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Political Science: Europe

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Hungary's Foreign Policy
An examination of Hungarian foreign policy since the second World War, as a result of the changing series, personalities, ideologies, and Hungary's shifting relationship with the Soviet Union. 79yr 10pgs 5fn 8s $89.50
British Relations With Europe In The Period 1967 to 1975
An examination of the circumstances of confusion in British attempts to realign herself with the rest of Western Europe, her relationship with NATO, entering the common market and the inevitable loosening of ties with the U.S. 79yr 11pgs 18fn 10s $98.45
The Rise Of Communism In West Europe: U.S. Position
Focuses on the ambiguous position of the U.S. towards the Communist Party of Italy. 79yr 5pgs 4fn 3s $44.75
French Students' Objectives, 1968: Folly Or Valid Intentions
Examines efforts at educational reform and eventual repression thru political intervention. 79yr 4pgs 4fn 3s $35.80
Garibaldi and His Enemies by Hibbert
Reviews this study contending that Garibaldi"s main asset was his political wisdom and personal magnetism. 79yr 5pgs 2fn 0s $44.75
The Rise Of Fascism In Post-War Germany And Italy
Discusses the economic and social condition which led to the rise of Fascism in Europe following World War One. 79yr 10pgs 4fn 2s $89.50
Partito Comunisto Italiano
Discusses the Italian Communist Party and modern coloring in a western ally. 79yr 14pgs 2fn 3s $125.30
The Prefectural System
Examines the role of the perfect, chief executive of local governments in France and the current delegation of power to the central government. 79yr 7pgs 0fn 2s $62.65
A comparison Of Governmental Systems Of France, England, And The U.S.
A comparison of these three "liberal democratic" systems focusing on the differences innovations and alterations of each. 79yr 12pgs 15fn 6s $107.40
Albania's Role In The Sino-Soviet Split
A historical analysis of Albania's role in the development of the Sino-Soviet rift, examining various Communist Conferences in the late 1950's and early 1960's and the resultant siding of Albania with China because of poor Soviet relations and cultural t. 79yr 21pgs 90fn 13s $187.95
DeGaulle And The Breakdown Of The Bipolar World 1962-1986
Examines the leadership and foreign politics utilized during the above years, focusing on reasons for and ramifications of these policies toward world powers. 80yr 23pgs 24fn 10s $205.85
Urbanization In Western Europe Vs. Asia And Africa
Observes the urbanization rate of under-developed countries as much faster than European countries, even when European countries were in the heyday of urban growth. 80yr 4pgs 5fn 2s $35.80
Society and Democracy in Germany by Dahrendorf
A Review and analysis of why so few in Germany embraced the principle of liberal democracy and what has to happen to make liberal democracy possible in Germany. 80yr 5pgs Afn 0s $44.75
Changes In France
Examines how France has changed since WWII emphasizing the government, policy, people, industry and important events which have occurred there from 1960 to 1977. 77yr 11pgs 5fn 6s $98.45
A Comparison Of France & Italy
Examines the social, economic political and cultural systems of these neighboring countries, noting differences and similarities. 80yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The French Political Community, 1870-1962
Traces the development of the various French republics from the Industrial Revolution, through Clemenceau and DeGaulle. 80yr 7pgs 3fn 2s $62.65
The Irish Republican Army
Analyzes the history of the resistance movement in Ireland, emphasizing developments which have affected IRA policies and this nation's relationship with Britain. 80yr 14pgs 10fn 6s $125.30
The Government of Great Britain
An examination of the British Parliamentary system. 80yr 6pgs 5fn 5s $53.70
The Integration of the Industrial Bourgeoisie into the Nineteenth Century British Political system
Discusses the Whip and Tory parties and British Parliamentary system in operation in 1832. 81yr 7pgs 7fn 5s $62.65
The Soviet Constitution, 1978
Discusses the implications and consequences of the new Soviet Constitution drafted in 1978 in regard to popular participation in government with different theories and practices to illustrate the problems and dimensions of the Soviet Constitution. 81yr 12pgs 10fn 6s $107.40
Irish Liberation
