Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe... throughout space there is abundant energy.
Nicola Tesla 1857-1943
Jeane Manning, Canadian author of The Coming Energy Revolutionthe Search for Free Energy, strongly agrees with Nicola Teslas prediction and in fact envisions that production models of free energy devices are just around the corner. On the cover of her new book, Manning states, There is a new and exciting revolution coming. It will dramatically change our landscape, our environment, our economy, and our lives. It will provide each and every one of us with a truly unique sense of independence. It will mark the end of oil-influenced politics, and the beginning of a bright new millenniuma time in which we will all have our own unlimited sources of non-polluting energy which will power our vehicles, heat our homes and light up our lives. However, it will not come without a struggle, as history has already shown.
Jeane Manning is a freelance journalist who, since 1981, has traveled throughout North America and Europe to both study and report on new-energy technologies. Her articles and essays have appeared in numerous energy journals as well as several books. She has worked as a newspaper reporter and editor, raised three children, and now resides in Vancouver, BC. What made her step off a safe career ladder ten years ago and into the uncertainty of researching the non-conventional free energy movement?
I was living in Vernon, BC, and heard about an inventor in Penticton who invented an extraordinary magnetic dynamo. He named his company Pran Tech, because he believed that powerful magnets somehow suck in the pranaa subtle energy recognized by the ancientsfrom the air around us. Using a super-efficient arrangement of permanent magnets and electrical coils, he claimed the machine when fully developed would put out more electricity than it took to run it.
I didnt understand the technical explanations at the time, but I was convinced that he sincerely wanted to help clean up the planet with a pollution-free energy source. I thought, if this is real, we wont need to dam any more wild rivers or poison the air. If it is bona fide, then as a journalist I want to spread the word about it when the time is right. Fifteen years later, the time was right.
The Coming Energy Revolution, published in 1996, covers the history of free energy research, explains the conceptual basis of this new technology and introduces us to some of the inventors, their struggles, failures, and successes. Mannings research has placed her in the middle of an international subculture that isexcuse the punelectric with excitement over recent developments in non-conventional energy alternatives.
The scene is no longer filled with garage inventors and mad scientists; instead, a small but increasing number of serious researchers with PhDs in physics or engineering is convinced that mainstream science texts will have to be rewritten. Some of these people publish articles in respected physics journals, explaining that the zero-point quantum fluctuations of the vacuum of space could be cohered into a usable energy source.
Free energy is a misnomer, Manning points out, because there is a cost associated with building machines to generate electrical energy, even if the non-conventional machines need no fuel to operate. However, the phrase caught the imagination of many people over the years, and is now used in some circles as a slogan with free as a verb Lets free energy!
Todays energy researchers, such as Hal Fox, PhD, of Salt Lake City, prefer terms such as space energy to describe the incredible amounts of power available in the so-called vacuum of space around us. (Respected theorists say there is enough potential energy in the vacuum in a light bulb to boil all the worlds oceans if it could be put to use. New-energy theorists want to use only a trickle of that energy, to give the world a clean source of power.)
As with the personal computer revolution 20 years ago, inventors are making breakthroughs in home workshops and garages as well as private laboratories. Observers of the science underground predict that this revolution will have even more of an impact on society than PCs have had. It could do more than transform our homes, vehicles, and factories; it will also provide a means to clean up rivers as well as the air and soils.
Scrutiny of the emerging energy field reveals a complex picture, with dark areas of greed, corporate lobbying, international energy politics, bureaucratic inertia, academic resistance, secrecy, and inventors paranoia. However, the bright spots of irrepressible new discoveries are growing increasingly faster and are showing up in unexpected places. Co-operative efforts may win out, as leading-edge scientists and many independent innovators from about 30 countries now are working towards the same goal.
Manning has covered recent developments in free energy technology. For instance, cold fusion has been successfully repeated and Japan, for one, is investing millions of dollars into cold fusion research. Other water fuel cell technologies hold promise for cleaning up the atmosphere as they power vehicles. Revolutionary advances towards clean, abundant power also use sunshine and heat in the air or in the ground to make electricity through super-efficient solar photovoltaics or advanced-concept heat pumps. A Canadian company has developed efficient, small-scale generators which revolve in a stream of water or in ocean tides without harming marine life.
A variety of prototype zero-point vacuum energy devices apparently tap the energy in space. They include magnetic, electrostatic, electrodynamic, and solid-state ways to generate electricity. Except for the initial cost of equipment and minimal maintenance, the expected result will be cost-free electricity. Generators that access this energy are now operating, making it likely that within the next decade new energy production methods will take energy out of the air with no negative by-products.
Changes Manning claims we can look forward to in the near future include no longer having to pay a utility bill or buy gasoline, and so being able to lease/purchase the energy converter. After the hardware is paid for, the electrical energy you use is free.
Former astronaut with the Apollo program, Brain OLeary, PhD, gave up lucrative employmentas an Ivy League physics professor, energy consultant to governments, and space scientist on NASA contractsin order to address questions which other academics have ignored up to now. He now lives the challenging life of an author and independent scientist.
He says, Because the free energy that surrounds us is such a vast resource, so potentially clean and decentralized, some of us believe an energy revolution is imminent. Afterward, existing energy sources may be seen as dinosaur nightmares that littered our landscape and polluted our air. This revolution could open a new paradigm of science and technology that would make the Copernican and Industrial Revolutions appear tame. Redirecting $2 trillion per year from obsolete power systems to sustainable and affordable systems is an unprecedented change with vast possibilities.
A switch to clean free energy could almost totally alleviate air pollution, global warming from carbon dioxide emissions, waste heat, incidents such as Saddam Husseins ecocidal fires, black skies, Valdez-like oil spills, acid rain, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbon and ozone emissions, unsightly oil production and refining facilities, dangerous supertankers, gas stations, power stations, transmission lines, etc.
Manning says, The energy revolution could affect peoples livestheir practical everyday choicesprofoundly, because decentralized power means freedom. It means empowerment to clean up our environment instead of feeling helpless. The megaproject-builders will no longer have a leg to stand on when they claim their projects are necessary.
People have to take back their power at the individual and local level. It wont be handed back in an envelope from the government. The tax structure as well as electric utilities will need to be changed, because of all the energy-related tentacles that stretch out from capital cities and from financial centers like Wall Street and reach into citizens wallets.
Manning has researched the new energy scene since 1981 and is in on-going contact with many inventors, theorists and other networkers in about a dozen countries. She has attended more than 20 energy-related conferences, in Switzerland, West Germany, Canada, and the United States. She has co-authored several books about new science, including Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries, co-authored with Christopher Bird, Brian OLeary and Barry Lynes and published in New Zealand by Auckland Institute of Technology Press; The Granite Man and the Butterfly, co-authored with Pierre Sinclaire and published by Project Magnet, Fort Langley; BC; and Angels Dont Play this HAARP, with Dr Nick Begich of Alaska.
Jeane Manning will be giving a public lecture on the free energy revolution at the Vancouver Planetarium at 7:30pm on Friday, November 15. Tickets are available at Banyen Sound. She will present slides and video clips of working free energy devices and will be joined at the podium by some well-known local researchers involved in anti-gravity, magnetic propulsion, and free energy generators. For more information call (604) 731-3042.