Thanks to John Evans for the banner

What is Cold Numbers?

Cold Numbers is a fan created set of cards for On the Edge. When a number of us learned that the expansion formerly known as Wetworks (TEFKA WW) was put on hold by Atlas Games, we decided to satisfy our need for new cards ourselves. The name was spawned from the subject of a letter from John Nephew explaining why TEFKA WW wasn't possible. (Anyone have a copy of that letter?)

There is a mailing list on which we discuss the set. You can subscribe to it by sending a message to with an empty subject line and 'Subscibe cold_numbers 'Your_Real_Name'' in the first line of the message.
Alternatively, you can deal with a real human being at

The digests of the list are stored at the digest storage depot.

All the cards so far designed can be found at the Cold Numbers Web Page.

Please feel free to help us in this project....artists especially!


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