Shared Vision On-line August 1996

The Power of Blessing

by Wayne Powell

Long before the rise of Atlantis (the legend goes), a race of men came to our solar system from a group of stars now known as the Pleiades. They called themselves the People of Mu, but were also known as Manahuna or Menehune—the ‘people of secret power’—because of their advanced technology and psychic powers. They were a small, pygmy-like people, with their own unique philosophy for successful living. Once firmly established on Earth, they began to extend their knowledge to mankind so that it would survive throughout time. Their language was Polynesian (traces of which are still found all over the world today) and their knowledge was Huna.

Huna is a philosophy of life that is at the root of all ancient cultures and spiritual paths. Free of dogma, it is simply the ‘secret science behind miracles,’ or the hidden knowledge, deep within our souls, of who we are and how our lives can really work. Within the Huna philosophy, there are seven spiritual principles of life which explain the way the world works. These principles, which are universal and all-encompassing, go beyond our perceptions of reality, with a meaning much deeper than meets the eye. The seven principles of Huna (meaning secret, or hidden knowledge), are refreshingly simple, and can serve as meditations or chants for enhancing everyday life:

  • IKE—the world is what you think it is
  • KALA—there are no limits
  • MAKIA—energy flows where attention goes
  • MANAWA—now is the moment of power
  • ALOHA—to love is to be happy with
  • MANA—all power comes from within
  • PONO—effectiveness is the measure of truth
  • How these principles can be applied to everyday life

  • 1. IKE. The world is what you think it is. When we criticize another, we are implying that he/she is not acting in accordance with our personal framework of reality. However, everyone has their own individual perception of what reality is, according to their own beliefs and assumptions about life. Our personal view is only what’s true for us, yet we tend to invalidate what we do not understand. If we truly love another, then we strive to understand their point of view. It is every bit as valid to them as ours is to us, and provides the balancing polarity to our point of view. According to the principle of IKE, you must bless another’s contrasting viewpoint if you want yours to be accepted or blessed in return.

  • 2. KALA. In a world of no limits, we can have all-encompassing unity of all things and all beings. We are intimately connected to each other and to everything in existence. Every thought produces an effect at some level. Therefore, when we criticize someone, we are asking to be criticized. But when you find yourself hating another for the way they act towards you, you may find—if you look closely at yourself—that you too are guilty of acting the same way.

  • The beauty of this principle is that when you bless another, you are blessing yourself as well, and you will be blessed by others. When you bless anything, you are being blessed! We are truly one being sharing one mind, and growing through all matter and many faces. This concept of oneness explains why telepathy works, and why the collective thought forms of the masses create our reality here on Earth.

  • 3. MAKIA. If energy flows where our attention goes, and we get what we focus on, then it is wise to look closely at the object of our focus. If we pay close attention to what we don’t like about an individual, then it grows in our awareness and experience with them. By focusing on the good in them, we can experience and bless that instead. According to this third principle, you are where your attention is, because you are your attention. A great master from India once said, “If your attention is diffused, then you are diffused. If your attention is in the past, then you are in the past. If your attention is in the present moment, then you are in God and God is in you.”

  • 4. MANAWA. The third principle leads into the fourth, according to which now is the moment of power. How many of us live in the moment and appreciate its beauty and grace? When we can approach each moment without judgement, it reveals itself as a holy instant waiting to be born into our awareness. Every moment is a miracle of life propelled forth by the previous moment. If you trace your thoughts back in time, you will find that your current situations and relationships are truly designed by your thinking. Only decisions that you make right now can have any effect on your future.

  • 5. ALOHA. To love is to be happy with. In Huna, this idea encompasses the power of blessing, and the practice of acceptance. The more you can actualize non-judgement in your life, the more love will flow through your life. By making this a daily practice in your life, and by blessing everyone and everything that symbolizes what you want, you can powerfully fulfill your desires.
  • Love is the greatest power that we know. The more we share this power, the more we become attuned to its divine nature—what the Hawaiians call Aloha. The loving use of this limitless energy is the key to having everything that’s worth having in this world. This simple concept is one of the most valuable things we can learn on Earth. However, it is not necessarily easy to put into practice. Who can claim that they are always accepting and tolerant of others, without judgement?

    We can begin to apply this principle by witnessing the automatic patterns of our KU (the Huna term for subconscious mind), and catching ourselves whenever we are not unconditionally loving. When we can admire, instead of criticizing, affirm instead of doubting, appreciate instead of blaming, and trust instead of worrying, then we can say we have learned something about loving. And only then will we feel the awesome and limitless power of our life’s blessings!

