
This book describes both the IBM Internet Connection Server and the IBM Internet Connection Secure Server for OS/2 Warp.

Note: When we say "the server" in this book, we mean either the Internet Connection Server or the Internet Connection Secure Server. When we say "the secure server", we mean only the Internet Connection Secure Server.

Information road map

Table 1. Information road map

| If you want to...                    | Refer to...                          |
| Read about the server                | Up and Running!                      |
| Plan for the server                  | Up and Running!                      |
| Install the server without a         | Up and Running!                      |
| response file from a CD-ROM or a     |                                      |
| remote code server                   |                                      |
| Automatically install the server     | Up and Running!                      |
| using a response file                |                                      |
| Install the server using SystemView  | Up and Running!                      |
| Start and stop the server            | the appropriate section              |
| Use built-in HTML forms to configure | the appropriate section              |
| the server                           |                                      |
| Use the configuration file to        | the appropriate section              |
| configure the server                 |                                      |
| Change the directives in the         | the appropriate section              |
| configuration file                   |                                      |
| Use the server commands              | the appropriate section              |
| View online documentation            | Up and Running!                      |
| Print or order copies of the         | Up and Running!                      |
| documentation                        |                                      |
| Protect your server from unwanted    | the appropriate section              |
| access                               |                                      |
| Use security functions to make your  | the appropriate section              |
| communications secure                |                                      |
| Write programs that can interface    | Web Programming Guide                |
| with the server                      |                                      |
| Use server-side includes to imbed    | the appropriate section              |
| information in HTML files            |                                      |
| Use multiple IP addresses to manage  | the appropriate section              |
| your server                          |                                      |
| Customize your error messages        | the appropriate section              |
| Review style guidelines and tips for | http://www.ics.raleigh.ibm.com/      |
| creating Web information             |                                      |
| Create HTML documents                | http://www.ics.raleigh.ibm.com/      |

What's new in Version 4.1

Enhancements for this version include:

Improved logging and reporting
You can control the access requests that your server logs. You can also create and view reports based on the information in your access logs. You can customize your reports or use any of the report templates that are provided.

Support for user-written programs that interface with your server
You can write programs that communicate and interact with your server, via either the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) or the Internet Connection API (ICAPI). For example, you can write a CGI program to generate a dynamic response to user input, or you can write an ICAPI program to customize the way errors are handled.

Support for server-side includes
You can insert dynamic (changing) information into HTML documents and CGI programs that the server sends to clients. For example, you can include the current date, the file size, and the date of the last change to the file.

Customizable error messages
You can tailor the messages that your server returns to clients when errors occur. For example, you can modify a message to explain how to fix a particular problem. For internal networks, you might even include the name and number of the contact person.

Support for multiple IP addresses
If you run your server on a machine with multiple network addresses, you can configure it to serve different files based on the IP address that a request comes in on. For example, an Internet service provider can configure a single server to supply multiple customers with Web sites with differing welcome pages, mapping rules, and access control.

Configuration directives new in Version 4.1: (Ref #1.)

            AccessLogArchive                  DataFilter Error                 
            AccessLogExcludeMethod            ErrorLogArchive ErrorLogExpire   
            AccessLogExcludeMimeType          ErrorLogSizeLimit ErrorPage Log  
            AccessLogExcludeReturnCode        LogToGUI LogToSyslog NameTrans   
            AccessLogExcludeURL               ObjectType PostExit PreExit      
            AccessLogExpire                   ServerInit ServerTerm Service    
            AccessLogSizeLimit                UseACLs UseMetaFiles             
            Authentication Authorization                                       

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