A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

The Abolition 2000 Network is a network of over 300 organisations and
growing on every continent working for the abolition of nuclear weapons.
It grew from many seeds - the World Court Project, the International
Coalition for Non-Proliferation, the Global Alliance against Nuclear Arms=
the Abolition Caucus, etc. All of these movements are like streams that l=
into the river that is the Abolition 2000 network. It is not a membership
body but is open to all organisations endorsing the ABOLITION STATEMENT,
drafted at the NPT Conference in New York in 1995. Its over-arching
premise is the vision of entering the 21st century with a plan in place f=
the elimination of nuclear weapons.

What is the Network?
300 organisations have organised themselves into what was termed a
"tight" (rather than the usual loose) network which aims to provide group=
concerned with nuclear issues a forum for the exchange of information
and the development of joint initiatives. The "tightness" of the network
(like the tautness of a web) is defined by how close the members of the
network work together and how good the lines of communication are.

The Network plans to have an office in California, USA, staffed by a
facilitator. The Global Network Office will be overseen by a Management
Group. The substantive work of the network is done by International
Working Groups on issues relating to the abolition of nuclear weapons.

How did it come about?
In 1995 at the Conference to Review and Extend the Non-Proliferation
Treaty in New York a group of 40 to 50 activists, representing NGOs from
all around the world met each day to coordinate their work and called
themselves "The Abolition Caucus". This group drafted a consensus
document which was known as the "Abolition Statement". In less than two
weeks the first 200 organisations had signed the statement and this
number is still growing. Added to this, the International Coalition for
Non-Proliferation organised a meeting during the NPT Conference on a
Draft Nuclear Weapons Convention, called "Beyond the NPT". The
demand for a Convention became the prime focus of the lobbying work of
the Abolition Caucus and also of the Abolition Statement. They called on
the delegates to

initiate immediately and conclude by the year
2000 negotiations on a nuclear weapons abolition
convention that requires the phased elimination
of all nuclear weapons within a timebound
framework, with provisions for effective
verification and enforcement.

The Abolition Caucus requested the NPT parties to adopt this goal in the
final report of the Conference. The opposition to the indefinite,
unconditional  extension of the NPT was clearly expressed in the original
statement, which has since been updated to remove references to the
Conference and other dates.

Development of the Network
A core group went on to organise a further meeting in The Hague to
coincide with the oral hearings at the International Court of Justice in
November 1995 of the advisory opinion on the use and threat of use of
nuclear weapons (World Court Project). The 60 participants at this
meeting agreed by consensus to found a network and defined its
structure. The title "Abolition 2000 - A Global Network to Eliminate
Nuclear Weapons" was chosen.

The idea of a "tight network", consisting of regions, working groups and =
distribution/communications centre (later titled the "Global Network
Office") was born. Most importantly it was decided that there should be
no central committee to take decisions on behalf of the network, and that
initially no common strategy would be decided, except to take action
under the only agreed common position: the Abolition Statement, which
everybody had signed. The group that had organised the meeting in The
Hague was given the task of setting up the office and finding the funding
for a staff person for it. A second meeting in Edinburgh in March 1996
gave this group the title "Interim Management Group", whose function is
solely to oversee the functioning of the Global Network Office. The
members of the Interim Management Group are:  Lysiane Alizard
(France), Colin Archer (Switzerland), Janet Bloomfield (UK), Reiner Braun
(Germany) Jackie Cabasso (USA), Michael Christ (USA), Xanthe Hall =20
(Germany), Pamela Meidell (USA), Alice Slater (USA), and Alyn Ware, =20
(Aotearoa/NZ).  It was agreed that this group should be more regionally =20
balanced than it presently is, and it is hoped that new members will be =20
found before the next full meeting of the Network in the Pacific Region i=
n =20

