SAMPLE EXAM ANSWERS: COMS30106 "Artificial Intelligence" 1997 C. Giraud-Carrier Question 1 ---------- a) h1 is more informed than h2 means for all N, h1(N) >= h2(N). h1 is admissible means for all N, h1(N) <= h*(N). Graceful decay of admissibility means if h rarely overestimates h* by more than d, then the A* algorithm will rarely find a solution whose cost is d larger than the cost of the optimal solution. Practical use: no need to find a perfectly admissible heuristic; only one that rarely overshoots => easier to find such heuristics, easier to check. b) Production system: data/working memory = states of knowledge, global, search space production rules = condition-action pairs, problem-solving knowledge, marked => enabled, enabled => may fire control strategy = search techniques to find solution in state space, way to resolve conflicts start state(s) termination condition of goal state(s) Illustration with 8-puzzle: working memory = all possible configurations of tiles production rules = legal moves of tiles control strategy = user-driven technique start state = some board configuration termination condition = some board configuration c) g = cost of going from start to current state h = ESTIMATED cost of going from current to goal state g guarantees shortest path to solution h prunes the search space, ie reduces the number of states visited (more informed) straightforward from tree (each node in tree stores values for g and h) (i) expands depth first (ii) expands using h only (queue ordered in increasing values of h) (iii) expands using f = g + h d) straightforward from tree (leaf nodes labelled with evaluation function's value) Question 2 ---------- a) User interface = human/machine interaction Knowledge base = theory, facts, rules (case-specific and general) Explanation subsystem = inspectability, why/how queries KB editor = modifiability, locate bugs, check consistency, add/remove/update rules Inference engine = heart of system, perform reasoning Shell components = all except knowledge base b) Knowledge engineer: elicit knowledge from experts and translate into computer-readable form Novice => makes no assumptions, requires detail, pushes expert's explanation to the limit, increases chances of getting understandable rules, etc Expertise = any three of: changes is one person's view point is knowing how rather than knowing what is practise-based c) (i) No; this problem is easily solved with traditional techniques (ii) Yes; large body of knowledge, symbolic approach is suitable, experts exist, traditional techniques do not work, etc (proper size & scope) (iii) No; no knowledge is available about that domain (iv) No; requires common sense, too large a problem, scope undefined d) The necessary and sufficient conditions for a physical system to exhibit general intelligence is that it be a physical symbol system Answer includes human intelligence is symbolic focus of AI should be on representation and search argument against AI must attack the PSSH etc Question 3 ---------- a) Given: a language of instances a language of generalisations a matching predicate set of positive and negative examples Find: generalisations that 1) are consistent with the examples 2) extend beyond observed examples Any 2 of: replace constant with variable, eg, colour(ball,red) -> colour(x,red) drop conditions, eg, colour(x,red) ^ size(x,small) -> size(x,small) add disjunct, eg, colour(x,red) ^ size(x,small) -> (colour(x,red) v colour(x,blue)) ^ size(x,small) replace prop. with parent, eg, colour(x,red) -> colour(x,primary-colour) b) straightforward application of the ID3 algorithm c) 1) Generate N individuals randomly 2) Compute fitness of all individuals 3) Select some individuals for reproduction based on fitness 4) For each pair of parents perform genetic operations (cross-over & mutation) 5) Replace least fit individuals by new offspring 6) If convergence or termination condition, then stop, else goto 2) fitness = measure of goodness of a solution cross-over = exploitation, pass on the good genes of the parents mutation = exploration, search space for new candidate solutions Question 4 ---------- a) Turing test = imitation game with 1 human, 1 machine and 1 interrogator. All communication with typewritten medium; interrogator must distinguish machine from human Open discussion including: humanity versus intelligence, birds analogy, does TT place a limit on intelligence, easy to set up and test, etc b) supervised = output provided, classification tasks, arbitrary mappings unsupervised = no output provided, categorisation tasks, similar things map to points supervised: credit assessment using customer's features etc unsupervised: clustering data points, learning an animal taxonomy, etc Competitive learning: Let n = number of active line Let xi = value of input line i After each new training instance, update weights as: Delta wij = 0 if unit j loses = g (xi/n - wij) otherwise where g is the learning rate c) graceful degradation = (grandmother cell) the loss of units in the network does not result in the complete loss of any particular concept (ie no mapping between concept and node) any two of: biological plausibility massive parallelism distributed knowledge representation noise handling inductive learning Back-propagation: repeat present new training instance compute error of output units update weights to output units for each hidden layer compute error using error from next layer update weights until (error < critical value) d) straightforward