Shared Vision On-line August 1996
The Power of Blessing
by Wayne Powell
Long before the rise of Atlantis (the legend goes), a race of
men came to our solar system from a group of stars now known as
the Pleiades. They called themselves the People of Mu, but were
also known as Manahuna or Menehunethe people of secret
powerbecause of their advanced technology and psychic
powers. They were a small, pygmy-like people, with their own unique
philosophy for successful living. Once firmly established on Earth,
they began to extend their knowledge to mankind so that it would
survive throughout time. Their language was Polynesian (traces
of which are still found all over the world today) and their knowledge
was Huna.
Huna is a philosophy of life that is at the root of all ancient
cultures and spiritual paths. Free of dogma, it is simply the
secret science behind miracles, or the hidden knowledge,
deep within our souls, of who we are and how our lives can really
work. Within the Huna philosophy, there are seven spiritual principles
of life which explain the way the world works. These principles,
which are universal and all-encompassing, go beyond our perceptions
of reality, with a meaning much deeper than meets the eye. The
seven principles of Huna (meaning secret, or hidden knowledge),
are refreshingly simple, and can serve as meditations or chants
for enhancing everyday life:
How these principles can be applied to everyday life
As human beings, we have great creative abilities to explore
different approaches to our problems. However we often become
fixated on getting something a certain way, or through a certain
person, within a certain time frame. We can be stubborn and try
to kill the relationship in order to get our way, or we can take
a deep breath and back off. Often when we force something it breaks.
Learning to let go and let God is a very powerful
way to get help from your higher Source. If you truly surrender
to that Source within yourself, remembering that all power comes
from within, you will find a new idea, person or approach. A synchronicity
will take place once the universe has had time to align your prayerful
request. In giving up your frustration and allowing the miracle
of life to take over, you will experience a release of great pressure
knowing that your problem is being processed at a higher level.
Now more energy can flow into other areas of your life that need
Chanting the seven principles in Hawaiian will generate a
very powerful frequency that will change any mood or situation,
and connect you with your inner Source. The consonants are pronounced
as in English, and the vowels as in Spanish (a as in father, e
as in prey, i as in pita, o as in mote, and u as in duty): IKE,
The following is a good blessing chant you can use to empower
yourself. Each three-word phrase represents one of the seven principles:
I am aware, I am free, I am focused, I am here, I am loved,
I am strong, I am healed.
Blessing seems like such a simple thing, but its awesome power
should not be underestimated. A kahuna once said, Its
so easy to overlook the most simple perfection in all things,
in search of the complexity of Truth.
May you always be blessed!
Wayne Powell is a Kumu Kupua (teacher of shamanism), and Lomi
Lomi practitioner who has studied for over ten years. Founder
of Hawaiian Shaman Adventures, and the Urban Shaman Healer Course,
he now takes the Advanced Huna Training to the island of Molokai
(March 1-9, 1997).The Urban Shaman Healer Course is offered in
Vancouver September 13-15. Three trainings on Vancouver Island
as well. He is the speaker at Shared Vision Friday morning Aug.
30. See the calendar. For more information, call 538-8337.
August 96 Issue
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