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Political Science: History

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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Democracies And Authoritarian Powers In Wartime
Views Plato, Socrates, Machavelli, in theories of war and contemporary strategies. 78yr 25pgs 22fn 10s $223.75
Participation Of Populace In Democratic Governments Vs. Authoritarian Government
Integrates philosophical arguments of Plato and Aristotle with present conditions in Greece and the Soviet Union. 78yr 13pgs 6fn 5s $116.35
A Comparison Of The U. S. Constitution And Legislature To British Parliament And Parliamentary Procedures
No Abstract. 78yr 5pgs 1fn 5s $44.75
The Separation Of U. S. Powers
Examines our system of checks and balances and compares it to Great Britain's non-existent separation of powers. 78yr 9pgs 2fn 6s $80.55
American Foreign And Domestic Policy
A historic account from the 1890's to the present. 78yr 10pgs 22fn 5s $89.50
The Ideologies Of Facism
Compares Facism to Democracy noting the tactics and psychological appeal used by Hitler and Mussolini in winning over the masses. 78yr 20pgs 5fn 6s $179.00
The Fall Of The Monarchy:1648-1649
Discusses the Divine Right of the King and the loss of power, the responsibility of the lower classes to the Church, England's relation to the European Crusades and King Charles in Parliament. 78yr 8pgs 0fn 6s $71.60
A Comparison Of Charles Degaulle And Nikita Khrushchev As Seen Thru Their Writings
An analysis of the political careers of both world leaders and their influences on the policies and destinies of their respective countries as noted in their published memoirs, books and essays. 79yr 19pgs 11fn 8s $170.05
The ideological Causes Of The Spanish-American War
An analysis of popular and governmental opinions and actions which incited America's intervention in the war. 79yr 5pgs 5fn 5s $44.75
The Irish Issue
Discusses the religious origins of English-Irish tension and internal dispute in Ireland. 79yr 4pgs 1fn 3s $35.80
A World Restored by Kissinger
Studies diplomatic problems in post-Napolean Europe. 79yr 6pgs 5fn 1s $53.70
Westernism And Slavophilism:
A comparative study of Russian attitudes during and about the French Revolution in 1848 discussing two schools of thought current in Russia at the time exemplified through philosophical and literary works. 79yr 15pgs 23fn 0s $134.25
The Development Of The Jewish Bund
An exploration of the Jewish Bund, a political organization founded in 1897 in Russia as a direct response to Russian Czarist attempts to isolate Jews and Christians. Analyzes the Bund in light of its influence, ideologically, upon the emergence of the S. 80yr 30pgs 39fn 15s $268.50
Psycho-Politics Of Hess And Himmler
An analysis of the relationship of Hitler to two of his subordinates, Hess and Himmler, during the Nazi Party's rule over Germany Describes their careers by drawing psycho-political profiles of the two men. 80yr 9pgs 26fn 10s $80.55
Revolutions In The Third World
A short discussion on the historical occurrence of revolutions in underdeveloped countries, aimed at social transformation. 80yr 4pgs 0fn 2s $35.80
Society & Western Marxism
Notes, in an in-depth study, the basic differences in Soviet and Western Marxism, emphasizing Eurocommunism, types of Leninism and the compulsive uses of Communism as practices in the Soviet. 80yr 21pgs 11fn 5s $187.95
The Governments Of England & Ireland
Examines, compares and contrasts these two governments through history, noting the roots of current animosities. 80yr 7pgs 11fn 8s $62.65
The Nazi Use of Propaganda as A Means of Influencing United States Foreign Policy
A historical survey of German propaganda aimed at the US from 1939 thru 1941, concentrating upon the period of American neutrality after 1939. 80yr 25pgs 40fn 7s $223.75
Memoirs of a Revolutionist
by Peter Kropotkin. Review and analysis of Kropotkin's political/philosophical theory with historical information relevant to an understanding of his thoughts and ideas. 81yr 6pgs 10fn 6s $53.70
My Past and Thoughts
by Alexander Herzen. The life and times of a nineteenth-century Russian philosopher. 81yr 6pgs 10fn 7s $53.70
A Comparison of the Governments of England, France, Germany, and the USSR
Similarities and differences among France, England, The USSR, and Germany. A look at the political environment, political culture, and institutions (political and bureaucratic) of these four nations. 80yr 27pgs 65fn 20s $241.65
Latin America and the Falkland Islands: A Comprehensive Study