edited by Ulich O'Connor. Book report on studies of the struggle in Northern Ireland. 81yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
Modern German Terrorism
Explains current phenomenon taking place in West Germany today and specific terrorist activity. 81yr 15pgs 35fn 9s $134.25
Aspects of Contemporary Italy
Modern-day Italy - geography, history since WWII, social institutions, religion, art, lifestyle, language. 87yr 10pgs 12fn 8s $89.50
The Politization of Polish Workers
A look at the factors in the increasing politization in Poland - religion, intellectual independence, economics, social. The role of Labor in promoting radicalism. 82yr 28pgs 39fn 0s $250.60
Elections in Great Britain, France, and West Germany
A history of electoral procedures in Britain, Northern Ireland, France, and West Germany. Looks at the tenure of office, direct vs. parliamentary elections; strife engendered by certain elections. 83yr 12pgs 9fn 7s $107.40
The British Conservative Party
A look at Britain's Conservative Party as viewed by five articles appearing in British journals on politics. An analysis of each article. 84yr 10pgs Afn 5s $89.50
Immigration and Racism:The Case of the Republic of France and the Federal Republic of Germany
Foreign immigration patters in France and West Germany; role of immigrants in the labor force; how economic problems affect immigrants' status; government role; survey results of residents' attitudes toward immigrants. 84yr 19pgs 22fn 30s $170.05
French and German Oil Policies
A discussion/comparison of France's and West Germany's policies/views toward the world system in oil. Looks at the economy's influence, attitudes before and after the oil crisis of 1973, relationships with oil producers, etc. 85yr 24pgs 62fn 20s $214.80
The British Party System
The significance of party in British politics; the Prime Minister's role; Parliamentary supremacy vs. separation of powers; the tradition of two-party dominance; social class and party preference. 84yr 7pgs 10fn 10s $62.65
The Logistics of European Deregulation For the Aviation Industry
Analyzes the effect of 1992, The European Common Market regarded as a single market with no borders within the community which would allow the deregulation of the aviation industry in Europe. 88yr 6pgs 7fn 6s $53.70
Policy Structure Pertaining to Nuclear Weaponry
Focuses on current policies today of Western European nations, France, Great Britain and West Germany and what the respective governments perceive to be the most advantageous policies to pursue concerning nuclear arms. 90yr 14pgs 19fn 11s $125.30
German Foreign Policy Toward Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
Examines the weakened position of the Soviet Union in regard to its inability to stand fast to what had long been its minimal demand as the price of German renunification, that a United Germany remain outside of NATO and the Western alliance system. 92yr 15pgs 14fn 8s $134.25
The Maghreb and Migration : A Study of the Effects of North African Immigration on France
An examination of the immigration problem being experienced by France in regard to the Maghreb in North Africa, proposals and alternatives and French domestic immigration policies. 91yr 8pgs 32fn 17s $71.60
The Impact of New Social Movements in the European Community
Examines the lack of progressive movements in Europe and disunity in the environmental movement, anti-war movement and organizations promoting racial equality. 91yr 4pgs 0fn 0s $35.80
The Resurgence of Neonazi Politics in the New Germany
Explores the Neo-Nazi resurgence in terms of the reunification process to determine if the threat of a facist Germany is a real one. Looks at the emergence of fringe groups, such as neo-nazis, Skinheads, and other radical groups feeling resentment towar. 93yr 15pgs Afn 17s $134.25
Asylum Policy for Refugees in Germany
observes the huge influx of refugees in Germany today coming from Rumania, and from the ones fleeing the war in Bosnia and Herzogovina and the resultant restrictive immigration polices Germany has adopted. 93yr 10pgs 11fn 7s $89.50
Europe in the 1990's
Looks at the European Community (EC) in the 1990's as the process of redifing is beginning and the number of problems existing which could result in either a delay or a halt in the full integration of the disparate European nations into a single politica. 93yr 10pgs 16fn 12s $89.50
