The Dove of Peace Will Fly

Between the Lines

Back on the Air

Between the Lines, the award-winning cable television program produced by the Peace Education Center has begun its 1996 season with 1 series of programs dealing with issues of peace and justice and how they relate to the Lansing area community.

These programs now appear on cable channel 30 on Thursday at 5:00 p.m.
in both the East Lansing and Meridian areas.
Plans are under way to add the Lansing viewing area as well.

BTL has already produced programs dealing with:

  • the grape boycott (MEChA)
  • the World Court decision on the legality of nuclear weapons
  • the Michigan Faith and Resistance Peace Team

    BTL has plans to produce programs on

  • civil rights
  • the Michigan's tuition waver for Native Americans
    BTL is also open to suggestions for additional programs from peace and justice groups. Interested groups or individuals should contact
    David Dwyer at (517) 355-1809 day
    332-4863 evenings
    or by e-mail at

    Programs are taped every other Tuesday from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the TCI Cable Studios on Trowbridge Road in East Lansing. If you wish to join the crew of John Masterson, David Dwyer, Isidore Flores, Chris and Sara Lubiensky, and others, please contact
    John Masterson at (517) 349-1738)
    or by email at

    Pages Compliments of Misery Bay Publications