<title>Boat Builder Statistics

Boat Builder Statistics

This report is from At&T Business Network's web site.


Establishments primarily engaged in building and repairing boats. Rubber and nonrigid plastics boats are classified under rubber and plastic products. marinas which perform incidental boat repair are classified in 4493; membership yacht clubs are classified in 7997; and outboard motor repair is classified in 7699.

Market Size

Estimated number of U.S. establishments: 2,804
Number of people employed in this industry: 54,679
Total annual sales in this industry: $6,630.8 million
Average number of employees per establishment: 19
Average sales per establishment: $2.5 million

Market Share Analysis

Num. of
Num. of
% of
1 442 15.8% 63.3 1.0%
2 to 4 1273 45.4% 570.0 8.6%
5 to 9 430 15.3% 762.8 11.5%
10 to 24 286 10.2% 1393.5 21.0%
25 to 49 135 4.8% 365.7 5.5%
50 to 99 85 3.0% 532.4 8.0%
100 to 249 70 2.5% 1167.5 17.6%
250 to 499 40 1.4% 836.0 12.6%
500 to 999 11 0.4% 696.8 10.5%
1,000 to 9,999 3 0.1% 94.1 1.4%
unknown 29 1.0% 148.7 2.2%
Totals/Averages 2804 100.0% 6630.8 100.0%

Note: Only market segments with a 3% or larger market share are labeled in the chart. Sales figures are in millions.

Market Analysis by Company Size

Num. of
Num. of
1 442 442 63.3 1 0.1
2 to 4 1,273 3,625 570.0 2 0.4
5 to 9 430 2,712 762.8 6 1.8
10 to 24 286 4,166 1,393.5 14 5.2
25 to 49 135 4,429 365.7 32 3.0
50 to 99 85 5,803 532.4 68 7.6
100 to 249 70 9,913 1,167.5 141 24.8
250 to 499 40 13,675 836.0 341 41.8
500 to 999 11 6,664 696.8 605 139.3
1,000 to 9,999 3 3,250 94.1 1,083 94.1
unknown 29 N/A 148.7 N/A 37.1
Totals/Averages 2,804 54,679 6,630.8 19 2.5

Note: Sales figures are in millions.

Market Analysis by Geography

Num. of
Alabama 26 185 6.2 7 0.2
Alaska 36 114 6.3 3 0.1
Arizona 28 338 9.4 12 0.3
Arkansas 43 1,660 162.9 41 4.1
California 326 2,875 328.9 8 1.0
Colorado 8 25 1.5 3 0.2
Connecticut 31 124 13.5 4 0.4
Delaware 4 6 0.4 1 0.1
Washington, D.C. 1 2 0.2 2 0.2
Florida 494 11,046 928.8 22 2.0
Georgia 35 970 75.8 27 2.2
Hawaii 24 73 5.8 3 0.2
Idaho 20 80 9.1 4 0.5
Illinois 35 2,114 100.4 62 3.2
Indiana 40 2,610 207.1 66 6.6
Iowa 10 230 7.6 23 0.8
Kansas 10 301 41.3 30 4.1
Kentucky 22 553 38.7 25 1.7
Louisiana 91 3,761 82.1 41 1.0
Maine 125 1,212 101.4 9 0.8
Maryland 82 703 26.3 8 0.3
Massachusetts 86 531 29.9 6 0.3
Michigan 109 2,104 135.0 19 1.4
Minnesota 54 1,878 1,301.5 34 26.5
Mississippi 17 356 19.4 20 1.3
Missouri 39 2,722 123.3 69 3.6
Montana 7 16 0.9 2 0.1
Nebraska 7 556 396.0 79 66.0
Nevada 8 141 54.7 17 6.8
New Hampshire 10 37 3.5 3 0.3
New Jersey 50 1,304 115.0 26 2.3
New Mexico 2 6 0.2 3 0.1
New York 74 491 319.7 6 4.5
North Carolina 103 2,549 109.8 25 1.1
North Dakota 1 55 3.9 55 3.9
Ohio 29 651 75.7 22 3.0
Oklahoma 26 401 12.4 15 0.5
Oregon 76 746 49.2 9 0.6
Pennsylvania 17 105 4.3 6 0.2
Rhode Island 49 1,210 115.4 24 2.4
South Carolina 32 732 48.9 22 1.6
Tennessee 59 3,193 949.8 55 19.7
Texas 141 1,198 72.8 8 0.5
Utah 14 53 3.0 4 0.2
Vermont 13 92 9.4 7 0.8
Virginia 36 269 16.5 7 0.5
Washington 201 2,014 124.0 10 0.6
West Virginia 1 4 0.2 4 0.2
Wisconsin 52 2,283 382.7 44 8.1
Totals/Averages 2,804 54,679 6,630.8 19 2.5

Note: If multiple branch offices exist, each branch office is considered an independent establishment. Sales figures are in millions.

Market Analysis by Specialty

Num. of
Boatbuilding and repairing 1,571 20,377 1,744.3 13 1.2
Motorized boat, building and repairing 71 799 740.8 12 11.3
Fishing boats: lobster, crab, oyster, etc.: small 109 1,657 180.7 15 1.7
Houseboats, building and repairing 36 788 59.6 21 1.8
Hydrofoil boats 4 579 2.2 144 1.1
Jet skis 15 1,274 483.7 84 34.5
Motorboats, inboard or outboard: building and repairing 161 5,600 894.9 34 5.9
Tenders (small motor craft), building and repairing 4 11 0.8 2 0.2
Non-motorized boat, building and repairing 24 357 22.6 14 1.0
Canoes, building and repairing 53 859 116.0 16 2.2
Dinghies, building and repairing 6 22 0.8 3 0.1
Dories, building and repairing 3 8 0.4 2 0.1
Kayaks, building and repairing 27 335 25.8 12 0.9
Lifeboats, building and repairing 4 70 16.0 17 16.0
Rowboats, building and repairing 12 50 2.9 4 0.2
Sailboats, building and repairing 109 3,865 275.7 35 2.8
Skiffs, building and repairing 3 21 1.1 7 0.3
Boat kits, not models 15 51 3.4 3 0.2
Boats, fiberglass: building and repairing 383 12,923 1,584.1 34 4.4
Boats, rigid: plastics 10 213 11.3 21 1.2
Pontoons, except aircraft and inflatable 33 1,055 96.0 31 3.0
Yachts, building and repairing 151 3,765 367.7 24 2.5
Totals/Averages 2,804 54,679 6,630.8 19 2.5

Note: Not all establishments have a specialty. Sales figures are in millions.

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