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Political Science: Cold War

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Description of Paper (yr=Year Written) (pgs=Pages) (fn=Footnotes) (s=Sources) ($=Price)

Divergent Opinions In Cold War Scholarship
A study of American diplomacy during the Cold War years. 78yr 6pgs 8fn 4s $53.70
Views Of The Cold War
Discusses the role of Russia in international and domestic relations after W.W. II focusing particularly on Poland, Germany, and the united Nations. 78yr 20pgs 50fn 27s $179.00
Kennedy And Khruschev
Examines diplomatic strategies, meetings and treaties. 78yr 10pgs 10fn 7s $89.50
The U.S. And China: Foreign Policy: 1949-1975
Follows the struggle for good relations, 1949 treaty, Taiwan Territory contributing social and economic factors. 78yr 25pgs 25fn 16s $223.75
The Cold War
Discusses relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union from the end of WWII to the present, viewing relations as becoming more realistic in nature for the mutual benefit of both. 79yr 20pgs 10fn 5s $179.00
Khrushchev as an event-making man
Examines Khrushchev's role in major international events and crises between 1953 and 1964. 79yr 15pgs 20fn 14s $134.25
DeGaulle & Nato, 1958-1966
Examines and analyzes the impact of DeGaulle's decisions regarding NATO during this crucial Cold War period. 80yr 21pgs 30fn 21s $187.95
The Role of East European Nations in U.S. Soviet Detente
Analyzes U.S. Soviet relationship from World War II to present noting the Soviet and U.S. respect for each other's sphere of influence and assesses the roles that are played by Eastern European nations in context of detente. 80yr 22pgs 15fn 12s $196.90
KGB Recruitment of US and UN Personnel for Espionage Purposes
Looks at the Walker family spy case as exemplary of KGB recruitment of US personnel for spying. How money and sex are used as inducements today. 87yr 10pgs 10fn 6s $89.50
The Historic Background of the Arms Race
Historical synopsis from WWII on; superpower rationale for the arms buildup. Offers recommendations. 86yr 15pgs 6fn 4s $134.25
The Cold War: US-Soviet Relations
Issues in Soviet-American relations; the decline in US-USSR relations; the future. 85yr 13pgs 15fn 11s $116.35
The Benefits to the US of the Russian Oil Pipeline
Background of 'east-west' trade and the pipeline deal; the political implications. 85yr 8pgs 10fn 10s $71.60
Sherwin's "A World Destroyed" and the Origins of the Cold War
A review of this book, which contends that the atomic bomb was not geared for a specific aim, but to set the tone for future Western-Soviet relations. 84yr 15pgs 14fn 8s $134.25
The US and Cuba, Vietnam, and China
A policy paper on the desirability of restoring full relations between the US and Cuba, Vietnam, and China. Examines the changing US role in world affairs. 81yr 7pgs 6fn 0s $62.65
Vojtech Mastny's "Russia's Road to the Cold War"
An analysis of this book on the origins of the Cold War as seen through Russian eyes, with elaboration on some other theories. 85yr 15pgs 17fn 5s $134.25
The Cold Warriors by Donovan
Reviews the policy making elite and the terms of policy making. 79yr 7pgs 3fn 0s $62.65
Arms Control, Disarmament and National Security by the Dept of Defense
Critiques this book, which remained for a decade the handbook of arms control and its implications and national security under the general editorship of Donald Brennan. 79yr 5pgs 0fn 0s $44.75
The Cold War and Counter Revolution by Walton
Reviews happenings in the White House during the Kennedy Administration. 79yr 8pgs 4fn 0s $71.60
The United States Policy Of Nuclear Deterrents A History and Description
An account tracing US deterrents roots in the Second World War through the Cold War to the present. 80yr 7pgs 10fn 7s $62.65
The Breakdown of Detente, The United States and the U.S.S.R.
The deterioration and dismantling of detente as a result of the growing pattern of Soviet imperial globalism and dramatic increases in military capabilities coupled with an ever-changing U.S. foreign policy. 80yr 21pgs 11fn 10s $187.95
Nuclear Weapons and Disarmament
Discusses US plans to match Soviet medium-length missile development in Europe; how the crisis escalated; the strategy of deterrence; how negotiations will be affected. 84yr 7pgs 4fn 4s $62.65
The Atomic Bomb : Advantages to the U.S. in Dropping It
Examines the beliefs of the United States in dropping the atomic bomb that the world would be unified, the theory of deterrance as based on the threat of the bomb and the containment of the Soviet Union after World War II. 88yr 7pgs 7fn 3s $62.65
Nuclear Weapons Buildup Under the Nixon and Carter Administrations
An overall examination of U.S. Nuclear weapons policy and arms control agreements. Discusses the strategy of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD),controlled strike, ABM as a consequence of Salt I and the Nixon Administration and the significant cutbacks by. 88yr 20pgs 17fn 10s $179.00
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