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Political Science: Middle East

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Israel's Democratic System
An analysis of Israel's uniqueness as a democracy with no written constitution, through tradition and formal. 78yr 5pgs 8fn 4s $44.75
An Arab-Israeli Treaty
A Hypothetical treaty between the two recognizing and considering claims and counterclaims in an attempt at an equitable solution. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Cyprus, A Geopolitical Analysis
Discusses the effects of the Island's location and effects on shaping its history. 79yr 5pgs 3fn 3s $44.75
The Military in Egypt Since 1950
Depicts the ongoing military regime, Nasser's control, the appearance of British troops, communist party and internal revolutionary forces, all securing the position of the military alongside the government in Egypt. 79yr 9pgs 11fn 4s $80.55
Social Justice In Egypt
A discussion of why social justice has never been achieved in light of political, religious, and social traditions. 79yr 10pgs 11fn 5s $89.50
Nationalism In Cyprus
Historically examines to present the Nationalistic feeling of Cypriot rules despite continued attempts by Turkey and Greece to control and dominate Cyprian life. 80yr 20pgs 24fn 11s $179.00
Palestinian Nationalists
A Precise description of events leading to the current Middle East situation, Arab-Israeli Wars, role of the PLO, the summit Conference, role of the UN and situation in Lebanon. 80yr 15pgs 16fn 11s $134.25
The Egyptian Political System
A discussion focusing on the developing Socialistic tendencies in Egypt. 80yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
The Changing Patterns of the Middle East by Rondot
A review and analysis of a cronology of crucial dates in Arab consciousness from 1859 to 1958 and the formation of the United Arab Republic. 80yr 10pgs 0fn 0s $89.50
The Fedayeen
A discussion of this group as an outgrowth of Palestinian's relegated to camps after the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948, now under the umbrella of the Palestine Liberation Organization. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 8s $35.80
Arab Strategies & Israel's Response By Harkabi
A book review examining the pros and cons of the current questions in the Middle East, especially as regards Palestine. 80yr 7pgs 6fn 0s $62.65
The Politics of Sovereignty of Social and Political Implication of Jewish Statehood After 1948
An approving analysis of the manner in which cultural pluralism and individualism are maintained in Israel which is theoretically committed to a Statist philosophy of Zionism or Jewish nationalism. 80yr 19pgs 4fn 9s $170.05
Toward Peace in the Middle East: The Palestinians and U.S. Foreign Policy, Soviet Positions
Discusses the historic differences between Palestine and Israel until the most recent Camp David accords orchestrated by Carter. 80yr 26pgs 25fn 11s $232.70
The Kibbutz Movement in Israel
Research observes how this communal life-style was and is well suited to Israeli citizens especially in politics and military leadership. 80yr 10pgs 12fn 6s $89.50
The Suez Crisis of 1956
An examination of the events politically leading to this catastrophe to the West, the crisis itself and the effects on future U.S. foreign policy. 81yr 20pgs 30fn 10s $179.00
A critical analysis of the book by Larry Collins and Dominique LaPierre. 81yr 7pgs 9fn 6s $62.65
Political Parties in Iran
Analysis of the political parties in Iran under the Shah in terms of their roles, philosophies and activities culminating in the Shah's overthrow. 81yr 13pgs 23fn 7s $116.35
Current Political and Military Problems in Afghanistan
A policy description/analysis of the political and military situation in Afghanistan; offers recommendations for solutions. 87yr 12pgs 12fn 0s $107.40
Iran's Changing Role in the International Relations of the Middle East
A look at the 'continuity' in Iranian Mideast policy from the Shah to Khomeini in spite of the changes in Iran. 85yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
Syria and Iraq: Studies in Political Activity
Recent political history/analysis of Iraq and Syria, from independence to present times; a look at political conditions under their current leaders. 84yr 25pgs 21fn 7s $223.75
The Legal Problems in Freezing Iran's Assets
The fiscal aspects of the Iran crisis; legal opinions and problems in freezing Iranian assets and loans in the US. 85yr 15pgs 13fn 9s $134.25
The Egyptian Peace Initiative
An analysis of the Egyptian peace initiative - its prospects for success, given the political climate in the Mideast. 86yr 10pgs 11fn 6s $89.50
Middle East
