SCRIMP Process Page

SCRIMP Process Page

SCRIMP (Seeman Composite Resin Infusion Molding Process) is being tested as a hull forming method that reduces emissions and hand labor intensiveness.

A recent NIST net posting discusses its status. The article is titled, "High-Performance Composites for Large Commercial Structures" describes an ongoing ARPA project..

An SBIR project involving SCRIMP is also ongoing in the aircraft industry.

A large sailboat has been built using the SCRIMP technology. Some nice photos of the construction are available on the web site

Patent 5,439,635 was recently granted for a bag used in the process.

A basic article describing the current use of fiberglass in boat hulls, "Fiberglass: Just for the Hull of It" can be found in the July 27, 1995 issue of Machine Design on pages 54-58.

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