Class Schedule

CMSC 611 (Fall 1998)

This schedule is tentative and may change as we go along. Note that you are responsible for reading the listed material before it's discussed in class.

  1. Measuring Performance & Cost (1 week)
    Readings: H&P, Chapter 1
  2. Instruction Sets (1 week)
    Readings: H&P, Chapter 2
  3. Improving CPU Performance: Pipelining (2 weeks)
    Readings: H&P, Chapter 3
  4. Improving CPU Performance: Advanced Techniques (3 weeks)
    Readings: H&P, Chapter 4 (except 4.8)
  5. Vector Processors (1.5 weeks)
    Readings: H&P, Appendix B
  6. Memory Hierarchies (2 weeks)
    Readings: H&P, Chapter 5
  7. Storage Systems (2 weeks)
    Readings: H&P, Chapter 6
  8. Multiprocessors (1 week)
    Readings: H&P, Chapter 8
  9. Class Project Presentations (1 week)