The Regions
The Regions are at present North America, Central and South America,
Europe, the Pacific, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The Network has
some organisations in all of these regions, but the strongest are the Pac=
Europe and North America. Asia has much activity, but little participatio=
in the meetings at present. Some regions are establishing regional
networks to look for common strategies. The USA, Canada, Germany and
Norway have formally established abolition networks.
To join these networks contact:
AOTEAROA/NZ - Kate Dewes,  P O Box 8390, Christchurch,
Aotearoa/New Zealand, Tel/Fax: +64-3-348 1353, E-mail:
CANADA - Debbie Grisdale, Physicians for Global Survival, 170a Booth
St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 7W1, Canada, Tel: +1-613-233 1982, Fax: 233
9028, E-Mail: pgs@web.apc.org
GERMANY - Xanthe Hall, IPPNW Germany, Koertestrasse 10, D-10967
Berlin, Germany, Tel: +49-30-693 0244, Fax: 693 8166, E-Mail:
NORWAY - Frederik Heffermehl: Norwegian Peace Alliance,  N Juelsgt
28A, N-0272 Oslo 2, Norway, Tel: +47-2244 8003, Fax: 2244 7616
USA - Karina Wood, Peace Action, 1819 H Street NW, Suite 420,
Washington DC 20006-3603, USA, Tel: +1-202-862 9740, Fax: 862 9762, E-
Mail: panukes@igc.apc.org

The Working Groups
The Working Groups deal with substantive issues arising out of the
Abolition Statement. They concentrate on furthering the 11 points
included in the statement and recommend further strategies to the
Network. The members of each working group are fluid, but the convenor
remains the same. Some groups meet regularly and others communicate
by e-mail, fax, telephone and post. Anyone interested can participate at
any one time by contacting the convenor.

Nuclear Weapons Convention: convened by Juergen Scheffran (INESAP)
Institut fuer Kernphysik, Schlo=DFgartenstra=DFe 9, D-64289 Darmstadt, Ge=
rmany, Tel: +49-
6151-163016, fax: 166039, E-mail: scheffran@hrzpub.th-darmstadt.de
The time is right to demand a Nuclear Weapons Convention (NWC). As in
the Abolition Statement, negotiations should start now because it will be=
long process to complete them, and NGOs should be involved in this.
Working for a NWC is the logical next step of the World Court Project, as
it is for the International Network of Engineers and Scientists and the
Pugwash, who have set up a Study Group on the NWC. At the group's
meeting in New York in March 1996, an outline of the elements of a model
treaty was discussed with various participants taking on the drafting of
specific language. An executive summary of the treaty is now complete
and has been forwarded to the Canberra Commission (a Commission of
experts convened by the Australian Government to discuss concrete
measures to achieve the abolition of nuclear weapons). Plans are being
made to organise a World Conference to Abolish Nuclear Weapons in

Overcoming Nuclear Threats: convened by Rob Green (WCP UK)
2 Chiswick House, High Street, Twyford, Berks RG10 8AG, UK, Tel/Fax: +44-=
734 340 258,
E-mail: robwcpuk@gn.apc.org
The group is assessing and will report on the implications of the
International Court of Justice's advisory opinion(s). It will propose act=
for the nuclear weapons states to comply with the ruling. It aims to
coordinate the work to challenge the doctrine of deterrence. The
deterrence doctrine and the abolition of nuclear weapons are
incompatible. There is a brochure on the implications of possible Court
rulings, which will be updated after the ruling itself. Also there is a
brochure on "Deterring War Responsibly". Both are available from Rob

