Campus Map

Campus Building Index


Accounting, Dept. of C4 Administration D5 Administration Annex (Gamma) E7 Admissions, Office of D5 Aeronautics D5 Aerospace & Mech. Engr. Lab C5 Agriculture (Forbes) C6 Agriculture Econ, Dept. of C5 Agriculture Engr., Dept of C6 Agricultural Sciences (Shantz) C6 Alumni Asociation B4 Animal Sciences, Dept. of C6 Anthropology B6 Apache Hall D7 Architecture C4 Arid Lands Information B5 Arizona Daily Wildcat D5 Arizona Hall A7 Arizona Health Sciences Center F2 Arizona Research Lab B6 Arizona State Museum B5 Art & Museum of Art B4 Art Dept., Graduate Studies D3 Arts & Sciences D5 Associated Students, U of A C5 Astronomy, Dept. of E5 Athletics, Intecollegiate F6 Audio-Visual D3 Auditorium, Centennial B6 Automatic Bank Teller D5


Babcock Building F3 Bear Down Gymnasium D6 Bio, Sciences East D6 Bio Sciences West B7 Bookstore, AHSC F2 Bookstore, Main Campus C5 Bookstore, Park Student Center B6 Business & Public Admin. C4 Business & Public Admin. (new) B3


Cancer Center, AHSC F1 Capital FAcilities Planning D5 Cashier D5 Centennial Auditiorium (Ticket office) B6 Center for Creative Photography C4 Center for English as a Second Language C5 Central Animal Facility C7 Central Heat & Refrig. Plant D6 Central Heat & Refrig. Plant, AHSC E1 Chemistry D6 Chemisty & Bio. Sci. Bldg. D6 Chemistry, Marvel Labs C6 Cherry Avenue Parking Garage E6 Civil Engineering C4 Classics, Dept. of C4 Cohise Hall D5 Coconino Hall B6 Communication, Dept. of B4 Community & Public SErvice C5 Computer Center E3 Comstock House D4 Continuing Education, Div. of E2 Continuing Medical Education F3 Controller F2 Corleone Apartments F3 Coronado Hall B2 Cultural Affairs A7 Crowder Hall (Music) A6


Dean of Students C5 Design & Construction, Dept. of D6 Development Office E3 Disabled Student Services E5 Douglas C6 Drama & Theatre B4


East Stadium E7 Economics C5 Education D5 Electrical & Computer Engr. C4 Engineering C5 Enke Center F6 Entomology, Dept. of C6 Exercies & Sport Sciences, Dept. of F5


Faculty Senate E7 Family & Consumer Resources B6 Family Practice Unit, AHSC E2 Fluid Dynamics Research Lab C4 Forbes (Agriculture) C6 Franklin B6


Gallagher Theater D5 Garage D7 Garage, AHSC F1 Geography & Regional Development C4 Geosciences, Dept. of B6 Gila Hall B5 Gittings, Ina E. (Physical Ed. & Pool) F5 Gould-Simpson (Science) B6 Graduate Library School E4 Graham Hall D6 Greenhouses D6 Greenlee Hall D6


Harvill Building C4 Herring Hall C6 Hillenbrand Aquatic Center F6 Hist. Mem. Fountain C5 History, Dept. of C6 Hopi Hall D6 Huachuca HAll A6 Human Development Preschool D5 Humanities, FAculty of D5 Hydrology & Water Resources, Dept. of C5


International House E2 International STudies, Office of C6


Joseph Gross Gallery B4 Journalism, Dept. of B6


Kaibab Hall B6 Keys D7 KUAT Radio/TV D5


Land & Property Management E3 Law College C3 Leon Levy, Cancer Center F1 Library, AHSC F2 Library, Law C3 Library, Main E6 Library, Science D6 Life Sciences Building South B7 Life Sciences Building North F2 Linguistics, Dept. of C7


Management & Policy, Dept. of C4 Marketing, Dept. of C4 Manzanita Hall B4 Maricopa Hall B5 Marley Building C6 Mathematics C7 McKale Memorial Center E6 Media & Instructional Services D5 Medicine, College of F2 Micro Campus C4 Mines & Metallurgy C5 Minority Student Affairs C5 Mirror Casting FAcility E7 Modern Languages D5 Mohave Hall B4 Music B4


National Park Services B7 Navajo Hall E7 News and Public Information E3 Nugent, Robert L. C6 Nursing, College of F2 Nutrition & Food Sci., Dept. of C6


Old Main C5 Optical Sciences Annex F7 Optical Sciences, Dept. of E6 Oriental STudies, Dept. of B6


Papago Hall B3 ParkAvenue Parking Garage B6 Park Student Center E7 Parking and Transportation Serv. F3 Personnel, Dept. of D6 Pharm-Anim. Shelter F2 Pharmacy, College of C6 Pharmacy-Microbiology F5 Physical Education, Dept. of D6 Physical Resources, Offices D6 Physical Resources, shop #1 D6 Physical Resources, shop #2 D6 Physical Resources, shop #3 C6 Physical Resources, shop #4 C7 Physical Resources, AHSC E1 Physics-Atmospheric Sciences (PAS) C6 Philosophy, Dept. of C6 Phase B3 Pinal Hall E7 Planetarium, G. H. Flandrau E5 Poetry Center E3 Police Dept. C7 Post Office, U.S. D5 Printing & Reproduction E7 Psychology E5 Purchasing & Stores C6


Radiation Control, AHSC F2 Radiology Medical Research Lab (Temp), AHSC E1 Registrar D5 Reservoir C5 Residence Life, Dept. of C6 Residence Life, Maintenance E7 ROTC B6 Risk Management E1


Santa Cruz Hall D7 Sancet, Frank (Field) E6 Science, Faculty of B6 Science Library D6 Second Street Parking Garage D5 Shantz (Agricultural Sciences) C6 Shops & Warehouse, AHSC E1 Sierra Hall E7 Slonaker B4 Social & Beh. Sci., Faculty of D5 Social Sciences C6 Sonora Hall B7 South Hall B6 Space Management A6 Space Sciences, Kuiper E5 Speech C5 Stadium & Track E6 State & Community Resources, Dept. of B3 Steward Observatory E5 Stores C6 Student Activities Office C5 Student Health Center E5 Student Recreation Center D7 Student Uhion D5 Student Union/Vending E1


Teaching Lab (Temp) C7 Telephone Service Office D4 Ticket Office (Athletic) F6 Tree Ring Research Lab E7 Telecommunications D4


UA Foundation/Alumni E3 UA Press B3 Udall Center C4 Utility & Cooling Plant D3


Veterinary Science C6 Visitor Center E6


West Stadium E7 Wildcat, Arizona Daily D5 Water Resources Research Center 350N. Campbell Avenue


Yavapai Hall C6 Yuma Hall C5

Visitor Center

Direction: Take I10 south (from Phoenix) to the East Speedway Blvd. exit. Proceed and turn right onto North Cherry Ave. Visitor Center is on the North side of Cherry Ave. and University Blvd.
Hours: M-F 8am-5pm
Phone: (520) 621-5130