
Our blood vessels are not the only ones that clog with age. Buildings suffer a similar fate as well. Buildings fall "sick" when their air-ducts become choked with accumulated dirt and dust.

Sick Buildings

Essentially, "sick buildings" are modern central air-conditioned buildings that were designed and built to save energy and costs but with little consideration for the respiratory well-being of the inhabitants. Buildings become "sick" when the air becomes stale because of excessive dust, bacteria and gases.

The US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) consistently ranks poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) as a major health concern in their studies.

Hidden from our eyes, sealed dusts such as dirty heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems are the major causes of poor indoor air quality. Dirty ventilation systems are also perfect breeding grounds for micro-organisms such as bacteria and fungus.

Sick Building Syndrome

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), a disease not widely known, is a pervasive ailment caused by poor IAQ in air-conditioned environment. SBS has been accorded high priority by the World health Organisation (WHO) in view of the large numbers of people potentially at risk. SBS is characterised by eyes, nose and throat irritation, mental fatique, headaches and body aches.

Surveys have suggested that this syndrome is a major cause of absenteeism and reduced working efficiency among office workers resulting in lost man hours. Similarly, an IAQ survey conducted in six air-conditioned buildings in Singapore between November 1992 and July 1993 revealed higher incidences of mental and physical stress among workers.

A recent study of the air quality of 57 commercial offices, conducted by NUS, found that half the number of offices had unacceptable formaldehyde levels. Formaldehyde is a cancer causing agent found in furniture glue. 60% of the building studied also had unhealthy carbon dioxide levels.

Maintaining air quality in a sealed environment is an important but often overlooked issue. This is compounded by the fact that most air-ducts are difficult and expensive to clean.

But now, the impossible is made easy with advanced technology.

Introducing the all-purpose robotic air-duct cleaner.

With Danduct Duct Cleaning System, cleaning difficult-to-reach air-ducts is a breeze.

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