A review of several books on the Middle East: "Middle East and the West," and "The Arabs in History" by Bernard Lewis; "Comparative Politics", by Bruce Bothwick, "Islam", by Alfred Guillaume; "The Middle East Uncovered:The Way it Really Is", by Gil Alroy. 83yr 16pgs 25fn 7s $143.20
The Cyprus Problem
Basic information about Cyprus; history; the Greek and Turkish communities; approach to self-rule; creation of Cyprus Republic; the Cyprus invasion; the UN role before and after the invasion; prospects for solution. 85yr 34pgs 41fn 9s $304.30
The Revolution in Iran in Sociological Perspective
Traces the roots of the Iranian revolution to the 1920's. The role of land reform and economics in Iran. 84yr 10pgs 8fn 6s $89.50
Egypt and the Arab World Policy After the Camp David Agreement
How the Camp David Agreement took Egypt out of Nasser's shadow; the reactions/roles of other Arab nations; Egyptian gains and losses; implications for the Palestinians, the West, and Jordan. 83yr 16pgs 15fn 4s $143.20
The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan : A Mathematical Model
Using the game theory mathematical model, dealing with strategies in warfare by calculating the moves that will give the greatest advantage over an opponent using similar strategies, looks at where similarities begin and end between the Soviet Union and. 88yr 6pgs 10fn 10s $53.70
A Historical Account of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Examines the intensified military effort of the Soviet Union in the 1980's in Afghanistan accompanied by a political strategy aimed at the Sovietization of Afghanistan and the events that led to the Soviet withdrawal. 88yr 14pgs 19fn 14s $125.30
Prospects For the Resolution of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Examines the historical background of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the prospects for peace in Israel, centering around the fate of the Palestinian people, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. 89yr 15pgs 25fn 18s $134.25
The Kurds : A Brief Summary and Analysis of their place in Iraq after the Gulf War
Examines the Kurdish revolt, a non-Arabic, Indo-European race with a long ethnic history and identity, against Saddam Hussein after the Gulf War and his reponse of brutality by turning his guns on his own subjects. 91yr 6pgs 6fn 5s $53.70
An Examination of the System of Democracy
Explores the tenets of a democratic system and its promises of equality, but notes the fall of democracy in Lebanon as an example of socioeconomic destruction of a democratic state based on special interests. 91yr 25pgs 17fn 14s $223.75
Technology Transfer and National Security in the Iraq Case : Are Present High Technology Export Controls Enough
Focuses on the failure of existing export control laws to prevent American-made high-tech weaponry from falling into the hands of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. 92yr 15pgs 22fn 13s $134.25
The Arab-Israeli Conflict : Prospects for Peace
Study will look at the historical basis of the conflict in ancient claims to the land, and then move on to an analysis of the modern conflict. Argues that the best prospects for Israel's successful resolution of the Palestinian problem still lie in a n. 92yr 25pgs 23fn 17s $223.75
A Comparison of Iran and Iraq : Events and Ideology
Observes the success of both Iran and Iraq in developing new governmental structures in response to internal cultural, social and economic changes, Compares and contrasts the two nations with respect to the manner in which they have dealt with their uni. 93yr 9pgs 0fn 7s $80.55
A Brief Analysis of the Status of Iraq
Assesses the stability and present position of Iraq, its leaders, and the Ba'th Party in light of the Pan-Arabic Movement and the Gulf War. 93yr 6pgs 17fn 6s $53.70
Present And Future U.S. Foreign Policy
Discusses the U.S. and Greek relations. 78yr 5pgs 11fn 6s $44.75
Greece And The United States
An analysis of the economic and political relationship between Greece and the U.S. with attention to each respective governmental form and economic objectives. 79yr 12pgs 8fn 4s $107.40
How Senator Javits Has Stood On Jamor Issues Concerning Israel Throughout His Political Career
A review of Javit's record in supporting Israel from his election to the House of Representatives in 1946 through the Camp David Summit of 1977. 77yr 11pgs 33fn 13s $98.45
Congress And Israel
An examination of Congress' record in regard to Israel from the Suez War of 1956 through the immediate aftermath of the 1977 Camp David Summit. 77yr 11pgs 11fn 7s $98.45
Recognition of the Palestine Liberation Organization by the United States
A position paper. 80yr 7pgs 5fn 7s $62.65
U.S. Alliance with Israel.
