Provides details about the child. Contains more than 150 entries and connected contact addresses. Includes option for posting to the list.
Provides information about adoption. Includes legal information, links to other related pages, Canadian resources.
Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, online.
Offers simple online games that teach the alphabet and counting. Plans to add more educational games.
Contains pictures drawn on a computer or typewriter using only typed letters and symbols.
Allows you to make your own Lite-Brite-style pictures on the web and see what other people have made.
Features a new craft project every week. Emphasizes learning, creativity, and problem-solving, while having the fun of doing crafts. Includes links to related sites, and suggested books for further reading, as well as free craft software to download. Craft projects offer a variety of designs, patterns to print, and illustrated instructions, and many of them could serve to integrate hands-on learning with math and/or science lessons.
Categorizes and rates children's Web sites. Offers links to online projects, interactive exhibits, educational information, and fun.
Lists a few hundred "kid-safe" sites, divided into seven sections full of links to kids' sites.
Provides information about the Boy Scouts of America and lists of troops online.
Lists and briefly describes links to educational sites and fun online activities, including icons that reveal whether the link is graphic-heavy, has sounds, originates in Canada, and so on.
Offers several types of pages to color interactively online using the mouse. Requires a Macintosh program, available for download on site.
Contains the text of a brochure prepared by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Lists ways to protect your child from possible harm on the Internet, and also presents a model "child-parent" pledge for Internet usage rules.
Nonprofit children's advocacy group. Provides information related to the education, health, welfare, and safety of American children.
Sports a set of interactive children's books (of which you also can order hard copy versions).
Offers a new word every day.
Provides information about crayons. Also offers a Crayola Trivia game.
Offers site where kids can meet and mail each other, read, shop, and play games.
Online magazine for kids. Includes games, fiction, and non-fiction.
Offers a short animation of Mr. Potato Head being put together.
Lets you ask a question and click on a skull for an answer (remember the magic 8-ball?).
Provides information about frogs.
Lets children show their work to kids (and adults) around the world. Consists of links to children's art work on Web pages or FTP servers.
Provides way for parents and kids to play and learn science together with suggested experiments
Contains categorized links to sites that kids have created and put on the Web themselves. Includes science, language arts, and school newspapers. Searchable.
Enables you to find out the distance of any place in America.
Exhibits dinosaurs created and named by a kindergarten class in Texas. The children drew pictures (or used the computer to create a picture) and described their creations. Also includes poems.
A site laid out like a newspaper (if you have Netscape 1.1), its main purpose being creation of multiauthor documents[md]similar make-your-own-adventure stories. Serves as a discussion forum for children's literature and movies, a place for kids to post their own reviews of kids' books. Another project here is the KidoPedia[md]an international project allowing kids to create an international encyclopedia.
Presents science projects and offers a trivia question for kids to answer.
Provides information about kites and kite-flying.
Presents images and directions for making your own origami. Offers links to more polygonic creations.
Provides information on juggling.
Teaches about kids in Japan.
Offers poems and stories written by children.
Provides kid-related information. Serves as online meeting place for kids.
Links to various kids' sites.
Exhibits art work done by children, in English and Japanese. Accepts submissions of stories and art work by children.
Serves as a network to which kids can register (free) and choose a personal password, and then on which they can play geography or other brain-teaser games or find a keypal (only other KidsCom registered users), among other available activities. Also includes a section in which parents or teachers can discuss kids, the Internet, schools, and so forth.
Presents an online playground just for kids. Includes some resources for parents, too.
Provides information about new LEGO products and ideas for LEGO fun.
Contains more than 30 links to safe sites for children of all ages.
Ask the 8-Ball a question and see what answer you get.
Online version of the game Master-Mind.
Contains Marmaduke's own web page, complete with two-week archive of current strips.
Lists what are locally considered the ten best Web sites for children; updated monthly. References diverse links.
Provides information about parenting. Includes the full text of many articles about parenting, family life, and urban/minority families, as well as other information for parents, teachers, and counselors.
Provides safety information for kids: Internet safety, fire safety, avoiding fights, and more.
Provides information to join the PCC and links to other Peanuts-related online pages.
Offers a psychic chicken who knows all.
Presents humor and hands-on activities. Challenges kids to think and reason out the answer to a question. Also offers a catalog of innovative science education products.
Presents an account from two guys who took playing with food to extremes.
Provides information about teddy bears and for joining a mailing list for collectors.
Offers special software just for kids (for PCs and Macs).
Offers software you can use to help you screen out unwanted material your kids could find on the Internet (PCs only).
Lets you play Yahtzee online.
Provides information about PEZ candies and dispensers.
Presents a long list of strange questions about life.
Houses Bert's Coloring Programs Series, Rachel's Fashion Dolls, and Peter's Warbirds. Provides information about these MS-DOS-based programs. Also offers a link to download shareware versions of all different versions of coloring book software.
Provides lists by birthday.
Teaches Cat's Cradle and other string games.
Offers links to interactive online experiences.
Presents a spirograph that draws according to the numbers you input.
Provides lucky numbers and fortunes.