Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

1997 Rules and Regulations


  1. No Person (excepting a Person transporting Regulated Municipal Waste which was generated in such Person's primary residence) shall collect or transport Regulated Municipal Waste in any vehicle or container that has not been licensed by LCSWMA.

  2. No Person shall collect or transport Waste or Source Separated Recyclable Materials to a LCSWMA Facility in any vehicle or container that has not been licensed by LCSWMA.

  3. No Person shall collect or transport Sludge which was generated in Lancaster County in any vehicle or container that has not been licensed by LCSWMA.

  4. No Person (excepting a Person transporting Source Separated Recyclable Materials which were generated in such Person's primary residence or place of business) shall collect or transport Source Separated Recyclable Materials in any vehicle or container that has not been licensed by LCSWMA.

  5. A license will be issued by LCSWMA for each vehicle and each transportable container to the Person who owns or leases the vehicle upon satisfaction of the following conditions:
    A.Submit completed License Application Form and $25.00 application fee for each license.
    LCSWMA may, in its discretion, waive fees for governmental and charitable entities.
    B.Present the vehicle or container to LCSWMA for inspection.
    C.Submit and maintain current certificates of the following insurances:
    .....i.Vehicle Liability - The minimum insurance required under the Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law.
    .....ii.General Liability - Bodily injury, $100,000 per occurrence, and property damage, $100,000 per occurrence. The requirement for general liability insurance may be waived upon application to LCSWMA with respect to any Person who has since October 18, 1988 continuously held a license issued by LCSWMA.
    .....iii.Worker's Compensation - As required by law.
    D.Pay any overdue charge account balance (including any penalties and finance charges).

  6. Licenses shall be firmly affixed in a prominent location on the left side of each vehicle and container so that the license is readily visible to the scale house operator.
  7. A license is not transferable from the vehicle or container for which the license was issued.

  8. LCSWMA may refuse to issue a license, or may revoke a license, for any vehicle or container which does not comply with DEP regulations; for any vehicle for which insurance coverage is not maintained in accordance with these Rules and Regulations; or for any vehicle or container owned or leased by a Person who violates, or whose employees or agents violate, any provision of these Rules and Regulations.

  9. Each load of Waste or Source Separated Recyclable Materials that is delivered to a LCSWMA Facility shall be accompanied by a LCSWMA Manifest, and the Manifest must be delivered to the LCSWMA scale house operator upon entry onto the LCSWMA Facility.

  10. Each load of Sludge that is generated in Lancaster County and delivered to a facility other than a LCSWMA Facility shall be accompanied by a LCSWMA Manifest. On or before the 15th day of each month, each Person to whom a license has been issued for collection or transportation of Sludge shall submit to LCSWMA a Sludge Hauling Monthly Report and a copy of the Sludge Hauling Manifest for each load of Sludge collected or transported by such Person during the preceding calendar month.

  11. Each load of Source Separated Recyclable Materials that is collected or transported by a LCSWMA licensed vehicle shall be accompanied by a LCSWMA Manifest. No later than the 15th day of each month, each Person to whom a license has been issued for collection or transportation of Source Separated Recyclable Materials shall submit to LCSWMA a Recycling Monthly Report and a copy of the Manifest for each load of Source Separated Recyclable Materials collected or transported by such Person during the preceding calendar month.

  12. Upon the request of LCSWMA, any Generator of Regulated Municipal Waste shall provide LCSWMA with accurate and verifiable documentation of the types, quantities, and disposition of any Source Separated Recyclable Materials that such Generator transported, or had transported, to any location other than a LCSWMA Facility. In the absence of such documentation, all such materials shall be conclusively presumed to be Waste that was collected or delivered in contravention of these Rules and Regulations.

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