U.S. gains in security and vital interests by supporting strategic access to Mediterranean and oil sources. 80yr 10pgs 7fn 6s $89.50
The Shah of Iran
A position paper on why the Shah should not be sent back to Iran, based on his role as a friend of the US, the hostage situation, and the right to asylum. 81yr 7pgs 3fn 3s $62.65
Foreign Policy Management: Iran
How/why the US policy toward Iran ultimately failed by looking at the Shah as Iran and vice versa; the US role in managing the Cuban Missile Crisis and Vietnam; the Iranian crisis- solutions, obstacles, considerations. 83yr 16pgs 7fn 8s $143.20
The US Decision to Press for an Israeli-Egyptian Peace Agreement in 1978
A look at the events leading to the 1978 agreement, especially political and economic; US interests in the Middle East; the key 'actors' in the agreement; the process and outcome. 84yr 11pgs 0fn 7s $98.45
US Foreign Policy and its Dependence on Mideast Oil
The US and Mideast Oil - Geographical perspective, recent history of the Arab states and Israel, why America is dependent on Mideast oil and how that affects policy. 83yr 9pgs 16fn 7s $80.55
US Foreign Policy Towards the Sudan
A look at US foreign policy in the Sudan, in light of diminishing US influence in the Third World; the history and strategic importance of the Sudan. 84yr 11pgs 0fn 4s $98.45
An overview of Egypt- location, post-WWII history, present government structure. 82yr 11pgs 0fn 11s $98.45
American Policy Toward Israel from Ford to Bush
An analysis of the political strategies, policy formulations, and political philosophies of the last four presidents with regard to the development of foreign policy towards the state of Israel. 90yr 14pgs Afn 12s $125.30
U.S. Recognition of Israel in 1948
Analyzes the U.S. foreign policy decision-making processes involved in the 1948 recognition of the modern state of Israel. 90yr 15pgs 19fn 10s $134.25
The Leadership Styles of George Bush and Saddam Hussein
Analyzes the manner in which these two leaders have activated their political and public followings, detailed their political agendas, and gained support for their strategies domestically and abroad. 91yr 7pgs 10fn 8s $62.65
Iraqi - U.S. War/Congressional Letters
An examination of Time Magazine's coverage of the hostilities in the recently completed war between Iraq and the United States concerning speeches and correspondence between both countries. 91yr 7pgs Afn 7s $62.65
The Crisis in the Gulf
A brief history of the Gulf Crisis from the time of invasion to the liberation of Kuwait. Causal factors, negotiating ploys and battle tactics are also summarized. 91yr 10pgs 11fn 11s $89.50
The Gulf War and the U.S. Presidency
Examines President George Bush's handling of the diplomatic and military conflicts of the Gulf War of 1991 and the overwhelming support of the American people contrasted to the "helpless giant" attitude of previous crisises. 91yr 10pgs 16fn 8s $89.50
The War in the Persian Gulf
Discusses the decisive and seemingly easy victory over the Iraqi military, the liberation of Kuwait and the humilitating terms of surrender, but the real significance of the fact that Saddam Hussein is still in control of Iraq and the threat to regional. 91yr 6pgs 6fn 5s $53.70
The Gulf Crisis : Interpretation of the War by the News media
A report that examines the interpretation of the war by the national news media and as attracting more press coverage than any other newsworthy event in years. 91yr 6pgs 8fn 0s $53.70
Social Change, Cultural Dynamics and Education in Saudi Arabia
Examines the dilemma confronting the Saudi's concerning their massive oil revenues and their attempts to preserve their unique cultural and religious heritage. 91yr 15pgs 15fn 14s $134.25
The Crisis in the Gulf
Observes the events leading up to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, world response, and allied military strategy. 91yr 7pgs Afn 8s $62.65
Technology Transfer and National Security in the Iraq Case : Are Present High Technology Export Controls Enough
Observes the unsettling aspect of the Gulf War as the revelation that western technology and aid had been pouring into Iraq up until Saddam's launching of the invasion of Kuwait in August, 1990. Notes that western built equipment had been sold to Iraq u. 92yr 20pgs 26fn 0s $179.00
Domsetic and International Influences Affecting american Gulf War Strategy
Examines the nation's policy toward Iraq before it invaded Kuwait in August, 1990, the invasion which ultimately led to the Gulf War, and the domestic and international affairs that influenced the shift in policy and the decision to go to war. 94yr 12pgs 17fn 7s $107.40
"The United States & the Suez Crisis" by G. warner, from International Affairs, Volume 67,1991, pp. 303-17
Examines this article concerning the role of American foreign policy before, during, and after the Suez crisis, based on a review of State Department documents. 94yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
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