Homework #3

CMSC 611, Fall 1998

Assigned: Thursday, October 8, 1998

Due Thursday, October 15, 1998 (in class)

  1. Do problem 3.1 in the text for the following code sequence, assuming that R4 = R3 - 396 at the start of the loop.
    LW   R1, 0(R4)
    LW   R2, 4(R4)
    ADD  R1, R2, R1
    SW   R1, 0(R4)
    ADDI R4, R4, #4
    SUB  R5, R3, R4
    BNZ  R5, loop
  2. Problem 3.3 in the text.
  3. Problem 3.9 in the text.
  4. Problem 3.10 in the text.