How the Falkland Islands conflict affected military thought and world opinion. An analysis of the military strategies carried out; historical and legal background of the Falkland/Malvinas; diplomatic efforts; details of the war itself; results; support. 85yr 57pgs 40fn 17s $510.15
Pristine State Emergence in Egypt along the Nile
A discussion of ancient Egyptian civilization, using archaeological findings to see what was the level of development at each time. 83yr 7pgs 0fn 0s $62.65
A Prediction of the 1974 and 1975 Elections
Indicates a Democratic Sweep. 78yr 6pgs 6fn 7s $53.70
The Evolution of Presidential Campaigning
A historical account of problems and drawbacks in previous campaigns with recommendations included. 78yr 19pgs 47fn 8s $170.05
Nixon's Programs and Policies as Related to the Energy Crisis
Includes "Project Independence" the Self-Sufficiency program by 1980. 78yr 7pgs 0fn 4s $62.65
The Diplomacy of the American Revolution
Reviews the work of Bemis. 78yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
A Comparison of the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson with that of Richard Nixon
As of December 1974. 74yr 6pgs 16fn 10s $53.70
The Political Thought Of The American Revolution by Rossiter and Origins of the American Revolution by Miller
Notes different interpretations of how it came to be. 78yr 9pgs 13fn 2s $80.55
Analysis Of Student Political Movements Of The 1960's
Notes student reactions to political issues and reactions within the university system. 78yr 6pgs 2fn 5s $53.70
Eisenhower And The American Presidency
Examines Eisenhower's relations to the Republican Party. 78yr 20pgs 11fn 9s $179.00
Watergate: History And Its Ramifications
Discusses Nixon's position in the Watergate cover-up. 78yr 9pgs 0fn 4s $80.55
Isolation Of The Nixon Administration
A psycho-history and analysis, investigating the administration. 78yr 19pgs 53fn 20s $170.05
The Warren Court And The New Deal Court Compared
Considers the New Deal Court's ability to win judicial battles with the Supreme Court and the Warren Court's more liberal commitment to Civil Right and individual freedom, also the role of Justice Hugo Black. 78yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Why Mr. Ford's Win Program Failed
Discusses economic management that failed to "whip inflation now" including the incomplete tax for singles and couples and reforming policies for large public and private agencies. 78yr 5pgs 2fn 4s $44.75
The Nixon Administration And The Energy Crisis
Examines political activity, domestic and foreign, that accompanied the crisis, public reaction and suspicion, the broad nature of the problem and roles played by Nixon and Kissinger within the 1973-74 administration. 74yr 10pgs 17fn 8s $89.50
The Presidential Addresses Of Nixon
Examines his approach, noting examples from 1962-1972. 78yr 8pgs 4fn 5s $71.60
Richard Nixon As A Public Speaker
Discusses how his public speaking abilities contributed to his success or failure in the public eye and the confrontation with Kennedy. 78yr 7pgs 6fn 5s $62.65
The Current Budget Crisis In New York City: A Political Overview
An analysis of the political factors emanating from Washington and Albany, NY, in the federal and state governments failure to assist NY in the budget crisis. 78yr 11pgs 7fn 4s $98.45
The Nixon Administration: A Study In Violence, Coercion, And Illegal Actions To Justify The Means
Examines the Nixon administration many methods of subversive activity and attempts to destroy American democracy through whatever means necessary to fit the "game Plan" which resulted in the unraveling of events at the Watergate proceedings. 78yr 21pgs 7fn 8s $187.95
Low Voting Turn-Out For Ethnic Groups In State Wide Elections In Pennsylvania Counties For 1970
An analysis of voting patterns by ethnic group breakdown in 1970 Pennsylvania elections, focusing on patterns and hypothetical reasons for lack of involvement by specific cultural groups. 78yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
"Saving New York City From Default" by Samuelson
Reviews the article and controversial issue. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Bullet Theory That Killed President Kennedy
Examines the Warren and Garrison investigations and their findings in light of controversial testimonies and public pressure to uncover covert activities related. 79yr 6pgs 15fn 6s $53.70
New York During The American Revolution
Examines the ambivalent political stand made by New York in pre- and intra-revolutionary years. 79yr 20pgs 13fn 16s $179.00
Congressional Legislation Of Jan. 1975
Examines the conflict of a Democratic Congress and Republican President in establishing good health, education and welfare legislation. 79yr 6pgs 12fn 4s $53.70