Nuclear Test Ban and Beyond: convened by Jackie Cabasso (WSLF)
 1440 Broadway, Suite 500, Oakland, CA 94612, Tel: +1-510-839 5877, Fax: =
839 5397, E-
mail: wslf@igc.apc.org
The work of this group refers to the points on testing in the Abolition
Statement: working for a truly comprehensive test ban that prevents
development of nuclear weapons and for the closure of the test sites. The
CTBT negotiations are now underway in Geneva. The Test Ban will most
likely not be comprehensive because the nuclear weapons states have
developed the technical capability to replace testing. Computer simulated
tests are far from messing around on a laptop - the facilities are as big=
bigger than football stadiums. Above Ground Explosions take place that
are not technically termed nuclear explosions although explosions take
place using nuclear material. There are also plans for "laser fusion"
facilities at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in California, USA and in
Bordeaux, France (Megajoule). Technical knowledge and understanding of
what subcritical, hydrodynamic or hydronuclear tests are, or what laser o=
intertial confinement fusion is will be an important task of this group.
These are the methods of the future that will enable the nuclear weapons
states to continue collecting data and experimenting with the
modernisation, miniaturisation and design of nuclear weapons. The group
is campaigning to get language introduced into the preamble of the CTBT
(language available from Jackie Cabasso) that will specifically refer to =
prevention of the development of nuclear weapons as the intention of the
treaty. The concept of "The Test Ban and Beyond" is to favour an early
conclusion of the CTBT, while recognising that this will not fulfil our
objectives and therefore planning for beyond this. Action in 1996 and 199=
following completion of the CTBT, centre around the subcritical tests
planned in the United States.

Fissile Materials (no convenor as yet)
Much work is going on in this area by organisations in the Network
although a working group has not yet formally been convened. The
Conference on Disarmament in Geneva plans to negotiate a fissile material
"Cut-off" after completion of the CTBT. Discussions at present are around
the issues of banning fissile material completely - i.e. destroying stock=
- and the production of fissile materials in the civilian sector. If the
stockpiles remain, the present status quo will be perpetuated, as with th=
NPT and most likely with the CTBT, that the declared nuclear weapons
states retain their capability, while forbidding it for all others. This =
is not
disarmament. Disallowing fissile material production only in the military
and not in the civilian sector repeats the mistake of the NPT by ignoring
that nuclear energy produces bomb material that can be diverted, legally
or illegally, for military purposes. The question of fissile material
production is important because it cuts off the source of material - "pul=
the plug on the bomb".

Chernobyl: convened by "For Mother Earth"
 Lange Steenstraat 16/D, B-9000 Gent, Tel + Fax: +32-9-233 8439, E-mail:
This group was originally set up to coordinate the activities for the 10t=
anniversary of the Catastrophe at Chernobyl. It has developed a petition,
addressed to Boutros Ghali asking for the IAEA to stop promoting nuclear
power and for the UN to set up an International Alternative Energy
Agency, which will be circulated until November 30th 1996. This area is a=
initial breeding ground for cooperative work between disarmament and
environmental groups. The pro-nuclear lobby tried to claim that the
medical consequences of the Chernobyl accident were very low (no more
than 30 deaths). Calculations from German physicians put the figure at
around 25,000 deaths so far, an increase in thyroid cancer 100 times high=
in the worst hit areas, and diabetes figures have doubled. The main point
is not the figures but the suffering, physical and psychological.

A Non-Nuclear Security Model for Europe: convened by Solange Fernex
(WILPF and Greens, France)
 F-68480 Biederthal, France, Tel: +33-89-407183, Fax: 407804
This group is looking at NATO and WEU and the unacceptability of these
alliances in the future for solving security problems. The WEU is accepte=
as the European leg of NATO. An opportunity to open the discussion on
common security policy in Europe is emerging preceding Maastricht II.
NGOs should try to intervene in this discussion. The group proposes that
the OSCE is the correct organ to work on security in Europe through
solving conflicts non-violently and on a political level. The OSCE is muc=
bigger than WEU or NATO, with 54 member states, including states from
Eastern Europe, neutral states and all NATO members. Security is not a
military problem, but often to do with ethnic, religious or economic
problems rather than a threat of outside invasion. The OSCE is currently
under Swiss Presidency. It is launching a discussion on a model for
security in the 21st century and is inviting input. The group suggests
encouraging non-nuclear weapons states to participate in this discussion.
If the WEU is accepted as Europe's security force, then the currently
proposed security arrangement - a European nuclear deterrent shared by
France, UK, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Greece, Turkey and
others - will become a reality.

