Reflexology - A Step in the Right Direction by Yvette Eastman
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Reflexology is an ancient skill that uses a compression technique on the feet that influences the entire body. Our aim as Reflexologists is to understand the language of the feet, and to interpret it so that we can evaluate the body's vitality, improve ill health, and maintain stamina and vigour.

To the Reflexologist, the foot is the map of the body, which he/she learns to read as easily as a book. The key to the "foot reading" is that we carry all of our unfinished business engraved on our body. The body 'remembers' physical imbalance, emotional trauma, spirit experience and everything that created an imbalance yet was never resolved. It stamps it on the foot.

The Reflexologist can identify many of these imbalances and their effect on the body by merely looking at the foot. Its shape will speak of the structure of the spine, of the flexibility of muscles and joints. Lines on the foot will identify congestion, in different organs, lungs, stomach, intestines etc. Even callouses describe structural functions. We can even differentiate between chronic, acute and old injuries to the system.

Once we initiate our compression technique on the feet, we begin to understand the body. We use this information to formulate the session with the individual. You will find that each session is unique. As your body improves, regaining proper circulation, elimination, and a comfortable and energizing sense of relaxation, you will require a different type of session to maintain this exquisite sense of well-being. Even when well, many people continue 'getting their feet done'. It becomes a tune-up, a method of health maintenance, protection against ill health. Prevention of disease costs less than correction.

As more people learn Reflexology and experience its benefits, it is slowly becoming more acceptable, therefore receiving the recognition it deserves.

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