    Bless the beauty in all people and in the nature around you—the mountains, the trees, the sun, the moon, the sea, the smiles, the laughter, the cry of a seagull, the love of a mother, the innocence of a child, the companionship of a friend, and the inspiration of a teacher. Bless the food you eat and the health of yourself and family. Bless constantly and be thankful for everyone and everything in your life, and you will feel more joy and happiness than you could ever have imagined. Everything is alive, aware and responsive, so in blessing everything, you will be blessed by everything.

    The Hawaiian kahunas used Ha, or the breath of life, as a main tool for healing and blessing rituals. This is great way to channel more Spirit energy through your being. Long ago, the term given to the missionaries by the Hawaiians was ha’ole, meaning ‘without breath.’ The Hawaiian kahunas and priests couldn’t understand how anyone could perform sacred rituals without pumping mana with their breathing to boost the life force. This is a form of breathing called pico, pico, which greatly expands the aura, or energy field. It involves focusing your attention on the crown of your head as you breathe in deeply, and on your navel as you exhale fully. In practising this breath, we are reminded of the earlier principles: ‘energy flows where attention goes,’ and ‘there are no limits’ to how connected you can be to everyone and All that Is.

  • 6. MANA. The sixth principle, “All power comes from within,” reminds us that things only have power over us to the degree that we give them power. We sometimes give our power away by letting others make decisions for us, but, in fact, we are in all ways the Source.

    When we focus on something we don’t like, we give it the power to make us unhappy. And the more we think about it, the more power we give it in our reality—since everything is alive, aware and responsive to our attention. Unless we approach life’s challenges with confidence, and see them as a means of refining our skills as a peace-maker and loving human being, we give our power away. If our purpose for living here on Earth is to find out who we are and why we are here, then we need to remember that we are the Source. If we acknowledge this, then everyone you encounter will feel the Source in you, just as you will feel the Source in them. Claim your power, own it, and be the Source.

    The following exercise can help you connect your mana (or life force) with your aumakua (higher self):

    Sit comfortably and close your eyes for at least one full minute as you do some pico pico breathing. While you breathe deeply, think of something really beautiful. See it clearly in your mind’s eye and hold it there. See all the details of its beauty—colour, size, shape, smell, sound, texture, etc. As you hold this image of great beauty in your mind and begin to bless it with your breathing, your energy field will change. When you finish this meditation, you will feel quite peaceful. Bless and be thankful for this connection with your aumakua. It is easy to connect with God, because His light shines in all people and in all things. This energy of alohamana, or loving power, is what binds this whole universe together. We only have to turn our attention inwards to find an unlimited abundance of it hidden in our souls. All power comes from within.

  • 7. PONO The seventh and last principle, Effectiveness is the measure of Truth, begs for a closer look at what is or isn’t working for you in your life. If something is not giving the results you want, then change your approach. The corollary to this idea is that there is always another way to do anything.
  • As human beings, we have great creative abilities to explore different approaches to our problems. However we often become fixated on getting something a certain way, or through a certain person, within a certain time frame. We can be stubborn and try to kill the relationship in order to get our way, or we can take a deep breath and back off. Often when we force something it breaks. Learning to ‘let go and let God’ is a very powerful way to get help from your higher Source. If you truly surrender to that Source within yourself, remembering that all power comes from within, you will find a new idea, person or approach. A synchronicity will take place once the universe has had time to align your prayerful request. In giving up your frustration and allowing the miracle of life to take over, you will experience a release of great pressure knowing that your problem is being processed at a higher level. Now more energy can flow into other areas of your life that need attention.

    Chanting the seven principles in Hawaiian will generate a very powerful frequency that will change any mood or situation, and connect you with your inner Source. The consonants are pronounced as in English, and the vowels as in Spanish (a as in father, e as in prey, i as in pita, o as in mote, and u as in duty): IKE, KALA, MAKIA, MANAWA, ALOHA, MANA, PONO.

    The following is a good blessing chant you can use to empower yourself. Each three-word phrase represents one of the seven principles:

    I am aware, I am free, I am focused, I am here, I am loved, I am strong, I am healed.

    Blessing seems like such a simple thing, but its awesome power should not be underestimated. A kahuna once said, “It’s so easy to overlook the most simple perfection in all things, in search of the complexity of Truth.”

    May you always be blessed!

    Wayne Powell is a Kumu Kupua (teacher of shamanism), and Lomi Lomi practitioner who has studied for over ten years. Founder of Hawaiian Shaman Adventures, and the Urban Shaman Healer Course, he now takes the Advanced Huna Training to the island of Molokai (March 1-9, 1997).The Urban Shaman Healer Course is offered in Vancouver September 13-15. Three trainings on Vancouver Island as well. He is the speaker at Shared Vision Friday morning Aug. 30. See the calendar. For more information, call 538-8337.

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