Lobbying, Dialogue and Campaigning:
convened by Xanthe Hall (IPPNW Germany)
Koertestrasse 10, D-10967 Berlin, Tel: +49-30-693 0244, Fax: 693 8166, E-=
This working group arises out of work that IPPNW has being undertaking
in the last year or more as their main area of work. Physicians and other
professionals have the ability to influence decision-makers in their area=
s of
competence. During lobbying work on the CTBT and NPT it has become
clear that many organisations are involved in lobbying and this work
often crosses over. This working group would focus on methodology; it
would help set up international delegations and avoid duplication of
efforts; it could discuss best approaches to different negotiating forums.
IPPNW has also been working with Oxford Research Group on
Dialoguing with Decision-Makers, such as nuclear scientists, arms traders=
military leaders. IPPNW  has met with NATO to discuss a nuclear weapon
free zone in Eastern Europe. Already had some success in bringing
military leaders from Britain and China together to discuss security and
abolition. The lobbying and dialoguing needs corresponding campaigning
to show the breadth of support behind it and to involve the grassroots
with this work in postcard, letter-writing and fax actions. Working with
political parties, locally and nationally, as well as local authorities i=
s very
important. The idea of nuclear free zones is useful in this context.

Media, Communication and Outreach:
convened by Janet Bloomfield (CND)
 162 Holloway Rd, London N7 8DQ, Tel: +44-171-700 2393, Fax: 7002357, E-m=
This group will focus on outreach - getting other groups and networks
involved, especially with the use of internal media from national and
international groups. It will discuss how best to use the newspapers, TV
and Radio and develop a register of sympathetic journalists around the
world to feed information to. A cinema advertisement for the World Court
Project is available for adaptation, with a changed message at the end to
promote Abolition 2000. Copies are available on video. Another media
tool is "Court TV", which recorded the entire oral proceedings at the ICJ=
November, and made them into a series of programmes for cable TV in the
US. Some of the commentators of these programmes were from the

Newsletter: convened by Tobias Damjanov (German Peace Society/DFG-
VK, Germany) c/o INES, POB 101707, D-44017 Dortmund, Germany, Tel: +49-23=
81987, Fax: 81944, E-Mail: dfg-vk.nrw@anarch.ping.de, Internet WWW page:
The newsletter aims to cover anti-nuclear activities and programmes that
you wouldn't get otherwise. BAN! is available through E-Mail. The group
is currently working on mailing a hard copy.

What you can do
*	Get your organisation to sign the Abolition Statement. New signatories
should send their name, address, telephone and fax number, E-Mail
address, affiliation and number of members to Xanthe Hall, IPPNW
Germany, Koertestrasse 10, D-10967 Berlin, Tel: +49-30-693 0244, Fax: 693=
 8166, E-Mail:
ippnw@oln.comlink.apc.org or Pamela Meidell  1187 Coast Village Rd., Suit=
e 123, Santa
Barbara, CA 93108, Tel: +1-805 965 3443, Fax. 568 0466, E-mail: pmeidell@=
igc.apc.org.  All
signatories are invited to yearly meetings of the Network.

*	Join the E-Mail list server "abolition-caucus" by sending a message to
majordomo@igc.apc.org. The text should be in the body of the message
and not the title and should say "subscribe abolition-caucus". Anyone can
join this and will receive from and can send messages to any of the other
participators on the subject of Campaigning for abolition.

*	Take part in one or more of the substantive working groups. Contact the
convenor of your preferred issue and ask them what the method of
communicating with the group is or to send you information on the issue.

*	Take part in a regional or national network, or in setting one up. The =
developed these networks become, the easier it will be to make consensus
decisions on points of strategy in the future, should we wish to do so.

Networking is a skill which relates to non-violence. Each group or
individual takes on work according to their interest and ability.
Networking looks for common ground in preference to conflict. Its basis i=
cooperation and complementation rather than competition. The challenge
for this network is to abolish nuclear weapons.