Mutual Funds RRSP

A Mutual Fund is a pool of money invested by a professional manager in several investment vehicles, which may include stocks and bonds. The rates of return vary from one mutual fund to the next, as does the degree of risk. If these investments earn a profit, you share in that profit. Mutual Funds are eligible RRSP/RRIF investments and can also be held within a Self-Directed RRSP/RRIF. Consider this RRSP/RRIF option if:
  • you hope to earn a better return than what you would earn on term deposits.
  • you want to diversify your RRSP portfolio.
  • you want to maximize your foreign content (up to 20%).

RRIFs | RESPs | Mutual Funds | Accounts and Services

RRSP Accumulator | T-Bill RRSP | Term Deposits RRSP | Self-Directed RRSP

Copyright © Surrey Metro Savings September 16, 1996