Presidential Campaigns And The Use Of The Media
A contemporary survey of the nature and usage of media in the effectiveness of recent Presidential campaigns (1960-76). 79yr 5pgs 6fn 0s $44.75
Progressivism And The New Deal
Contrasts popular progressivism in pre WW I with the similar New Deal, contending the FDR's program arose from economic necessity and Progressivism from moral outrage. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 3s $62.65
Manifest Destiny by Weinberg
A review of this concept as our right to expansion, and its moral soundness. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Communism In America
Traces the early communist movement in the 1920's structural similarities to socialism, ensuing internal strife from fear of communism and characteristics of the American defecting to communism. 79yr 10pgs 17fn 9s $89.50
The 1965 New York Mayoralty Campaign
An analysis of the campaign, platform, and issues in the 1965 race for the Mayor's office in N.Y. between Lindsay and Beame. 79yr 17pgs 98fn 9s $152.15
An Interpretation Of Polls And Surveys In The Election Of 1976
Analyzes the accuracy and effect of various polls and surveys continually taken during the recent presidential election. 79yr 10pgs 17fn 17s $89.50
U.S. Party Differences In 1976
An analysis of the Democratic and Republican parties as to their traditional stance in relation to the extent that the parties shifted, modified or enlarged their power structure in 1976. 76yr 10pgs 5fn 7s $89.50
Breach of Faith: The Fall of Richard Nixon by Theodore White
A review and analysis of this detailed play-by-play account of the events political, sociological, psychological and historical which combined led to the Watergate affair and subsequently to the resignation of Richard M. Nixon. 79yr 9pgs 0fn 0s $80.55
An Analysis Of The Election Of 1976
Examines the campaigns of Carter and Ford thru the primaries to election day and observes reasons for Carter's victory. 79yr 10pgs 13fn 14s $89.50
The Jimmy Carter Victory
Analyzes the Carter victory through specific focus on the demographic data in the election of 1976, and the Harris and Gallup Poles. 76yr 11pgs 12fn 13s $98.45
Dean Rusk
An analysis of the career of Dean Rusk as Secretary of State under the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations and how his appointment came about. 79yr 15pgs 25fn 9s $134.25
Woodrow Wilson And His Failure With The League Of Nations
Observes that Wilson had given up much in his fourteen points negotiations with Germany at the conclusion of World War 1 at the treaty of Versailles which ultimately was the conerstone for the trajedy of the League of Nations. 79yr 7pgs 6fn 3s $62.65
The 1977 N.Y. City Mayoral Race
Discusses and analyzes the whys and wherefore of one of the city's most confusing mayoral races in recent years. 79yr 9pgs 18fn 9s $80.55
Congress & The Nixon Administration
Analyzes and discusses the various successes and failures of bills in congress during the Nixon years. 79yr 10pgs 11fn 10s $89.50
President Carter's First Hundred Days
An analysis of Carter's first three months based on a public opinion poll and presidential character estimates. 80yr 8pgs 17fn 4s $71.60
The Watergate Conspiracy
A study of the infamous break-in and its aftermath, noting it to be a white collar crime which failed. 80yr 17pgs 11fn 7s $152.15
The Great Society's "War On Poverty" Programs
Examines the Johnson administration's "war on poverty" as it fit into the "great society" programs in general and its effectiveness then and now. 80yr 10pgs 9fn 12s $89.50
The Great Society
An analysis of how Lyndon Johnson dealt with the problems of the poor, through various programs. 80yr 14pgs 9fn 7s $125.30
The Carter Administration
A highly critical analyses of the current administration, noting foreign policy setbacks and inability to balance the budget. 80yr 7pgs 2fn 3s $62.65
Nixon Agonistes By Garry Wills
A review and analysis of this sobering view of Nixon as the antithetical tragic hero. 80yr 5pgs 6fn 1s $44.75
How Senator Javits Has Stood On Jamor Issues Concerning Israel Throughout His Political Career
A review of Javit's record in supporting Israel from his election to the House of Representatives in 1946 through the Camp David Summit of 1977. 77yr 11pgs 33fn 13s $98.45
History Of Demography
A history of population theories through the seventeenth century to the present. 80yr 7pgs 4fn 6s $62.65
Wars As A Catalyst For Social Change
A historical survey of wars in America questioning the view that has been a catalyst for reform. 80yr 7pgs 11fn 9s $62.65
The Science Of Governing And Constitution Making As Seen By Edmund Burke And Thomas Paine
