CMSC 671, Fall 2010
Prof. Marie desJardins
out 9/8, due 9/22
Problem 1 (10 points)
Russell & Norvig, exercise 3.12 (page 115).
Problem 2 (15 points)
Russell & Norvig, exercise 3.15, (a)-(d) (page 116)
Problem 3 (75 points)
Adapted from an assignment prepared by Dr. Tim Finin
This is a simple exercise to help you think about the question of how
one could decide if a machine was "intelligent" or not.
Turing Test
"The Turing test is a behavioral
approach to determining whether or not a system is intelligent. It was originally
proposed by mathematician Alan Turing, one of the founding figures in computing.
Turing argued in a 1950 paper that conversation was the key to judging intelligence.
In the Turing test, a judge has conversations (via teletype) with two systems,
one human, the other a machine. The conversations can be about anything, and proceed
for a set period of time (e.g., an hour). If, at the end of this time, the judge
cannot distinguish the machine from the human on the basis of the conversation,
then Turing argued that we would have to say that the machine was intelligent.
There are a number of different views about the utility of the Turing test
in cognitive science. Some researchers argue that it is the benchmark test of
what Searle calls strong AI, and as a result is crucial to defining intelligence.
Other researchers take the position that the Turing test is too weak to be useful
in this way, because many different systems can generate correct behaviors for
incorrect (i.e., unintelligent) reasons. Famous examples of this are Weizenbaum's
ELIZA program and Colby's PARRY
program. Indeed, the general acceptance of ELIZA as being "intelligent" so appalled
Weizenbaum that he withdrew from mainstream AI research, which he attacked in
his landmark 1976 book." (From The University of Alberta's
Cognitive Science Dictionary)
Try it Out
Experiment with one or two programs that offer an interface that
appears to understand unrestricted natural language input. Here are
a couple of programs that you can try:
- Jaberwacky is a web-based version
of the 2005 Loebner prize winner.
- Emacs Doctor -- in Emacs , enter $x doctor (escape-X doctor).
Terminate all input with two carriage returns. You can find the source code
- MegaHal -- take a look at the open source megahal system.
- Experiment with an online version of Verbot (you must register first) or download a PC demo version by VirtualPersonalities, Inc.
- Search for other chatbots on the web. (Warning: some of them are pretty rude, obnoxious, and offensive... type at your own risk!)
- Start by reading Turing's original paper (Turing, A.M. (1950).
machinery and intelligence. Mind, 59, 433-560 (pdf) and
John McCarthy's essay, What is Artificial Intelligence. Then explore the Loebner
Prize web site. (Note -- Hugh Loebner was director of UMBC's
academic computing services department in the 80's).
- The
Turing Test allows an unlimited range of questioning and is thus a
very difficult proposition. The Loebner prize version of the Turing
test is much more limited -- in topic and in duration and offers
computer programs a much better chance of passing. Speculate on
whether such a "partial" Turing Test makes sense. Explain your ideas
in an essay of 400-600 words. Would it be a worthwhile effort? What
does it tell us about the nature of understanding natural language
conversations? What possible problems could arise?
- Choose one of the papers from the following list:
- Pat Hayes and Ken Ford, Turing test considered harmful, Proceedings of IJCAI-95, pages 972-977, 1995.
- Hutchens, Jason L. 1996. How to pass the Turing
test by cheating, University of Western Australia Technical Report TR97-05, 1997.
- Stuart Shieber. Lessons from a restricted
Turing test. Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery,
volume 37, number 6, pages 70-78, 1994.
- Saygin, A.P., Cicekli, I. and Akman, V. (2000), Turing
test: 50 years later, Minds and Machines 10(4): 463-518.
- John R. Searle, Is the brain a digital computer?, Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association volume 64, pages 21-37, November 1990.
Write a 200-400 word summary of the main points in your chosen paper.
Additional Background Reading
- The Alan Turing Home Page
and the sub page on the Turing test
- J. Weizenbaum, ELIZA - A Computer Program For the Study of Natural Language Communication Between Man And Machine, Communications of the ACM, Vol 9, No 1, January 1966
- Colby, K.M. et al. (1971) Artificial paranoia. Artificial Intelligence,
2, 1-26.
- Weizenbaum, J. (1976). Computer power and human reason. San Francisco,
CA: W.H. Freeman.
- The Loebner
Prize web site.
- Chatterbots, Tinymuds,
And The Turing Test: Entering The Loebner Prize Competition, Michael L.
Mauldin, AAAI-94.
- Introducing
Megahal by Jason L. Hutchens and Michael D. Alder of the University of
Western Australia.