On The Edge Mugs

A quick message about the OnTE mugs (of which I own the Rain of Walrus). Disclaimer...I am not associated in any way with Mystic Images, I just like the mugs! =)

My name is Larry - owner of Mystic Images - a graphics imprinting company - we have a licensing agreement with Atlas Games to reproduce OnTE cards on mugs (coffee cups). These cups are being produced with a print run of only 1000 each. The whole card is printed on the mug and is left hand facing which means if you hold the mug in your left hand the image faces you.

Right now we have 4 cards available:

The price is $10.00 each.
Shipping is $3.00 for the first and $1.00 for aditional mugs.
Soooo, if you ordered 4 mugs your cost would be $40 for mugs and $6.00 for shipping. Get the idea?

Until my web page is up,all contacts can be made to:


Burger Palace
The cafe of conspiracy
A resource area for On The Edge
A nice place to work
The guy who runs this place
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Please send any comments to March Pumpkin