A comparison of Burke's conservative Reflections on the Revolution in France with Paine's antimonarchist The Rights of Man. 80yr 5pgs Afn 5s $44.75
President John F. Kennedy
Performance in office, effectiveness in dealing with Congress, business. 80yr 7pgs 9fn 1s $62.65
Campaign 1980 : The Nomination of a Presidential Candidate
Explores the nominating process and focuses on the candidates in the 1980 election Carter, Kennedy, and Reagan with analyses of the chances for election of each, reasons and responses of party mechanisms. 80yr 8pgs 5fn 5s $71.60
A Comparison of the Foreign and Domestic Policies of John F. Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt
Similarities and differences in both administrations. 80yr 6pgs 0fn 6s $53.70
President Carter's Campaign Promises and Views
The U.S. support of Israel and his actual performance in this respect. 80yr 14pgs 8fn 4s $125.30
Business Analysis of the Reagan Administration
A look at "supply-side" economics in regard to inflation, spending, and the current economic climate. Budget deficits and their effect; proposed tax cuts. 82yr 6pgs 7fn 7s $53.70
Reagan's Economic Program-An Analysis
An analysis of Reagan's economic plan. Examines his history in the area of political economy to see how he evolved as an economic thinker. Details his tax program, plans for reduced federal spending, deregulation, etc. 82yr 9pgs 8fn 7s $80.55
A Profile of President Ronald Reagan
A biographical sketch of Ronald Reagan, with emphasis on his political career and general level of popularity with the American public. 85yr 7pgs 6fn 6s $62.65
Reaganomics: An Analysis
General overview of Reaganomics as a political plan; political and economic premises underscoring Reaganomics; the political/economic scale; its components; key Reagan personnel; the economy at is and its potential for Reaganomics; is it transitional or. 83yr 40pgs 29fn 14s $358.00
Reagan's Inaugural Address: An Analysis
The 1981 inauguration of Reagan - a look at the overall scene, particularly the unresolved Iranian hostage crisis; the transition from Carter to Reagan; vision for America. 81yr 9pgs 0fn 3s $80.55
Events Preceding the Camp David Agreement
An account of the events leading to the agreement - the Six-Day War in 1967 that produced the territorial problems; the US role over the years and in negotiations; opposition to the agreements. 83yr 13pgs 14fn 8s $116.35
Alexander Hamilton's Federalist Papers
A review on Hamilton's Federalist essays on the flaws of the US government, the legislature, and foreign influence; his views and role in the American Revolution. 83yr 10pgs 1fn 4s $89.50
The Federal Budget
The federal budget - definition and dimensions; history and purpose of the federal administrative budget; the budget cycle; future plans and trends; conclusions; appendix with tables. A look at Jimmy Carter's proposed 1981 budget. 84yr 50pgs 44fn 17s $447.50
Hunger in America
History of hunger in America from Colonial times; a look at programs designed to alleviate the problem and legislative efforts. 83yr 8pgs 12fn 6s $71.60
The White House
A history and physical description of the White House, starting with the earliest plans and construction. How it is laid out and designed. 84yr 10pgs 10fn 7s $89.50
Inflation and Unemployment During the Carter and Reagan Administrations
How unemployment and inflation remained problems before and during the Carter/Reagan years. How each handled the difficulties from an economics point of view. 85yr 10pgs 10fn 9s $89.50
The Johnson Years and the Reagan Years
Were the goals of the Great Society fulfilled?; attempts to promote democracy around the world and their success/failure. US foreign policy since, especially in Latin America; Third World economic development. 84yr 19pgs 48fn 4s $170.05
The Origins of Participatory Democracy
The history of the idea of participatory democracy as it evolved from Europe and took root in America; other thinkers' ideas on the subject. 83yr 11pgs 7fn 3s $98.45
Edwin Meese at a Crossroads
A look at the intense scrutiny and charges surrounding Edwin Meese. The uproar over his nomination as Attorney General; a review of media coverage of his nomination and financial dealings. 85yr 10pgs 21fn 23s $89.50
Reagan's Economic Proposals/ Interest Rates and Predictions
An evaluation of Reagan's economic plans to cut spending and taxes, regulatory reform and stable money supply growth. The effect of interest rates on the economy. 83yr 8pgs 12fn 15s $71.60
Reagan as Governor and Candidate
Reagan as governor; his growing power as head of a conservative movement; his post-gubernatorial years; his race for the 1976 GOP nomination and for President. 82yr 7pgs 7fn 0s $62.65
