.50
Offshore Oil Drilling
Examines the ecological impact of this process off the New Jersey coast with conclusion. 79yr 6pgs 27fn 16s $53.70
The Relationship of Stage of Life and Environment
Reviews Michelson's study on the relationship between life's cycles and the physical environment. 80yr 5pgs 4fn 1s $44.75
The Contributions of Conrad Lorenz
An analysis of Lorenz's work and his attitudes favoring ecology and conservation of natural elements. 80yr 7pgs 16fn 5s $62.65
The Development of Alaskan Oil
A history of the development of the Prudhoe Bay Oil field. 80yr 13pgs 5fn 17s $116.35
Analysis of the Problems Facing the Clamming Industry
Studies the ecological and economic difficulties. 80yr 7pgs 9fn 7s $62.65
Ecology: Man and Nature
A study of the mechanism of selection in nature. 81yr 8pgs 4fn 4s $71.60
Beaches of North and South Shore Long Island
Marine and land ecology of beaches and local home construction. 81yr 7pgs 3fn 4s $62.65
Deforestation in the World today : An Overview
Examines the situation, particularly in the Third World, centering on the damage of countries with tropical rainforests and the ecological implications. 90yr 8pgs 19fn 13s $71.60
Man as the Dominant Species
Attributesthat as man continues his pattern of planetary dominationthere is a direct consequence on wild animals where its natural environment is threatened as man requires more work and living space. 93yr 7pgs 8fn 0s $62.65
The Fragility of the Ecosystem
Observes efforts on a number of fronts to control the way in which we use our planet and dispose of a variety of toxic and non-toxic waste materials and products. 93yr 4pgs Afn 7s $35.80
Telephone Books Recycling : A Public Works Proposal
Proposes a public works program in the form of a community-wide recycling effort for old telephone books. Describes paper market supply and demand, the collection system,shipping and processing and the support and funding sources needed. 93yr 7pgs 7fn 10s $62.65
The Case for Water Pollution Control : The Impact on Marine Life
Describes the effects of water pollution on marine life, particularly those forms of marine life which are harvested for human consumption taking the position that government needs to more directly and more forcefully involve itself in the process of water pollution which is damaging to marine life. 94yr 7pgs Afn 7s $62.65
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