This course examines the semantics of programming languages. Topics include formal specifications of syntax, declarations, binding, allocation, data structures, data types, control structures, control and data flow, and the implementation and execution of programs and functional programming versus imperative programming. Other possible topics include non-procedural and logic programming, object-oriented programming and program verification. Programming projects will provide experience in several languages. Prerequisite: CMSC 202.

Time and place

Tue-Thu 5:30-6:45pm
Sondheim 206 (Note change!)


Concepts of Programming Languages
9th Edition, Robert W. Sebesta, 2009, 696 pages.
(the 10th Ed. has just been published, but we are staying with the 9th)
Companion web site



John Park
ITE 201A
Office Hours: TTh 4:00-5:00 and by arrangement

Teaching Assistant

Petr Babkin
ITE 349
Office Hours: TTh 1:00-2:00