Examines Wales geographically, its dialect as distinct from England, its culture and society, its economic base, criminal justice system, etc. 93yr 7pgs 13fn 6s $62.65
France and Sweden : Government and the Economy
Compares the objectives of government intervention in their nation's economic affairs in France and Sweden since World War II and finding that two very different sets of cultural and political values are being expressed in the national policies. 93yr 5pgs Afn 3s $44.75
Historical and Contemporary Factors Pertinent to Policy and Politics Within the European Community
Observes economic intergation as fraught with innumerable duplications, inefficiencies, diminished competition, and a series of material or product gluts and shortages in different industries within separate nations, because of competition between them. 93yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
Bosnia-Herzegovina : The Yugoslav Crisis
Observes the current crisis in Bosnia-Herzegovina as only the most recent manifestation of the long standing ethnic warfare in the Balkans, which existed for thousands of years and had its roots in ancient feuds and struggles between different peoples of. 94yr 6pgs 7fn 7s $53.70
Communist Eastern Europe : Paradox and Stability amidst Decay
Observes that the inability of Communism to provide a better life for the peoples of Eastern Europe and its perpetuation of nationalist prejudices as the direct result of the establishment of Soviet hegemony over countries that historically feared, scorn. 94yr 6pgs 3fn 3s $53.70
Problems and Progress on the Road to Democracy in Yugoslavia
Observes Yugoslavia as a multinational country emerging from a stae and party-dominated system which represents a test of whether transitions to democratic institutions and capitalism can foster stability and prevent the excesses of chauvinistic national. 94yr 10pgs 22fn 10s $89.50
An Analysis Of The Factors And Effects Of Reducing U.S. Military Presence In Europe
Examined in light of 'detente' with the Soviet Union, the NATO organization, and motives that would induce the U.S. to take such measures. 78yr 5pgs 5fn 4s $44.75
Spain And The United States
An analysis of the political relationship between U.S. and Spain focusing on the distinct differences in forms of government. 79yr 12pgs 8fn 7s $107.40
Policy Recommendations
Resolution of the European Parliament on disarmament; US role in the Rhodesian situation; US involvement in Nicaragua. 83yr 8pgs 0fn 0s $71.60
Leadership Styles in France and the US
How the French and US Presidents lead- Their role as party leader; the French presidential system; WWII and the creation of the Fourth Republic; the Fifth Republic; Presidential elections in France; France and US compared. 86yr 15pgs 11fn 8s $134.25
The US vs. France in Separation of Powers
A comparison of how the national governments of the US and France handle separation of powers - historical and political events leading to it; influence of the party system. 85yr 25pgs 21fn 25s $223.75
Denmark: A Profile and Investment Opportunities
An overview of Denmark - census information, location, history, resources, government, economic and political conditions, exports/imports, evaluation. 83yr 8pgs 9fn 5s $71.60
The Possibilities for Disarmament
Examines the possibilities considering the reunification of Germany, increasingly warm relations between the United States and the Soviet Union and the demise of Communism in Eastern Europe. 90yr 15pgs 11fn 10s $134.25
Foreign Aid Policy : The United States and Norway Compared
Proposes a model for reform of U.S. aid, now undergoing a reappraisal in light of the cold war's end. Finding the best examples in the Scandinavian countries and comparing foreign aid policies in Norway and the U.S. in regard to direct development aid r. 93yr 17pgs Afn 20s $152.15
Bosnia and Vietnam
compares the Bosnian and Vietnam situations regarding those favoring and those opposed to U.S. military intervention in Bosnia and the caution expressed by many that the U.S. will be quagmired in another Vietnam situation. 93yr 7pgs Afn 10s $62.65
The Contemporary Crisis in Yugoslavia : Its current status and how it can be changed
Observes Yugoslavia's autonomy since the collapse of the Soviet empire, but the resultant bosnian conflict due to its divirgence of peoples including Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Albanians, Hungarians, and Muslim Slavs all natives of this country. 93yr 6pgs 0fn 0s $53.70
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