Heinrich Himmler : His Role in the Nazi State
Examines the life of Himmler, one of the most ruthless practitioners of Nazi terror, his role in the development and control of the S.S. and its subsequent use in carrying out the atrocities of the Nazi concentration camps. 88yr 14pgs 0fn 14s $125.30
Watergate : The Power of Congress
Examines the confrontation between the President and his contentions of executive privlidge and the powers of Congress in appointing a special prosecuter and powers of impeachment surrounding the Watergate controversy. 88yr 10pgs 7fn 6s $89.50
The 1988 Presidential Campaign and Taxation
Discusses the politically sensitive issue of taxation and how the candidates for president in1988, George Bush and Michael Dukakis portrayed the issue of taxes to the voters. 88yr 6pgs 15fn 7s $53.70
A Comparison of Political Machines : Mayor Daley of Chicago and Mayor Koch in New York
Analyzes "machine politics" as exemplified by Mayor Daley in Chicago as a tight one party system in dispensing patronage and private interests and Koch in New York portrayed as a reformer operating a bureaucracy attempting to eliminate machine politics. 88yr 17pgs 31fn 11s $152.15
The Education of David Stockman by William Greider
Observes Greider's claims that Stockman's economic policies during the Reagan administration were flawed because of his dogmatic faith in supply-side economics. 90yr 6pgs 4fn 0s $53.70
Individualism and Conformity in the Sixties
A characterization of the 1960's and its wholesale reactions to the cultural, political and social sterility of the previous decade. 90yr 7pgs 6fn 4s $62.65
Kennedy's Inaugural Address
An analysis of one of the great presidential speeches as Kennedy's 1961 inaugural address offers a neo-Aristotelian world view and a largely non-sexist outlook on American political involvement. 90yr 10pgs 11fn 5s $89.50
Theodore H. White's The Making of the President, 1960
and Sidney Blumenthal's Pleding Allegiance : A comparison. Observes their thoughts on the election processes of John F. Kennedy and George Bush respectively. 90yr 15pgs 23fn 0s $134.25
Gambling With History : Ronald Reagan in the White House by Laurence I. Barrett : A Critique and Personal Opinion
A chronology of Reagan's first two years as president, dealing with the budget, tax legislation, the Middle East, relations with minorities, etc. 91yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
An Examination of Ronald Reagan's Presidency
Observes that throughout the eight years that he held office, Ronald Reagan performed honorably and efficiently to bring this country to a position of military, economic, and political power unequaled. 92yr 6pgs 15fn 7s $53.70
Congress and Dan Quayle
Examines Quayle's first two terms in the U.S. Senate and focuses on the activities undertaken by Quayle to achieve recognition as an up and coming leader and also and investigation of Congress and its workings. 93yr 9pgs 17fn 4s $80.55
H. Ross Perot's Presidential Campaign of 1992
Examines Perot's background and beliefs, his solutions to the nations problems, his campaign organization, why his campaign failed, and the pros and cons of his presidential qualities. 93yr 10pgs 46fn 76s $89.50
Health Care Reform Proposed by the Clinton Administration
A Discussion which focuses on the Clinton Plan and two alternative approaches to national healthcare planning, one a single payer system and one and individual mandate design. 94yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Mad As Hell by Germond and Witcover
An observation and discussion as to the motivators of the large turnout of voters in the Presidential election of 1992 as due largely to dissatisfaction with George Bush's Republican administration. 94yr 8pgs 12fn 6s $71.60
The Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution : Two Federal Constitutional Systems Compared
Compares and contrasts the Articles of Confederation with the 1787 Constitution that was ratified at the second Philadelphia Convention, showing the strengths and weaknesses of both documents in order to show why the first constitution proved to weak and. 94yr 9pgs 8fn 0s $80.55
Richard Nixon's Beyond Peace : A summary and analysis in a Historical Context
Nixon's attempts to exonerate himself from his past transgressions by writing somewhat optimistically about the possibilities of achieving world peace and the necissity of America's role in the diplomatic and political processes attendant to it. 94yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
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